
Works About Carl Schurz

This is what I have available. The sketch was originally part of Volume Three of the Reminiscences, but for convenience I have extracted it as a separate volume. The original copyright has expired on all material and all the works are freely redistributable. Please let me know about any typographical errors so I can correct them.


Carl Schurz's 1881 Visit to Boston
Carl Schurz's Seventieth Birthday Celebration
Carl Schurz, Pilot by Mark Twain
Carl Schurz 1829-1906 by William D. Howells
Isaac Seligman on Carl Schurz
National Civil Service Reform League Memorial Resolutions
Addresses in Memory of Carl Schurz
A Sketch of Carl Schurz's Political Career
Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th edition)


Facsimile versions of many of the titles here can be found at:

Cornell University
The University of Michigan
Internet Archive
Library of Congress
Google Books

Recent Books

It seems appropriate to also mention works not in the public domain about Carl Schurz. The most recent American biography about Carl Schurz appears to be Hans L. Trefousse's very thorough work, Carl Schurz, a biography, which appeared in 1982 and then in 1998 as a second edition. It mentions Schurz's romantic relationship with Fanny Chapman, whom he met in 1879-80, and who is not mentioned much elsewhere in information about him.

From Germany, Carl Schurz: Revolutionär und Staatsmann (Rüdiger Wersich, ed.) is a bilingual (English and German) work recently published in Rastatt, Germany (Hebel Verlag, 1999) in commemoration of the fall of the fortress there in 1849. All its texts are presented in German and English. It contains a new essay written for the occasion by Christine Büttlerin and Eleda Wallis as well as a re-release (3rd edition) of earlier work under this title by Rüdiger Wersich. The main body of the book is a highly abridged version of Schurz's Reminiscences accompanied by an interesting and copious variety of illustrations with very instructive captions.

Also from Germany is Frank M. Schicketanz's thoughtful work The ‘Lebenserinnerungen’ of Carl Schurz: A Critical Reading (Konstanz, Germany: Verlag Hartung-Gorre, 1987) which is based on an earlier doctoral dissertation (Tübinger University, 1986). While written in English, all the citations from Schurz's Reminiscences are from the first volume of the German edition, and are presented without English translation. Page 4 of the book has the curious statement (speaking of Schurz's mother) “he was not to share her religious piety (he became a freemason in America).” It also mentions a book on French history from 1789-1851 which Schurz wrote but could not get published. An inspection of the index for Trefousse's book turned up no mention of freemasonry.


I appreciate your comments/questions. You can send email to bobwb@juno.com or Postal Service mail to:

Bob Burkhardt
Box 1005
Shirley, MA 01464
