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An Italian affair

by Gail (


AJ Chegwidden/Clayton Webb

Rating: adult

After Admiral Chegwidden and Clayton Webb rescue Tim Fawkes from the terrorists who are holding him, Clayton needs some help to deal with what he had to do.

First in the Joint Venture series (Mareen insisted that I give it a name)

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, and I'm very clear that I shouldn't be interfering, but really, who does it hurt? The admiral doesn't get to have enough fun, and Webb has to be bored with the blondes they give him on the show by now.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Spoilers: Gypsy Eyes and Soul Searching.

Notes: This takes place right after Soul Searching. Again, no AIDS in this universe.

Dearest thanks to Mareen, the most marvelous beta in the world, who's had to read and talk about and think about this story, and she hasn't even had the pleasure of seeing the episode in question. And I owe a great deal to Tinnean, who waited for this, with a certain degree of patience, read it, and loved it, and to Laura, who heard about it and did a happy dance with me and thus helped me know that I was doing the right thing by writing it. The title was Greg's idea, and Mareen seconded it.

I finally got a brain and changed all the 'A. J.'s to 'AJ's. Much better now. I don't know why I was so stubborn about that.


Admiral AJ Chegwidden looked up from the magazine he was flipping through as Clayton Webb came into the room. The other man's face was tired and drawn, making the bruises and cuts on his face stand out even more.

"How's Tim?" They had brought the rescued man to the CIA branch office, and hadn't seen him since. The admiral had been shown to this room and politely asked to wait, which he'd done with as much grace and patience as he could manage, while waiting to find out more. When nothing had happened, he'd seriously considered going in and finding Webb, but reasoned that the other man would come back and tell him what was going on. He trusted him, and it was good to find out that his trust was warranted.

Webb sighed. "He's fine, considering. If you want to see him, it should be now, before the sedatives kick in."

AJ thought about it, then shook his head. "We talked. The morning will be soon enough for anything more."

A faint smile crept over his face. To have been able to rescue Tim from those damned terrorists, to *do* something for a change, had been wonderful. And Tim had caught on, recognized the game, known it was his old friend there. He didn't need anything more now, except some good food and a decent bottle of wine, and then some sleep.

Webb nodded, then opened his mouth. He was interrupted before he could say anything.

"Webb, we need you back in here," a man called through the open door.

Webb's shoulders slumped, and AJ took a closer look at Webb, realizing that he wasn't the only one who'd been through a lot that day. The man was clearly holding himself together with force of will. Time to get both of them the hell out of there.

"Damn them," Webb muttered. "Go, AJ. I'll be busy here for a while."

AJ's hand shot out to grab his shoulder. "No." His voice was flat. "The terrorists are all dead. There's no need for this." He didn't wait for Webb's answer, instead getting around him, keeping the other man in place with the strength of his grip, then striding into the room and shutting the door behind him. He heard it lock with a satisfying click. That should keep Webb out for a little while, long enough for him to get his point across.

"Mr. Webb is coming with me," he announced.

The men sitting around the table looked up in surprise. "Mr. Webb is needed here," the man who'd called for him said evenly.

The admiral's eyes hardened. He was not interested in being contradicted, and he wasn't going to put up with it, especially not now. "This was a hard day for both Mr. Webb and myself."

"We realize that, Admiral, but it is important to get his account while it's still fresh in his mind."

The man was persistent, AJ would give him that, but he wasn't interested in hearing this crap. Webb had really shown himself to be a good man. He was not going to let this bunch of suits give him any grief. Right now Webb felt like one of his own people, and he always protected his own.

"The terrorists are dead and Tim Fawkes is safe. There's no urgency that I can see."

"It's important to follow procedure."

AJ just gave him a look at that. Procedure did not come before people. "If you people won't look out for your own, then I will. Is that clear?"

Webb was there now, coming to stand beside him. "I'm sorry, gentlemen. I'm here now." He shot AJ a glare, which the other man ignored. "The admiral means well, but he does not speak for me."

"No, Mr. Webb, the admiral's correct. There's no need for this now. You're too tired to be coherent." This new man was quiet and calm, and his eyes had a clear authority in them. Good. Someone with a brain. "Go and rest, Mr. Webb. The admiral is right. This can wait until morning. Would that be convenient for you as well, Admiral?"

