
It's sad, but necessary so I'm
going to post this here. This is the
disclaimer for our site. Unlike
some Webmasters, I do not look forward
to or welcome recieving hate mail...
I really don't think that anything
we post on this site will warrent hate
mail, but you never know.So here goes...

By the way...We are in no way shape or form affiliated with the group *NSYNC. As much as we may wish we were, we're not. We do not know them and never will. We're just two college girls who have a little too much free time on our hands. This is our creative outlet. Yes, we do make fun of them, but we really are fans. We wouldn't waste as much time making this page if we weren't. The things posted on this page are purely ment to amuse those who should decide to view our page...At least we find it funny...If something here really offends someone, or if someone thinks that we were just a little too harsh, E-mail us!!! We'll take your concerns into consideration and if we find that you have a point we will post an apology and take the offensive material(s) down. We have no problem admitting that we are wrong. Keep in mind this page is solely ment for amusement, no real harm is ment. It's all in good fun people!!! We like to think of ourselves as two nice college students, we're not two mean spirited, nasty, b****s...(See I refuse to swear...I see no point in the practice of swearing and therefore don't do it myself.) I feel that I have rambled on long enough... I think I've covered all the basics...If I have left anything out please do not hesitate in pointing it out to us.

Thanks for your time!

Mail Me!

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You're listening to "Everything To Everyone" By Everclear