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Westlife Interviews and Quotes


Nicky and Bryan on Bryan

Bryan: "I like to see people smile. That's probably one of my best qualities."

Nicky: "Bryan's very, very funny. He's always there to kind of perk you up and get you laughing and stuff."

Ronan Keating on Westlife

"I'd like them to be the biggest band in the world. It's taken a lot of hard work and hopefully they'll keep their feet on the ground, but I think there's a lot of potential!"

The Lads on What They Look For in Girls

Bryan: "I like a girl who is very down to earth. I don't really like girls that are big on their looks, that are always kind of putting on makeup and dressing up nice. I like girls that just wear, like, a track suit or baggy clothes... [who] just chill out, you know? A relaxed girl."

Nicky: "I love elegance in a girl. I love the upper class - kind of posh, kind of a lady. But don't get me wrong. When she's chilling out at the house, I love that. I love being all comfy and snuggly. But poise is very important to me in a girl. That's the first thing I see. A girl with gorgeous eyes is just amazing. And I like her tall, but not too tall. Not taller than me."

Kian: "Someone that I can get along with very much, that I can trust in. She's gotta understand what I do. I am not very [picky] on, like, hair color or eye color or anything like that, you know? I mean, I just want someone who is nice, who's got a good personality, someone I can get along with. That's the most important thing for me."

Mark: "I definitely want someone who is open-minded, like me. I just have to see things with an open mind. There is no particular look [I like]. I think people who say that looks don't matter are fooling themselves, but I don't only go for girls that are gorgeous. 'Cause at the end of the day, what is gorgeous? What is gorgeous to one person might not be so gorgeous to another."

Shane: "I definitely like someone with a sense of humor, someone who doesn't get offended, like, if you're having a joke. Just somebody that's funny and is able to go out and have a laugh. I don't like girls who talk to much, like, constantly gabbing for, like, 20 minutes and you can't get a word in edgewise. That really bugs me. I like a girl who looks after herself. She doesn't have to be perfect, just somebody who looks after herself."

Interviews/Longer Quotes

Mark, Kian, and Shane on the ups and downs of fame