"Sorry, Webb, but this has to be done," AJ muttered to Webb quickly, then spoke up. "I have my flight booked." He spoke calmly and steadily. "And I'm sure that Mr. Webb needs to get back to D. C. as well. So we will not be available for very long." He hoped Webb wouldn't contradict him, and even though he heard him take a sharp breath, the other man kept quiet.

The man who'd been speaking took that calmly as well, only glancing at Webb for a moment before answering. "Of course, Admiral. You can speak to our people in Washington." Webb made a noise, and the man turned his attention to him again. "That goes for you as well, Mr. Webb. You do have duties. The admiral is correct about that. No need for either of you to come here, unless you'd like to see Mr. Fawkes before you leave."

"Dammit, there are matters that need..." the first man started heatedly, but the man raised his hand and the voice stopped.

"Thank you for your patience."

AJ still spoke only to the last man. "Certainly. Glad to help. Come on, Webb." When Webb didn't move, he took him by the arm and tugged. "Come on," he repeated.

That seemed to break the agent out of his spell, as he nodded and moved. AJ made sure to stay with him, sensing that Webb was near his breaking point. It wouldn't look good for him to lose it there. He needed food, and a good night's sleep, and more than likely, a talk to help sort himself out. Of course, it was going to be interesting trying to find the right way to help Webb relax. He grinned to himself. Well, the tried-and-true way was alcohol, and a good meal would keep either of them from getting too drunk. He knew a good place not too far from here.


Webb was actually looking relaxed by the time they got back to the hotel. "That was great. How did you know where to go?"

AJ chuckled at the surprise in his voice. "I do visit my daughter as often as I can, and Francesca doesn't cook that well."

Webb smiled. "Beautiful women don't need to know how to cook." AJ glanced at him, but there was nothing more than mild interest in his face, a relief to the admiral. Then Webb changed the subject. "You ordered half the menu. How did you know I was that hungry?"

AJ chuckled. "Because I was. You had to be."

Webb laughed. "Trust a SEAL to come up with circular logic like that." And then his face tightened when AJ gave him a curious look.

"You have something against SEALs, Webb?"

"Of course not. Never mind."

His face was even tighter now, and drawn, and AJ frowned when he saw that. Webb was withdrawing into himself, clearly upset again. Not on his watch.

He didn't say anything until they were on their floor. "I've got some scotch," he said very casually, prepared to push if he had to. "Want some?"

Webb's laugh was short. "Sure, why not?" he muttered and headed toward the other man's room.

AJ followed, his eyes narrowing in thought. He got in front of Webb and swiped the card through the lock, then pushed the door open. "I'll pour," he offered, still casual. "You make yourself comfortable."

Webb took a small device out of his pocket and went around the room with it. AJ knew he was checking for bugs. He'd been doing this every time they came back to the hotel. When it did nothing but purr at him, he sat on the bed and took off his light jacket, dropping it on the bed beside him, then watched as AJ found the bottle and poured them each generous shots.

"If this is your way of finding out if I'm breaking my heart over killing that woman," Webb's voice wasn't as even as he would like, AJ thought as he saw the other man's mouth tense, "no need to waste your liquor, AJ. I was the one who got you to come along on this adventure. I didn't know that it would end up this way, but I don't regret it." AJ put a glass in his hand, and Webb drained it in a gulp, making the admiral's eyebrows rise. "She took Tim and she would have killed him without a moment's regret, just like she killed any other people who got in her way. Teresa Marcello deserved to die." He met AJ's eyes. "I do believe that."

"So why are you drinking my scotch like it's water?"

Webb laughed again, a hard and angry bark. "Because there's a difference between knowing something and feeling it, Admiral."

"Why the title now, Clayton?" He sat down by the other man, on the bed. There was nowhere else to sit, he realized belatedly. Maybe it would have been better to have this conversation in the hotel bar, but he'd been sure that the agent would need some privacy to get his feelings out.

"Why the first name now, AJ?" Webb's eyes were still on his, hard and challenging. "Trying to soften me up?"

"Clayton, just tell me what the hell's on your mind. You obviously want to."

Webb laughed. "Does this work on Rabb? Bet it does. Sorry, but I'm a little smarter than he is. Not much, though." The last was in a low voice, and AJ wasn't sure he'd heard right. "Sure, I want to talk about it. But not with you."

He closed his eyes briefly, and AJ reached for the bottle and refilled both of their glasses. He'd sipped his, but it was time for more. "What if I'm worried about you, Clayton?"

Webb shook his head. "Please, AJ. It's been a hard day. I don't want to get stupid now."

