*N Saine for *Nsync

Ok, I get really bored at work (I'm a receptionist at a car dealership if you wanted to know) so to keep> myself occupied this week, I decided to make this little list
You know it's time to check into the psycho ward when:
*You have dreams about them
*You'd rather stay at home on the computer talking about nsync than go out with your friends.
*You have the most wavs and movies that you have seen online so far.
*You're 20 years old and your walls are covered with pics from teenybopper magazines.
*You get multiple credit cards so you can buy all of their CD's online.(I have 14, if there are more, e-mail me please!)
*You buy a $20 model of a Mercedes M, paint it the right color, then make lil paper dolls of the guys to stick in it, Justin's at the wheel of coarse.(sick I know)
* You stay at home on New Years Eve cause they will be re-airing the Disney x-mas special, even though you have it on tape.
*You wear your new nsync fisherman hat you got at the concert everywhere. When you go to a restaurant w/friends, it's still on, so they decide to act like they don't know you and call you little girl!(real nice guys!)
*You some how brain wash your anti-nsync friends into fanatics so they won't make fun of you anymore.
*You listen to your CD's so much, your mom now sings GMHS. Your male friend gave up on making fun of you and nsync, knows the words to GMHS, and even learned the choreography. (yeah Tim! The ladies will be impressed.)
*You hang out with your friends, it gets quiet so you bust out w/ tearin' up my heart to break the silence.
*You won't let anyone outside your nsync cult to go into your room cause the amount of stuff you have is sick to the rest of the world.
*You decide to follow their tour bus after a concert(you think they are only going 2-4 hours north) but end up following them for 9 hours to Canada!
*You don't make it pass the boarder cause your reason is shady, so you wait to continue the stalking when they go to Boston the next day.
*When you see the bus in Boston, you end up talking to the bus driver for a ½ hour, and he remembers you from the other night!
*When you meet up with your new pal the bus driver, he says he is too busy so he asks you to change the sheets in the bunks and he'll give you an autographed pic in exchange.(Heather!the last 4 were not me, but they are true)
*You drive to the supermarket that is out of the way cause they have self checkout lanes, so no one will know you just spent $20 on teenybopper mags!
*You have sub-divisions on your buddy list for the people you talk to about nsync, then one for the people you trade nsync stuff with.
*Your online nsync buddies out number your regular ones.
*You get sooo bored at work, you write all their names, then plug their last name to your name.( hey Ali Chasez sounds mint to me!)
*After you did the above, you decide to make floor plans to houses for each guy.
*You buy tickets to three shows that are in the same week(you can never see enough nsync ok)
*You hope they totally sell out and come out with Barbie dolls so you can put them with your New Kids and Spice Girl ones.
*You can't trade wavs or pics anymore cause you have em all!
*Your secret Santa at work get you a poster cause everyone at work knows about your obsession.
*People tell you nsync was on tv and you say, taped it, before they finish.
*You watch the stuff you have on tape so much, you notice new things every time.
*You watch videos and what not, and rewind five times at a dance move to watch how each one does it, then make fun of the ones who need to just stop.(hehe sorry JLB)
*You can recognize who sings what in any song cause you know how each one sounds when they take a breath in between singing.
*Looking at them and listening to their beautiful voices isn't enough, you need to critique each one.
*You don't listen to alternative music anymore cause they mad you a dance/pop freak.
*You wake up at 4am cause some one on the radio said Nsync, or a song came on.
*You play nsync tag online and win most of the time.
*You are always channel surfing on the radio cause they have to be playing a song somewhere.
*You get all excited when ever you see a Mercedes M cause it reminds you of Justin.
*TRL is your favorite show cause it's the only time you get to see nsync videos(or any videos for that matter)
*You wish you were Carson cause he's always hugging or touching the boys when they're around. (what's up with that Carson?)
*You hate Danielle Fishel, Britney Spears, and Nikki(the roach) cause of their history w/ the boys.
*At work, they show music videos in the junior dept. you pull up a chair and watch the three video mini nsync athon(who cares about your job right Karen?)
*You stand in line to get tickets at 3am, they go on sale at 10, and you just get lawn seats!
*Your always saying, 'that's something Joey would say, or JC has something like that," like you know them personally.
*You and JC are soulmates cause you both like, navy blue, Chinese food, and are considered the parent figure in your group.
*You're more excited at the concert than the 12 year olds in your section.
*You called the girls who got to go onstage during, For the girl, bitches.
*You are the only one at the concert to be belting out all the lyrics to 'U drive me crazy' cause no one else knows it(ok few others knew it to, but not many)
*You actually get on TRL and get to introduce, Pretty Fly for a White Guy and mess up by saying, Nsy- Offspring(haha, I have it on tape Karen!)
*You feel special cause your friend wrote Ali+JC on the back of their tour bus.(hey, it's like a part of me is on tour w/ them)
*You keep saying, 'Crunk baby Crunk'outta now where and don't know why.
