Resolutions of the National Civil Service Reform League in memory of the late Carl Schurz, President of the League from 1893 to 1900.
(Adopted at the Annual Meeting of the League in New Haven, Conn., Second Session, Monday Evening, November 19, at Woolsey Hall.)
The patriotism of Carl Schurz was so deep and broad and energetic that is could not fail to find effective expression in the espousal and brilliant advocacy of many causes which appealed, in his time, to the sentiment of good citizenship. It is our duty and pleasure, however, to record here especially our recognition of, and gratitude for, his great and exceptional service to the cause of the reform of the civil service. Not only did he show, in high executive office, the possibilities and advantages of the merit system; but as a private citizen he was one of its most convinced and most convincing advocates, so that on the death of George William Curtis he was deemed the natural successor of that noble citizen as standard bearer of the Reform.
His immediate associates in the work of extending and fortifying the merit system desire not only to express their high estimate of the value of his work in this important field, but also their warm regard and admiration for his personality and character. While genial, tactful, and kindly, he was firm in principle and persistent in purpose. Unrelenting in his attack upon fraud and corruption; reluctant in the criticism of honest opponents; always he upheld, with indomitable courage and with singular and never-abating fire the noblest standards.
To him citizenship was a religion, and patriotism a never-dying passion, — a patriotism that would purify and sustain the nation for the benefit not only of its own people but for all the peoples of the earth. He will be greatly missed, but his example and his ideals will remain a national possession forever.
From Proceedings at the annual meeting of The National Civil Service Reform League, New Haven, Connecticut, November 19 and 20, 1906, p. 114.