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This time it’s for real.


Deltona, FL – Years after it was first rumored, six-time Halloween Foosball Tournament champion, Corey “HumperdinkPinkham finally moved to Florida last November, effectively ending the most prolific Halloween Foosball Tournament career of all time.  Corey moved to the town of Deltona less than a month after defeating James Ostis in the final of the 2005 Halloween Foosball Tournament. The victory marked his sixth Halloween Foosball championship, giving him twice as many titles as Greg Ouellette who is second with three.  Arguably even more impressive is the championship was his fourth title in a row.  Corey left the Halloween Foosball Tournament having won 15 games in a row since losing in the 2001 semi-finals to Jim.


Of course, 2005 was Corey’s third “last” year of the HFT.   Talks about him leaving first surfaced in 2002 when Corey said that the following year would be his last.  Many figured that the 2003 Final between Corey and Greg would be the last match of his historic career.  But the two faced off again, (for a third finals matchup in a row) in 2004.  Following that tournament, there was once more talk about Corey retiring.  But this time nobody believed him.  It wasn’t until 2005 that the hypothetical move to Florida became an impending reality. 


To the surprise of many, Corey did move to Florida and stayed.  He did return to Lowell for a couple weeks in August in anticipation of the annual Montreal trip.  And of course, during his time in Lowell some foosball was played.


But on October 29th, when the Halloween Foosball Tournament community descends upon Lowell, the greatest champion in tournament history will not among them.  We’ve heard before about the end of an era.  This time its for real.

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