We're Together Again!!!

Can you believe it, we've turned a year old and on the day No Strings Attached came out. It's fate man. There isn't as much new stuff as I anticipated cause Im lazy and my computer keeps booting me off. There is a new fanfic, a new stalker story and some new pics.
As always we want feed back from all who visit. Please sign the guestbook and email us. If there is something our site is lacking, please let us know. direct all email to me, Ali at Slinkie79@aol.com cause Caitiy is much too busy with school so until school's out, bring it all to me.

*NSYNC at their finest...

In case you're wondering about the title of this page, it's really simple. Before Ali and I(Caitiy) met, we both toyed with the idea of making a webpage, but we thought that we didn't have enough "stuff" to support an entire webpage ...Until...One day this college student met another college student...{Key Brady Music here}...An they knew it was much more than a hunch...That they must collaborate and somehow form a webpage...Any ways that's still not really explaining the title of the webpage...One glorious afternoon we both stumbled upon a few wonderful attributes to our "Together Again" Single...Yes we both have imported a few of their, well most....Okay...Okay...Geesh all of their European singles and CDs (We are *not*, I repeat *not* obsessed)...Our discoveries prompted us to go through with it and actually start our own webpage...

Oh yeah, before we forget...We may occasionally um ... poke fun of *NSYNC...Well...Okay more often than not we will probably poke fun of them at every chance we get, this is not because we don't like them, it is just because we love them so much we can't help but make a little fun of them here and there.How could we not?

One last thing...We are highly aware that there are dozens and dozens of pages out there with which we share a common theme. I'd like to take a moment to thank them for the inspiration of this page...Read we are not rippin' anyone off, this is an original page. Yes, we did see a bunch of other pages out there, and yes ours may seem similar in some aspects, but that by no way means that we have copied their stuff. Everything here is original, and if it isn't we give credit where credit is due.

This site was started March 21, 1999
And we started our counter at 0!!!
Mail Us!


Hey check out the awards that we've won!!!
Or win our award!


Please Sign our Guest Book, or we'll have to get physical!
...Physical, Physical, Have to get physical, physical...Okay We're a little stuck in the 80's...So? Wanna make something of it?

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All About Ali

All about Caitiy

Okay guys here is where Ali and I get to plug other bands that we like on the side...Heehee Don't worry we're not cheatin' on the boys we still like their music too
Plug Page

I've been wanting to get a trading Post up so here it is, if you have *NSYNC stuff you wanna buy, sell or trade, here's the place.
*NSYNC stuffs trading post

check out our audio page, we haven't updated it so there isn't much of a selection but oh well.

Audio Page

Fun With Pictures!

Okay I get creative sometimes...Well usually when I have something that I should be doing like writing a paper, lab or computer program...But that is beside the point. Here are the results of such procrastinations.

Caitiy's Creations

If she can do it so can I, take a look at the fun I had with some pictures!
Ali's creations

Okay I just put this page together really quicky, I decided that we needed a page of all the pix that I wouldn't touch...You know the ones where all you can think is what the heck were they thinking?!?!? Ali also opened her archive and pulled out some really good ones...Heehee

Funny Pix

Oh boy! Here are some pictures, I just don't even know, check em out.

Ugly outfits

Here are the pictures from my concert in March of 99, take a look.

I wanna see!

You've seen them here 1st. We have some never before seen photos of the guys, click here to see them yourself for the first time

Exclusive photos

Um...I really don't have a clue as how to introduce these pix...Ali and I both find them kinda disturbing...But you should see for yourself and make your own decision...


Here are the pix that you all want to see, the ones that we shall call the Hot Pix...

All pages that are any kind of a page has to have a page devoted to those wonderful tight white shirts that justin can't live without...Yeah you know what I'm talkin' 'bout...
Justin, The Wife Beater Collection

Here are some pics I scanned of the guys from way back when, check it out.

Oldies but goodies

Here's a Hair timeline of the guys, check it out
Hair History

Are you sick of seeing the same hairdo's in every pic, well here are a few ideas for the guys

Hair raising ideas

Man these pics are cute, scope it out yall

Tongue Anyone?

Okay here you guys get to be creative...Heehee it's an interactive thing, so we expect participation!!!

The 6th member...

Take a look at some of the 6th members that have been submitted already.
6-25 The *N Sync wanna be's


*NSYNC Dis List, aww yeah...You should recall that we did mention that we would be poking fun of the guys...Right? Well we're starting now...Heehee

Dis List

Here is another of Ali's creations

*N Saine For *NSYNC

Here are some commercials I(Ali) made up for products each of the guys could endorce

*N Sync Endorcements

Here are some merchandise ideas for the guys to consider

*N Sync Merchandise

Ali's got some strange friends...Psycho stalkers or just fun loving fans?

