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Works of....

Moonpaw Starbinder*Celtica Silverwing*






Earthblade... Alliance of Lyre.. and UTLF | Lyre| UTLF| Page information 

~* magick ~ mayhem ~ chaos *~

Earthblade, home to magick extraordinaire! This is Earthblade, a site that's been around since 2001... If you have any complaints, comments, or suggestions, please send them to:

Page Info

Earthblade is a medley of all sorts of different things. RPGs and things concerning beliefs are common... but we also are planning on a few different businesses. We also give advice! Below is the mailing address and phone number for Earthblade. You can call us with comments about this or any of the other sites associated with it (UTLF, Lyre). Questions are welcome too. At the moment, all phone calls are free! But... well, we have to pay the phone bill, and pay to keep the sites up, so eventually we may charge a small fee, such as 25¢ a minute, to call. But for now... enjoy! You can call for advice on any number of things, and homework help is freely given for anybody from 1st (although there probably aren't many people of that age on Earthblade) to 8th, for almost any subject, including Latin but excluding any other foreign language.

Phone # - 508-208-4231

Update- 05/11/02

Copyright 2001 Earthblade* All permission granted to Celtica Silverwing*Moonpaw Starbinder*

Actual Ownership granted to Alexandra Hilliard... *All works are of my own (and Molly's! ^_~), please don't steal!*