Psycho stalkers or just fun loving fans?

After the march 13th concert in New Haven CT. Two of my friends decided to follow nsync’s bus to their next destination, which we thought was Albany NY. That’s not a big deal cause Albany is only about an hour from our town. I couldn’t follow with them because I had to bring my little sister home. I could write about 10 pages about what we did after the concert, but I don’t wanna bore you, and I don’t wanna type all that, so I’ll just focus on my 2 friends. We’ll just refer to them as ‘Heather’ and ‘Karen’ when I left ‘heather and ‘Karen’ waited till about 1:30am when the buses finally came out of the fenced area. The whole time the security kept telling us that the boys left right after the show before anyone even came out, but we know better. So they followed to four buses onto the highway.

They said one of the buses went in a different direction, so they decided to follow the other three. ‘Karen’ called me on my cell phone and said they where in pursuit through Hartford CT. it was 2amish so I told her to fill me in the next day. Well she called me around 5pm the next day. She said they never went to Albany, they followed the three buses for 9 hours to Canada! She said they came to the border and when asked by the border guard what their purpose to going to Canada was, they said they were following their friend who was in one of the three buses. At this point all the buses where parked so they could go through all the papers in order to cross. The guard asked the name of their ‘friend’ one of em decided to say Johnny Wright was their friend(idiots) so the lady had to go on all three buses and ask if anyone was Johnny and if they knew my 2 friends; what a surprise, no one did, the lady had my 2 friends go into the office, the three bus drivers where in there as well. They knew what Karen and heather were up to and they snickered at them a little. The guard ask the girls if they had money, a place to stay and what not, they said no, so the lady made them go back to the US and they didn’t get home until 5pm.

Karen told me she and Heather where planing to go to Albany the next day and try to get into the concert. I wanted to go, but I have a job and whatnot. Karen ended up not going, but another friend went with heather. She called me and told me that they were near the tour bus and no one was around or guarding it, she was planning to get on, take Joey’s superman shirt that she was looking at and hide in the bus. I told her not to steal anything, and not to hide out in the bus, instead she should get on, and write a note like, ‘haha we made it on the bus, we love you guys yadda yadda yadda’ they didn’t make it on the bus, but they were hanging outside the concert, it had already started, when on of the truck drivers gave them 2 floor seat tickets. Well they went in (she called during the concert so I know she made it in) she said JC flew right over them(I'm a lil jealous).

After the concert why not follow them again, they were only going to Boston. So they did. I think it was this time she said they’re bus broke down, she pulled over on the highway about a mile infront of them and waited for them to drive by again, after 3 cops told them to get moving they decided to just go home seeing how they where only 45min away form home.

Wouldn’t you know heather decided to travel to Boston the next day. She found the tour bus parked somewhere and decided to knock on the windows. The bus driver came out and he was nice and talked to them for about a ½ hr. he recognized heather and told her she shouldn’t drive so crazy and what not. He said that nsync wasn’t even in any of the three buses they followed to Canada, they boys where the other bus that went the opposite way, they took a plane to Canada,(what you guys can’t hack the 9 hour trip?) The driver let my 2 friends on the bus real quick while no one was on it. they left notes for the guys, but I guess it was really bewitched’s bus. The diver said they were going to New York City the next day cause they had a day off. He didn’t know what hotel the guys would be at, but he told them he was staying in Jersey City. I don’t think they got into the concert that night, but they did follow the bus afterwards.

Now she said that the bus actually got rear ended by a truck, but not to worry cause it was just a little tap, no one was hurt or anything(no one believes this cause they think that MTV would have stopped the world to say nsync was in an accident, but you don’t report fender benders so) well they had to stop after the truck thing, but my friends lost them somehow, the next day they knew they wouldn’t be able to find the bus in New York city so they remembered that the diver was staying in Jersey city. They went, they found the driver, meet the nsync driver. The nsync driver said he had a lot of stuff to do because of the bus breaking down the other day and the truck hitting them, so he made a deal with them, if they changed the sheets in the bunks, he would give them and autographed picture. How could they say no. She said they had notebooks all over their beds, but the driver snatched them up before they cold read them. Heather got to change Chris’s bed(he’s her fav) she knew it was his cause the big silver jacket he wore in the Thanksgiving Day parade was on it. she touched it and what not, but the driver was getting nervous so he only let them change 2. He didn’t want them to steal anything. They understood so they left.

She said it was the same bus as they where in during the mtv top40 fav videos thing. There was a bowl of candy, chips and a few boxes of Girl Scout cookies. They decided to write their names on the back of the bus cause it was dirty and the driver said he wasn’t washing it anytime soon. Heather put my name on it too she put Ali+JC or something(yippy!) they drove to New York City, got a flat tire, changed it and came back home. I told her I was surprised she didn’t just follow them to Philly. She was thinking about it, but had called out sick to work too many times that week.

Ok so do you think they are psycho stalkers or just fun loving fans? E-mail me and let me know what you think. Should nsync get a restraining order out or what?

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