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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Two weeks remain before the Eighth Annual Halloween Foosball Tournament and the anticipation is mounting, not unlike when Greg mounted his own rally monkey last year.  The football and softball/baseball games are really adding to the anticipation this year, as the Mister Cyrs want to continue their winning tradition and the Greg-Angel Yackadoodles are in search of revenge.  But the softball/baseball game is something new that many people want to see happen.  And then of course is the main event, the one and only Halloween Foosball Tournament.

Unless there's a last minute change of plans, the second round of the Online Halloween Foosball Tournaments will come to a close at midnight tonight.  If the polls close tonight, several upsets stand to go down.  One that apparently won't is Will Ferrell losing to Shakira.  While its still a possibility, things certainly look better than after 7 votes, when Ferrell was actually losing 4-3.  Head on over to the VHFT section and hit view results to see the most up to date account of these tournaments as they approach the Elite 8.

It appears that Jim and Steve will attend the Lowell High vs. Chelmsford football game, because as Jim puts it, "Chelmsford sucks."  Even that is starting to become a Halloween Foosball Tournament tradition nowadays.  Think back to 2001, when they were in attendance at a LHS/CHS game and Jeff Ross ran for 5 TDs.

Notice I haven't mentioned the ALCS Game Two.

Corey Pinkham said that former Halloween Foosball competitor, Joey Higson is interested in making a comeback.  However Joey does not want his brother, James there.  In an interview before the 2002 tournament, James Higson was asked if his brother would be coming back to the tournament and he said "No that was only a one time thing."  Interesting.  For the record, Corey supports Joey's stance on this matter.

Go Sox!  (Even on an off day)

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