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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

James Ostis is returning to Lowell this weekend and will be taking care of several Halloween Foosball Tournament related issues.  Top on the agenda is buying an official football for The Big Game at Wal Mart.  He and his brother, Steve will be headed over to Tewksbury to inspect potential balls as early as tonight.

A full week into the first round of the Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournaments and as of press time we've had 13 voters take part in the Celebrity Tournament (11 in the VHFT).  Some of the matches have been overwhelming victories (see Will Ferrell leading Macho Man 13-0), but there are other tight battles including some of the showcase matches; Eugene Levy has come back to reclaim the lead 7-6 over Ozzy Osbourne, while Chris Berman is barely holding on to his lead over Jerry Remy by the same count. With virtually all the principle voters already taking part, there's a good chance that these scores could be final, but thats not a guarantee yet.  The polls are still open for a few more hours, but round one will conclude at 12:00 midnight.  Either way, its been an exciting round one and round two should be even better!

Will Corey Pinkham win a fourth Halloween Foosball Tournament title?  Well, in an impressive coup, the Halloween Foosball Tournament got in touch with nationally syndicated conservative talk show host, Rush Limbaugh and asked him his opinion.  He answered, "Sorry to say this, I don't think Corey has been that good from the get-go; I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the HFT. The media has been very desirous that a Puerto-Rican-Canadian do well. There is a little hope invested in Corey, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of those doubles teams that he didn't deserve. Steve's defense carried that team."

I think Patrick Casserly is Rush's favorite foosball player.

Wilson Rith has confirmed that he is planning on attending the Halloween Foosball Tournament, saying "I don't see why not." Greg Ouellette was skeptical that Wilson would attend in the aftermath of the Bartlett Fantasy Football controversy that took place in August. Jim on the other hand, didn't think that would play a role, "The foosball tournament's one thing and fantasy football's a totally different thing."  Wilson has thus far lived up to his word about quitting all sports, as he will not take part in Bartlett Fantasy Hockey this year.

Of course, a big part of the controversy came when Wilson, despite never having picked Drew Bledsoe before, wanted to take Bledsoe in the third round over higher ranked QBs such as Aaron Brooks and Daunte Culpepper.  In Wilson's defense, I think Rush Limbaugh would have done the same.

More news tomorrow!

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