"Then drink your scotch and shut up." AJ adopted a casual attitude. Maybe if Webb thought he'd given up, he'd relax and talk about it. He was clearly upset, and AJ was feeling just stubborn enough to want to know what was upsetting him, although he was pretty sure it was fallout from the shooting. He made sure Webb's glass was full to the brim. "Sip it this time. It's worth the effort."

Webb grinned suddenly, and AJ noticed with surprise how much younger it made him look, especially in the casual clothes he had on. "Trying to get me drunk, AJ? Better men than you have tried," he teased.

AJ gave him a look. "There are no better men than me," he said very dryly back, and Webb laughed.

"You SEALs. Not conceited at all, right?"

"Not at all conceited, Clayton. Just," he paused, raising his glass, "the best."

"I'm not arguing." Clayton was taking nips of the scotch, and was obviously relaxing. AJ felt a warmth toward the other man. No matter what he'd thought of him before, Clayton Webb was a good shot, and even more important, a good man. "So who's running things while you're gone?" he asked after a time of quiet, steady drinking.

AJ took another careful sip, enjoying the bite of the smoky liquor. "Rabb. And don't worry," he added as Clayton moaned, "I've got Roberts keeping an eye on him."

"I'm glad I don't have to go back and clean up whatever mess Rabb gets you into," Clayton retorted, with another grin.

AJ laughed. "Well, I'm not looking forward to it, either," he admitted. "It would be nice to stay a few more days, see Marcella, keep an eye on Francesca, but I know my duty." And that a man was going to be looking for him tomorrow to avenge his family's honor, but he didn't feel like thinking about that now. He'd be gone before that would be an issue.

"Yes." Clayton's face was suddenly quiet. "So do I." He looked down into the glass. "Thank you for getting me out of there tonight. I appreciate it."

AJ was struck by the sudden solemnity. "No need to thank me, Clay." The shortened version of the other man's name slipped out, but it felt right to call him that, AJ realized.

Clayton's eyes were wry as they met his. "Well, I think there is. You going to argue that one?"

AJ shook his head and sipped some more scotch, thinking. In another minute he had what he thought needed to be said. "You need to talk." His voice was quiet now. "Maybe you'd rather wait and talk to Tim," he figured that was the problem, "but I'm here. And willing to listen."

"Tim's not going to be in any shape to talk for a while."

"He seemed fine today..." AJ's voice faded out as Clayton shook his head. "He's not?"

"No one can really know what it was like with those bastards. He might be fine in a few days, or it could take a year or even longer. We won't know until later."

AJ stared at Clayton's face as he took a larger nip of the liquor. "You're upset because you waited so long to try a rescue," he said suddenly. "You want Tim to tell you it was all right, that he understood. He does, you know."

Tim Fawkes' face had lit up when AJ came over to him at that fountain, and even more when Clayton joined them. He'd given them both rough, hard hugs, told them how glad he was to see them, thanked them, but Clayton probably had been in some kind of shock then. The words might not have made it into his memory.

"I know, Clayton," AJ continued, wanting to be sure Webb heard this time, and believed it. "I talked to him. He knows you cared enough to go after him, and I'll make sure he knows just who came up with the idea. He's probably already figured that out."

Clayton's laugh was bitter. "You're a smart man, AJ. Yes, I'd like to hear again for myself that Tim understood. But that's not everything. Just drop it, please. I'll handle it."

The way that he said those last words made everything fall into place for the admiral. "You're worried that you're going to get thrown out of the CIA. Is that it?"

Clayton blew out a long breath, then had some more scotch, and AJ thought for a moment that he wasn't going to say anything. Then he heard the other man's low voice.

"They won't throw me out, AJ. They'll just make sure that I know exactly what I did, how wrong it was, and never give me the chance to be so stupid again. God, and I thought Rabb was an idiot to run off to Russia. I'm ten times worse. I'm supposed to be smart enough to know better." His voice was full of self-doubt and bitterness, making AJ frown. This was not right.

"Was that the topic of conversation today?" AJ kept his voice calm and low. The last thing Webb needed was to be harassed.

Clayton laughed again, even more bitterly. "Oh, no. No one said a damned word." He hunched over. "They're not going to take the chance of this looking like anything but an authorized operation now. But it wasn't, and *I'm* the one who's going to be paying for it. That's why I didn't give that much of a damn that you took over that meeting. Might as well let the guys in Washington ream me out. They've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"That is not going to happen." AJ couldn't believe what Clayton was saying. "I will not tolerate it."

