Let's Take A Look At Why They Are So Easy To Make Fun Of...

Here's a collection of pix, that even I won't poke fun of...Well at least not as badly as I could...Some of them I won't even touch with a drawing program...

Okay these first ones aren't too bad...But I guarantee it'll get worse...

Please like us.....Please?

Whose idea was it to do this again?

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After this why don't we all do our nails?

Justin's dream?

How cute, but what is Chris, Pinocicco?

He he, cute guys

JC is so hot in this pic

Let the nice man put on our eyeshadow Justin

They look like they feel so cool right now

Hold me back man I see that hottie Ali over there

I think this is illegal, I don't think any of them have thier seat belts on. Your roll models guys come on!

Did you ask the man nicely before you ate his carrot, JC where are your maners?

I know Joey misses that job!

That is me, and that's JC checking me out. Naughty, naughty Joshua!

Don't do it guys!

Mommy, Chris splashed me in the eye!

Auuuuuuuugh to you to Chris

Hold on tight Joey!

Justin is that how you described the smell of Lance's socks?

Ummm ok, you go or something Justin

Auuuugh, don't creep up on me like that man!

Um, I'm speachless

Lynn, how could you let your son go to school w/ that hair? at least he grew into those teeth!

Your a hottie Jc, not a raging bull!

Lance's socks again Justin?

Lovely pose justin, is that your good side?



Ummm...Is anyone else frightened by this???

Auuuuuugh, Chris took my cloths, I'm naked! :D

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