Caitiy's Creations

Okay, by now you mush have figured out that I have a fair amount of free time on my hands...Well I really don't I just would rather be messin' with my computer instead of writing that paper, or writing that lab, or the program that's due at the end of the week...I guess these are the result of my procrastination...

Oh by the way...The quality of these pix may not be that great...They started out as huge files and I had to make them smaller to fit on the page...And the pix that I have been able to shrink down to managalbe size aren't my best work...I'm still trying to figure out how to get my better ones up here...But until then you can see my earlier work...

Sometimes I just can't resist...

This one was just a little too easy...

This is one of my favorites...

I really couldn't help myself...


My first thought upon seeing this pic...


Heehee...Why do they do stupid stuff like this?


Another Lights pic...Oh the Possibilities...


A Typical Meet *N Greet...Right...



Look!!! I'm getting the hang of sizing these pix...I'm still working on the quality though...I don't want this page to take forever to load...But I'd like the pix on it to be of better quality...Oh well I'll keep working on it!

These are purely my own interpertation of what may or may not be running through their minds...If you have a problem please E-Mail me.
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Take Me Home!

You're listening to "Good Riddence" By Green Day