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News on Zelda Gamecube

E3 Coverage

At this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo(E3) Nintendo unvieled the Gamecube and some of its future games. Much to my dismay, Zelda was not one of the games shown. However, when questioned, Shigeru Miyamoto told the press that there would be a showing of the new Zelda and Mario games in August at Nintendo's Spaceworld show. As of now we do know that Nintendo is working very hard on a Zelda Cube game from this article. It is a good sign that Nintendo is working hard on a new Zelda. The fact that it its even being worked on is a sign that can lead us to expect an early release for Zelda Gamecube (maybe late 2001- early 2002). However, the Spaceworld showing should be something to look forward to for diehard Zelda fans such as myself.

-The Hylian Cavern Webmaster

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