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2006 Halloween Foosball Tournament

  • Eleventh Annual Tournament
  • October 28, 2006
  • Lowell, MA


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting


This will be the site of all the events concerning the 2006 Halloween Foosball Tournament, scheduled to be held on the 28th of October. 

Post Tournament Coverage: The New Corey * Statistical Notes about the 2006 HFT * 2006 HFT Photos

Pre Tournament Features: Corey moves to Florida…for real HFT bids adieu to others as well * Who’s #1? * Steve's Doubles Troubles * More Doubles Questions * GREG FIRED!



days until the 2006 Halloween Foosball Tournament.

Halloween Foosball Tournament Main
Latest News
The Big Game (Football)
The Doubles Tournament Section
Bartlett Fantasy Foosball


Latest News     2006 Preview