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This is only a small sampling of my work. If you have an questions feel free to contact me. To return to your original location, use the navigation menu at the top or bottom or click your "back" button.


The Harrell Family Homepage
This site required a password to protect the photo albums from the general surfing public. A secure server was not available. Also utilized javascript for search option of recipe section, Server not set up for database technologies. This site also contains downloadable photo albums.


More complicated page with frames and animated dhtml right side menu. Purple writing across the bottom has mouseover effect.

Simple text style. Excellent style for sites geared for towards accessability

Not as complicated as the first but does have dhtml navigation menu in top center area.

Boston Neighborhood Producers Group
These are examples that BNPG's web committee asked me to submit as part of the interview process. This site is still under development.

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