*You laminate a pic of JC, put it over your stank pic on your license, put Joey's mug over your college id pic, and put a little group pic on one of your charge cards for haha's(the nsync charge, never leave home w/ out it.)
*You get sick of crappy fanfics you see online and write your own.(don't forget to check them out!)
*You decide you need to put dialogue on your pics you have of them on your computer(Caitiy's pastime)
*You get so bored in psych class, you work on your next fanfic.
*You are so obsessed, you some how write characters into your screenplay that closely resemble the 5 guys.
*You wanna cry cause you almost used up 3 rolls of film ,they've only sung 4 songs so far and that's all the film you have!
*You throw a party cause you've found people online who are your age and love nsync almost as much as you do.
*You know, or think you know the guys so well, it's like they're close personal buddies or something.
*You wanna move to Orlando, maybe you'll rub elbows at a club or something.
*You want to get into Jazz music to impress JC if you ever run into him.
*You practice your 3 pointer in case you have the opportunity to challenge Justin.
*Everyone in the nsync chatroom knows you, you know them.
*You send people in other states copies of your stuff that they don't have.
*You go ape $hit when people don't use the correct arm while doing the choreography to GMHS(Karen!)
*You tape record the concert so you can relive it anytime, in the car, home or work.
*You harass the Disney Channel to re-air the MMC episodes.(and I'm not talking about the Annette Funocello years either.)
*You celebrate and laugh at you little brother when GMHS beat KoRn on TRL that day.
*You name pets, or future children after the guys.
*You buy all the nsync merchandise you can.
*Can't wait till the clothing line comes out.
*You will rollarblade down the hotel hallway if staying in same hotel cause you know Chris will join you.
*Switch the queer wallpaper and screen saver to your nsync ones every time the family changes it.
*You think 4 months is an eternity to wait to see them again.
*You subscribe to every newsletter you can so they supply you w/ all the phat pics.
*You go to the chatroom so much, it takes like 10 mins. to delete all the porn mail.
*You know not to bother w/ the dates on the official website cause they are never right.
*You make friends w/ people in other time zones so you can ask if they were on tv so you can be ready to tape it if so.
*You give your mom your credit cards so you wont buy anything from Ebay.com.
*You make friends w/ someone in Europe so they can hook you up.
*You recognize the background music to the new fishstick commercial as, Everything I own. (not the nsync version though, to bad.)
*You wonder how Joey got the black eye last week.(did one of the bewitched chicks tell you how it is when you were on their bus when yours broke down Joey?)
*You find, or hear something new, so you call friends or go online to inform all.
*You refer to any of the guys as, My boys, the boys, my baby etc.
*You're willing to make an ass out of yourself to win tickets to a show you're already going to.
*Guys at your school start to resemble any one of the boys.
*You wonder if Justin will ever shop at the Ambercombi at your mall.
*You wonder if Joey already has that superman thing, should I get it for him?
*You start coming up with some real good comebacks for the nsync bashers in the chatrooms.
*You sink down to their level and call BSB, the back door boys or whatever.
*You thought you did it all, but are still writing more stuff you do!(almost done)
*You decide you have so much stuff, you might as well start a web page.
*You argue w/ other fans and say stuff like, 'well I read he did,' etc.
*You and another fan try to out do each other w/ info, pics, wavs, cd's ect.
*You bring your cd to work so you can nsync it all day.
*You friends try to IM you, but you say, sorry, I'm uploading wavs, I'm trading.
*You only paid attention in class cause your teacher said, In Sync.
*You play a game in class that requires a team name, everyone knows about your obsession, so the teacher puts down, *N sync, perfectly on the chalkboard. (karen!)
*You whip out pictures from your wallet when people say they don't know how nsync is and proceed to intro the guys(karen!)
*You would quit your job if you couldn't get the concert date off.
*You don't feel guilt buying tickets to 3 shows knowing 2 there are little girls who wont be able to go cause of you.(haha)
*You work to support your obsession.
*Your family knows who each guy is.
*You say to yourself, Spice Girls had a movie, when's Nsync's?
*You're somewhere, or doing something and think it should be the concept to the next video.
*Think of your fav nsyncer when a song comes on the radio.
*You 'd call JC, Josh cause it sounds more personal.
*A guy you don't like wants you, so you say you have a boyfriend named Josh.
*You get perplexed cause you can't decide which CD to listen to next, or what version of I drive my self crazy you need to hear.(always go w/ the JC version.
*You have more than 2 pics online of Steven Fatone and Tyler Chasez.
*You decide your glass table in your room is too plain so you make a little nsync collage to spruce it up.
*You're at a KoRn concert and the guy inline next to you looks like Joey.
*You're at the same concert and the guy your starting at kinda looks like Tyler Chazes.
*You're starring at your co-worker cause he's wearing a tight navy blue shirt and it reminds you of the one JC wears in want you back video(Euro one)
Ok that is how nuts I am, sorry if some of you are scared. I'm ok, really I am. If you have something you do, e-mail me and I'll put it in.

Mail Me!

Take Me Home!

You're listening to "Flagpole Sitta" By Harvey Danger