Stuff That Was Once Nice, Cute, Sweet, Or Meaningfull...

Okay I've changed this page a bit. I'm now gonna dedicate this page to the stuff that I find while surfing the net that just doesn't seem right. Ya know the stuff I'm talking about the stuff that fans make and when they first appear on the web are nice, cute, sweet, or meaningful...Unfortunately things like that tend to loose meaning over time and end up looking completely ridiculous...Don't get me wrong at one point or another I'm sure each thing I post here had some deep meaning or reason to exist...But well...It's just gotten old now!!! Please!!! It's past time to take them down...Also on this page will be the things that I find strange or just plain disquieting...

The first thing I came across...

Okay...Now don't get me wrong losing a pet is a sad event one that I don't want to ever go through...But sadly life goes on and it's a natural occurnace...I'm not heartless folks...But...Get over it!!! I think it's about time that we say good bye to Toby and this sick obsession with dead farm animals...Okay? And by the way, yes I have lost my favorite horse too, but I got over it...Why can't you?!?!?

I got the idea for starting this page while surfing the net and I found some webmaster's vent page and found something similar as one of her vents...I'm sorry that I cannot remember who's page it was...I'd really like to give credit where credit is due...If it's you or you know who it is please E-mail me and I'll fix this.

Um.......Is This a Good Idea?

Okay we all know that *NSYNC can on occasion look good... unfortunately more often than not they appear fashionably impaired...Is it really such a good idea to let them do a Gap ad? Hey don't get me wrong...I'd love to see the guys do a Gap ad...I just don't know if it's a good idea...

Um...Okay...Does anyone else find this just a little bit frightening?

'N Sync tracker

Maybe Ali's friends could use this...

Here are a few pix I found...Um....I find them just plain strange...I have no explanation for them...maybe you guys do?

I'm guessing maybe Guns 'N Roses? Maybe? What were they thinking?!?

That's all for now, I'll post more as I find them...

Did we leave something out? Want us to add it to this page?
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