You decide...

The stalking continues, this time I was a part of it
stalker too

Ever wonder what might be lurking in *NSYNC's backpacks? Well Ali did

It's In The Bag

This is stuff that is getting old and we are tired of seeing on the web...Now at some point in time it may have held some sort of meaning...But no longer so...I'm also adding some of the stranger stuff that I'm finding in my internet travels...

Stuff That Was Once Nice, Cute, Sweet, Or Meaningfull...

Okay here are some of my theories...As I have stated before when I get bored I get creative...So enjoy

Caitiy's Theories

Is anyone else sick of hearing Bsb cry over Nsync, I settle the score once and for all right here, please send your input as well
Nsync vs Bsb

Ever wonder what the guys talk about in the dressing room? We did...

Dressing Room Chat

While we were at it we got to thinking what a typical conversation on the bus would be like too...

Bus Chat

Hmmm...Ever wonder where the guys will be in the year 2010? Yup we did...

Where Are They Now?

Here's what the guys asked for Christmas this year
X-mas list

Behind the curtain with *NSYNC, the shower curtain that is...

Behind the Curtain

Ever wonder about all the tons and tons of fan mail that the guys get? Heehee...We did...

Fan Mail

'K Here's one of Ali's new major concerns...

NKOTB Syndrome




Here are some puzzles for you to do, Ali and I got bored...Yet again...

Guessing Game

MMC days

I have some pictures of JC and Justin from MMC and seeing how that's where I 1st feel in love with JC, I posted a little something something.

MMC pics

Fan Fic

Hey we are having our 1st contest, It involves you guys writting your own Fanfics, click here for details

Write your own fanfic contest

The Wizard of What?...A very funny story...A must read!!! It's a great take off of the classic story...*NSYNC Style told as only Ali can....
The Wizard of What?

Yes...Yes, we know every *NSYNC site out there has their own Armageddon story...But you know what? This is our site, and if Ali feels like writing a story about *NSYNC and BSB in Armageddon, then she is more than welcome to do so. So here it is, yet another, Armageddon story, and this one is different too...
Part One of Armageddon, Ali Style
Part Two of Armageddon, Ali Style

Ali's been very busy lately...Here's another...Are you ready for it? She has put her own spin to Jurassic Park...(It's so funny!!!)
Ali's Jurassic Park, Part One

Ali's Jurassic Park, Part Two

Look at this! Our first interactive story! You get to pick the ending! Have fun!

You Choose the Ending!

Hey look a new fanfic, this one stars Chris again. It's an original story, I didn't plug the guys into another movie so enjoy!

Knocked Up And Out

I did it again, I wrote another one, This one is kinda a spin off of Lord of the flies,I like to call it, Lord of the fly guys, that took a lot of thought I know, but just read it!

Lord of the fly guys

Heehee here's a new twist. We've made another interactive story...It's interesting...heehee I highly reccomend it...(the crapy endings I wrote are getting redone joey and jc's are redone, the rest to come soon)
Time Machine Story

Yippy I wrote a new one, This one is original, it's a lil love story for Lance, how cute. It's called, 'Dude Ranch' hope ya like it

Dude Ranch

The creative juices were flowing so I wrote yet another one, this one I got the idea from the Blair Witch Project cause i wrote it the day it came out on vid, be afraid, be very afraid

The Boy Band project

here is what happens when Joey can't sleep at night
TV Times

These fanfics are mine(Ali)and I wrote them specifically for this website, and for anyone who reads them. They are not to be taken seriously, I get bored I write them. I'm not original or very clever but people seem to like em. You can take em and use em, but I would like credit were it's due. If you would like to use them on your website or in your newsletters please ask and give me credit. Thanks and I hope to keep writting
Ali :D

Here are some cool links...Or if you wanna link us...We'd be more than happy to return the favor!

I'm An 'N Sync Angel
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The 'N Sync Cafe

Official *N Sync Nut!!

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this was sooo much fun, check it out
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Be Kewl and buy another copy of No strings attahced through us. You know you're gonna wear your's out in 2 weeks. why not get all the imports and singles as well?

hey look, click here to venture over to fumanskeeto. Scope out the clothes or listen to Ron fumanskeetos 1st artist

You're listening to "Together Again" by N*SYNC