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Free Graphics  Custom Web Design, You Are Here

We are currently offering a variety of web design services.

  • Site design
  • Ongoing maintenance for sites designed by us
  • Ongoing maintenance for sites produced by others
  • Expansion or partial redesign of sites not produced by us.

Please contact us if you would like a quote or have any questions.

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Why do you need custom designed web pages by Fire Designs?

We are very aware of the unique needs of small and home based businesses. We take your input seriously while striving to create a consistent feel between your establishment and your web presence. A small or home based business can easily and quickly expand into a more global market with proper management and design. In order to get a more "global look" a small business usually must spend an overwhelming amount of money to a designer with skills that a small business won't utilize. This often leaves small and home based business in quite a bind as that kind of capital is very hard to come by. While our designer is highly skilled, our pricing is based on the skills used for the site and not the skill of the designer. This allows us more freedom to stay within your budget while fully developing and expanding your web presence.


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