Ali's Page

Hi everyone, Caitiy said we should put a little page on all about us, so here goes. I'm Ali and I'm 20 years old and I live in Massachusetts. I still live at home cause sponging off the 'rents is a good thing when your a college student. I go to school at a crappy lil community college in the next town from me. My major is liberal arts because they don't have what I want there which is Athletic Training. I always wanted to be a doctor, but don't wanna deal with life or death on an everyday basis I also love sports (watching not necessarily playing them) so as a trainer I'd get paid to watch games, perfect right? I also am an amateur screenwriter. I finished one screenplay and I'm currently working on 3! Maybe I'll be a famous Indy writer or something, who knows. JC is my fav nsyncer and I've been a fan of his for about 8 years.

Aw...Ain't he cute?

I will admit he wasn't my 1st fav MMCer, Marc was, JC was 2nd. I can't wait till they re-air MMc on the fox family channel in april! Some how I converted 3 of my friends into big nsync fans so now they don't make fun of me anymore(hehehe) That's kinda hard to do w/ people that are college age, but I did it.I don't know what else to say besides as sad as it is, nsync is my hobby, we all have to have one and nsync just happens to be mine. It could be worse, it keeps me outta trouble, instead of staying out late and being up to no good, I stay at home on the computer and talk about nsync and stuff. I don't care if you think it's pathetic cause it doesn't bother me how lame I can be.

i'm a jc girl?

Here is my best bud in the whole world Charissa, Brian from the Verve Pipe and me,,, man is he hot or what!!!!!

Ok I guess I'm done,
now read Caitiy's!
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