La Mi Vida Violenta is a manifest.
Etienne Duguay.
Tom Ferguson.
Renee Hadad.
Anne Macon.
Leon Pierce.
Josie Swift.

We are a band, & we are unwieldy.



Enough pussyfooting around already. TMVL no longer functions. In fact, we stopped being a band the morning we came home from tour in August. The time for delicacy has come & gone.

Thanks to everyone that saw, spoke or listened.
Apologies to everyone we cancelled on in August, & to everyone else.

Eternal love for: Hugh McElroy/Sean Peoples/Ruffian/HFB; Collin & Juice/Sentai; Jay, Sean & Bobo Bogan/DST; Pete, Dewey & Al/Mathematicians; Chris, John & Harris/Q (RIP); Ryan, Jeremy & Evan/Empty Silos; Steven & Eddie/Reindeer Tiger Team; Matt, Dan & Shawn/Like Language (RIP); Eric & Tim/HNATIW; Steven White; D. Alex Meeks; Joe Macon/I'm Macon Movies; John Pierce; Mike Swiatlowski; Chris Dooley; Ben & EVERYONE in Gloucester; Micah, Bob & everyone in NJ; Everyone in D.C., Flywheel; Boneyard & The Shed (RIP); & Last but not least the Duguays & the Swifts for putting us up & putting up w/ us.

Oh yeah! We have no shows ever again! Don't go here to look @ any of that infojazz.


Oh Asbestos
Mash Note

The Word - a communique
The Word - a weapon
The Word - a testimony
The Word - a document
The Word - a conspiracy

Progress shapes you.
Technology colors you neutral, eggshell.