Dis List

Alright, I decided to use my freedom of speech, and write all the things about each guy that annoys me. I don't care id Justin is your fav and I dissed him hard-core, I dissed JC quit a bit to. You might say, well who are you to judge or make fun of the guys, well I'll tell you, I'm the co-creator of this website that's who. Ok, let's get out with it shall we?

In Concert: Disney

1st things 1st. Justin Okay, is it just me, or is Justin a 30 yr old trapped in an 18 yr old? He likes to use big words and what not, I guess it's better than sounding like an idiot right? I'm glad he bleaches his hair cause it looks better now than his true color, but right now it looks like a golden Afro, trim it down boy!. I don't know about the platinum side burns either, it's like over kill or something, I like his hair w/ the roots showing and slicked forward. Ok, I know baby blue is his fav color and all, but Justin hunny, there is a whole world of color, vary a little when I saw his huge, shiny baby blue pants from the Disney special I wanted to shove him in a bottle cause he looked like a genie!
One thing I will say, everyone picks on him cause they say he dresses and talks like a black person, but If anything JC talks more ghetto than Justin does. Also I'd like to add, I could watch that boy dance all day and night. He can move, he's almost fluid like.

Joey I honestly can't find anything about Joey that bothers me, oh wait, about the only thing that bothers me is his facial expressions he makes when he sings, you know, his eyes get wide and his mouth just, I don't now how to explain it.. He looks like a flamer and should be singing show tunes w/ that face.

He has a great taste in clothes, although if I ever saw him in his fury and crazy clubbing clothes I'm sure I'd make fun. Some people say he over does the whole Superman thing, but I disagree unless he wears a hat, necklace and shirt he's fine. I love His hair when it's crazy and has highlights. I'd also say he's the 2nd best dancer.

Lance Okay, I'm going to pick lance apart here for a min. but don't get me wrong, he's coolBut come on, how can I not, I know some of you are thinking the same thing.I know all of you have seen him in his glory days, the show tune singing days, wearing sequins bow ties and what not. We all have to start off somewhere right?


Tell me he isn't the spokesperson for the clinique counter. You've seen the pics, the ones in the Euro debut album, he stands out like a sore thumb I guess you could say. How has the orange face? Lance does while all the rest have a more tan look. At leased he is dressing better now a days. Those tight jeans and button up shirts he wore way back when scream junior high. Everytime I see the video for Tearin' up my heart I crack up because Lance's feathered hair gets me every time. Ok here's where I get maybe a little too harsh, but to me he is definitely borderline gay. There is nothing wrong with gay people, I have nothing against them, but I know a lot of others think this about Lancey poo too. If he and Chris were to trade voices, it would be all to fitting. Ok, I know some of you hate me now, but I just had to mention my thoughts on Lance. Also I'd like to say, homeboy can't dance, he's getting better though, but I would hope so after three years!

Chris Ok, just to make everything clear, I hate his hair. It was tolerable w/ it was in tiny braids and had the white in it, but now I just wanna strap him down and cut it all off, while he's strapped down, never mind that now. His clothes don't bother me, the jersey/baggy jeans thing is always a classics comfy bit, but when they do photo shoots I just don't know what he's thinking. The man has a gut and it's getting bigger each time I see him, but I don't expect anyone to be perfect, but you don't tuck your tight tee-shirt in so you have pants overhang!
Not only that, he likes to draw attention to it with a belt. And when he wears a jersey and tucks in the front of it and leaves the back out, that looks stupid. I wish he would cut his hair because he looked soooo hot with short hair. If I was into Nsync back then, I think he would have been my fav,. I know it's shallow to go for looks, but I like his personality too, he's just so random.


JC is my fav if you haven't figured that out yet. He isn't my fav because he's just so darn hot, or has a beautiful voice, I've liked him for about 8 years now so I was an MMC fan. I know he isn't perfect and I busted the other four so now it's his turn. Ok the hair I hate the buddy holly hair. I liked it in the Caesar(George Clooney cut), but it was time to move on. Buddy Holly was ok for a while too, but it has over stayed it's welcome JC. I love how he's been wearing it on occasion now, he gels it up and crazy like, but not too crazy like Joey's. I don't know what's sexier than a guy with dark hair and blue eyes so stop hiding them in glasses babe! Show em off. I like how he dresses, he's stylin'. He always looks good, well maybe not always, but 98% of the time. He even looked hot in that purple/pinkish shirt he wore at fashionably loud. He says he hates how he's so skinny, me too cause the whole heroine arms bit is disgusting. Maybe he can't help it, oh well just had to mention that. One big pet peeve I have with him is that he is always flailing his hands around., maybe it's sing language and I just don't know Another thing is the way he talks. It's a little wiggerish. Some talk about Justin, but it's all JC. I don't know anyone from Maryland so I don't know how they talk down there, but he kinda talks w/ a little southerish accent. It's kinda hard to hear but it's there. Also he is too serious sometimes, but once in a while you catch him spazing out. I love it when he does spaze out cause the whole hard-ass sleepy bit gets old. JC dances very well, but I think he tries too hard to nail the moves perfectly. I also think what he does with his ribs in the old want you back video is unnatural, I'm talking about the part in the beginning when they line up and do the train move.Okay, I'm done dissin' the guys for now. I know I was harsh, but I say what some people just think. Do you have a pet peeve about one of the guys? Let me know and I could post it. I'd also like to add these do not directly reflect the views of Caitiy so don't email her and tell her how mean some of these where.

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