Clayton's smile was sad. "AJ, you can't touch the Company. I appreciate you helping me, but you do not want to take them on."

"The hell I don't!" It felt good to get angry. "Tim was my friend, too, and I would never have had the chance to do anything if you hadn't gotten me involved. Dammit, you took a chance, did some good, and I'm not going to see you get shit for it! " He turned around and fixed piercing eyes on the other man, who was looking a little startled at the passion in his voice. "I'm going to make damned sure of that, son, and don't even try to tell me I can't!" He nodded grimly. "I'll call in every marker I've got if that's what it takes."

Clayton was staring at him. "You cannot be serious."

AJ's eyes narrowed. "You don't think I can manage that, Webb?" he said in a soft and dangerous voice.

Clayton shook his head. "I'm not doubting you, AJ. It's just that," his lips tightened, "you have no reason to do that for me."

"What the hell did those assholes say to you, anyway?"

Clayton shrugged. "Nothing. But I know that I'm in big trouble. I know it," he repeated.

"Drink that," AJ ordered, seeing that there wasn't much left in the other man's glass. Clayton obediently tipped up the glass. "And I have more than enough reason to help you. Hell, you gave me the chance to do some good myself. And you've been a help to me all along."

"So, you were thinking about all the help I'd given you when you punched me in the nose in Russia?" Clayton's smile was faint, but it was there.

"Over and done with, Webb. Let it go." AJ's voice was firm, and Clayton laughed after a moment.

"Just trying to remember some good times," he offered, and AJ was relieved to hear both the laugh and the joke.

He grinned at him. "Clayton, you've got to get out more if you think *that's* a good time," he joked back. He thought about refilling their glasses, but he really didn't feel like drinking any more.

Clayton laughed. "I get out enough, AJ. I was trying to remember good times with *you.*

"Oh, that's not as easy," AJ retorted, still grinning. The other man was sounding better all the time. Good. He'd keep his promise, he vowed to himself. Clayton Webb was not going to get into any kind of trouble because he'd cared enough to risk his life and career for a friend. That was unacceptable in his world. Absolutely.

Clayton smiled and stood. "I'm going to get some water. You want some?"

AJ smiled and held out his glass. "Sure."

It wasn't until he heard the water running in the bathroom that his smile changed to a puzzled look. Why was he still interested in having Webb around? Because he was. He was pretty sure that the man was all right, and usually, what he would do was ease him back to his own room and sack out himself. But he didn't want to. This talking with Clayton Webb was...interesting. Challenging. Fun, even. Well, it had been a trip with not that much fun, unless you counted the encounters with George Decker, the idiotic assistant head of station who'd made the mistake of getting in his way, or the meeting with the Mafia chieftain. He deserved some fun, he told himself firmly. And Webb really did seem to want the company now.

Clayton came back with both glasses full. He handed one to AJ, but didn't sit. "You probably want to get to sleep." His voice was apologetic. "With your flight in the morning, and all. I'll see you tomorrow before you go, I hope."

"It's not that late," AJ said swiftly. "What, you got a date or something?" He kept his voice light and teasing, and after a moment, Clayton laughed.

"No." He sat down again. "I never get lucky in Rome." The relaxed note was back in his voice, AJ noted with relief. "Just about anywhere else in the world. Strange, isn't it?"

"Maybe you're trying too hard."

"Could be." Clayton sighed. "Or it could be that I'm not the type Italians go for."

AJ was going to flip back a quick retort, but the words died. *I'm not the type Italians go for.* A very neutral phrase. Did it mean something? Was Webb trying to imply that he was interested in men? He knew the agent saw women. Hmm. Well, not his business. Not at all.

"Never do well in Rome at all," he heard Clayton mutter, then saw that the other man's eyes were closed, the empty glass was rolling down the bed and onto the floor, and he was falling back onto the bed. Asleep, and no wonder.

AJ thought about trying to wake him, then decided against it. Hell, the man was beat, and the bed was big enough for two.

He took both glasses into the bathroom, took care of washing up and brushing his teeth, then came back out in just his shorts. He frowned, looking at Webb. He couldn't let him stay like that to sleep. He needed rest. He tugged off the other man's shoes and decided that was enough. He shut off the light, slipped under the covers, glad that Webb had chosen the far side of the bed to collapse on, and let himself relax into sleep.


