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What flavor is the color of your heart?

The color of my heart is the flavor of tears
Brought on with love through all of my years
Happiness, tenderness, loss,and beauty are love
All given to us from our Lord above.

I think of the blessings I have in my heart,
My husband, my children and friends are a start.
More add up as the years pass me by,
All the wonder of life still brings a tear to my eye.

Deep within our being where our heart beats,
Lives the soul of our happiness-filled with life treats.
When we are down or feeling kinda low,
We can go there and get back a smiling glow.

Remembering the moments of treasures before
And still we have time to make many more.
So, cry with the miracles and beauty of birth,
And you will have happiness here of earth.

author unknown

Dear Friend,
You are my friend and I hope you know that's true.
No matter what happens I will stand by you.
I'll be there for you whenever you need.
To lend you a hand to do a good deed.
So just call on me, when you need me my friend.
I will always be there even to the end.

Forward this promise to all your friends to show your friendship and watch who sends it back...

This flame represents the light in the hearts
of friends and loved ones world wide.
Please keep the flame alive by passing it on
to all those who have touched your heart
in any way.

Please take a moment to check out these other pages:
On Angel's Wings
Passion's Hands
It's There...In Your Eyes
I Won't Send Roses
Romantic Postcards from Paris
World of Romance Links
POETIC - Peace On Earth Through Inner Content...
Love Is All Around
Robert Kogan - Love Is
What do you see?
MagicLove's Love Links Page
Poems - - Poetry and Love fro...

Visit My Other Web Pages
Just Links Page
Heart Prints
It Matters To Me
Touched My Soul
Rainbows And Wishes
My Little Cherubs
Just My Poems
For The Love of Children
Cyndi's Home Page
How Can I
Dreams, Wishes and Fantasies
For Kids Only
My Home Page
Just A Page
Do You Believe In Us
Little Things Mean A Lot
Listen With Your Heart
Country Girl City Boy
I Want To Be Your Star
Logans Page
You Are Here
If I Could
To Love You More
Where Is Your Heart
Can't We Try
Now Until Forever
A Life Lesson
More To Come
Someday, Someway

My very first award, Thank you Shanni!

Thank you Peggy!

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