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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

  • October 24th, 2006

Lots of news today, especially two big stories on the Doubles Tournament, which is not to be overlooked this Saturday as it figures to be an even bigger event than usual.  One looks at the dilemma facing Steve Ostis while the other takes a broader look at the field.


The cellar is “getting there.”  Not quite ready for game day action, but definite progress has been made.  The room will look quite different from years past because of renovations done to the walls and ceiling.  A new set up has been talked about although the table will likely remain where it is currently situated under the newly restored ceiling lights.


Still no word from Greg Ouellette.  The former 3 time HFT champion who missed last year’s tournament may miss a second one in a row as nobody from the Halloween Foosball Committee has heard from him in a couple weeks now.  Jim commented “if this was a football game, I’d downgrade Greg from Probable to Questionable, and if we don’t hear from him soon, he might be Doubtful by the time Saturday rolls around.”