He woke up to harsh breathing. It took him a minute to remember that Webb was there, then he was sitting up and reaching for the other man. He could see in the faint light coming in through the window that Webb was tense, and the harsh breathing was turning into mutterings that were too low to make out, but had anguish in them. Webb was having a nightmare, probably about the shooting.

"Webb," he tried. "Wake up, Webb."

Nothing. He tried again, louder. "Webb, come on. It's just a dream." And this time he reached over and tapped the other man's near shoulder.

That did it. Webb let out a cry and shot up. "God," he gasped. "What is it?"

AJ stayed very still. He wasn't sure if Webb was really awake. "You were having a nightmare," he said quietly.

He saw Webb blink a couple of times. "Nightmare. All right. Yes. Damn." He blinked some more. "Where am I?"

"My room. You fell asleep here."

"Sorry about that. I'll get back to my room now."

"Webb, don't be stupid. You're having nightmares." AJ found himself reaching out to touch Clayton's shoulder as he had in the CIA office, but this time much more gently. "You need to have someone keep an eye on you."

Clayton yawned. "I'll be fine, AJ."

"Oh? I'm surprised no one's hammering on the door to demand to know what the hell's going on in here."

Clayton laughed suddenly. "Hope they don't. Wouldn't help your reputation any to be found with a man in your bed."

"I think I'd survive," AJ returned dryly. "Now get those clothes off, and get into bed."

"Are you always this domineering with overnight guests?" Clayton shot back.

"When it's necessary."

He waited, and finally Clayton reached for the buttons of his shirt.

"Remind me never to stay over at your place," he muttered.

AJ smiled at the sulky tone. "Who said you'd be invited?"

He heard a chuckle. "Oh, yes, there is that." The bed shifted under the other man's weight as he finished undressing, ending up in shorts, just like AJ.

"Well, come on, Clay. I'd rather not stay up all night."

"I'll try not to wake you again," the drowsy reply came.

AJ settled back down on his pillow, and took a long breath. He found that he could smell whatever scent Webb used. Nice, and not too strong. Something he'd like himself. And the other man was breathing gently, probably asleep already. AJ smiled and closed his eyes.


As soon as he woke the next time, he knew he had to do something more. Clayton was pressed up against him, shaking, and the noise coming from him was a low and heartfelt moan.

"Webb," he murmured, twisting his body around to face the other man. He got no response and took him by the shoulders. "Webb, wake up."

Clayton's eyes snapped open. "God," he whispered. "Her face, that smile, screaming, screaming, then gone, all gone..." He shuddered, and AJ realized that the other man was still in the dream.

"Clayton, it's over. You did fine. Wake up." He kept his voice low and gentle, but nothing seemed to reach the other man.

"Dead, Tim, AJ, Decker, all dead, all my fault. How? Why?"

AJ decided that it was time to change tactics. He was obviously too into the nightmare. He shifted and got his arms around Clayton. It was something that had worked in Nam for some of the men. Give them comfort, physical comfort, and the nightmare would change into something more liveable.

For a long moment Clayton still trembled, sweat coming off him, and AJ was seriously considering trying to wake him again, when he shuddered and relaxed into the admiral's body. AJ sighed in relief. Then he felt something on his skin, something warm and moist and soft. Lips. Clayton Webb was kissing him. He stiffened and was about to pull away when he realized something more, that Webb was still asleep. He couldn't disturb him now. It wasn't the end of the world. He'd probably stop in a little while. So AJ made himself relax.

But Clayton didn't wake. He kept kissing AJ's chest, and his lips fastened onto a nipple with a tenacity and intensity that made AJ lick his lips and try to keep his hips still. Damn. He was hard, and getting even harder. This was insane. Wonderful, but insane. He had to wake Clayton. He probably thought he was in bed with some woman. He'd be surprised as hell to find out just who he was in bed with.

"Clay. Come on, Clay, wake up." He heard a muffled sound of protest and persisted. This was going to be interesting if he was very unlucky. Well, he'd handle it. Tell the other man that it happened all the time after a first killing. Hell, why not? All he had to do was sound definite enough. Clayton had no reason to doubt his word. "Come on, Clay, you're having a nightmare."

This time the sound was more coherent. "Huh?" And then Clayton's flushed face was turned up to his. "Nightmare?"

"Yes, a nightmare," AJ said firmly. "Come on. Wake up, and I'll get you some water."

"You're holding me." Clayton's eyes were puzzled.

"It was a bad nightmare."

AJ hoped he could pull this one off. Damn. Why hadn't he shut up? Or woke Clayton as soon as he started kissing? Now he was hard, his erection poking out of his shorts, and if he moved even a little in the wrong direction, Clayton would be able to tell. The man didn't need any more grief. It wasn't his fault that he ended up in some kind of erotic dream after the nightmare, any more than it was his fault that the man who should be taking care of him wanted to go back a few minutes and see what would happen if he kept his damned mouth shut this time.

"Come on, Webb, sit up." That should be safe, since Clayton would have to pull away from his body to do that.

"No. This doesn't feel like a nightmare any more." Clayton's voice was low, and AJ held very still. "This feels good. You feel good."

AJ held his breath as Clayton turned his head and very deliberately ran his tongue across the already-erect nipple. A moan escaped him. God, it felt so good to him, too.

"AJ, I don't want to sleep any more. I'll leave if you want me to, but I hope you don't."

And like that, AJ heard the offer, and knew that Clayton Webb needed this. And more than that, that *he* needed it. They'd been through a lot together, finding Tim Fawkes, rescuing him, killing his captors, with no real help but each other, and now there was one more thing that they could do together. And he did want to do. God, did he ever. Whatever it ended up being. This was as safe as it got. They were in a foreign hotel room, and no one but the two of them was ever going to know. He knew that Webb would keep this secret for him, just as he would keep it for Clayton. This was right for both of them. He and Clayton Webb had grown close, and in a strange way, it made sense for them to give each other this release and pleasure.

He let his hands stroke Clayton's back as he answered. "I hope you know what you're doing here, Clay."

Clayton's laugh was low and pleased. "I've had a little experience, AJ, back in college. We'll manage. Nothing will happen that you don't want, I promise."

AJ thought about asking him more, but then Clayton's mouth was fastened around his other nipple, and he wasn't thinking any more. He moaned and let his arms tighten around the other man's firm body. God, he knew what he was doing. There was fire passing from Clayton's lips and tongue into his nipple, running under his skin, through his body, collecting and pulsing in his cock, and all he wanted to do was come. He found himself thrusting against warm skin, wanting more, wanting so much more, and tried to make himself stop. He couldn't. This was much too good to stop.

But it did. AJ groaned, then made himself open his eyes. Clayton's face was right there. "I want to go down on you," he said very softly. "Is that all right?"

AJ couldn't believe that the other man had to ask. "Fine," he ground out, and heard the low laugh that followed.

"Just making sure, Admiral."

"You son-of-a-bitch," AJ swore as he realized he was being teased by the laugh and the amused light in Clayton's eyes. "All right, Mr. Webb, you have my permission to proceed with all due haste to your stated objective. Got it?"

"Got it," Clayton murmured, still laughing. "Good thing I know what the hell you're saying, AJ, or else I'd be asking for a translation." He disappeared under the covers, and his next words were muffled. "And I'm in no mood to do anything but 'proceed with all due haste.'"

AJ opened his mouth to answer that one, but then he felt his shorts being tugged down and lifted his hips to help. Once they were off, his erection was taken into a warm, wet, and, it turned out, very talented mouth, and all he could do was groan. Clayton's hands held his hips in place, stopping him from any kind of determined thrusting, and after a few moments, AJ knew that what he wanted was more of that mouth, any way he could get it, and let himself enjoy it all. Clayton was licking and sucking, sliding his mouth up and down his shaft. At one point he took his mouth off and started a series of slow, soft kisses all over AJ's balls until AJ felt as though he was going to come from that alone, then it was back to that warm mouth and the tongue that knew all of the spots that were the most sensitive.

AJ was moaning again and thinking dimly how good it was feeling, and how great it would be to come when the rush hit him. He had a moment of clarity and got out, "Clay," but the sucking only got harder and he knew that Clayton knew what was going to happen and wanted it. He let out a loud moan and thrust hard into the warm mouth, then the hands held him more firmly and the mouth had him and he was spurting, trembling, spent and done.

He felt his cock slip out of Clayton's mouth, then the other man's body come back up beside his.

"Better, AJ?" Clayton's voice was teasing, but there was a catch to it, and AJ could feel the hardness pressing against him. He realized that the other man had been doing all the work and gotten nothing back. Well, that was going to change right now.

"Much better." Before Clayton could say or do anything, AJ had his hands on the other man's shoulders and had him on his back. "Now you relax," he said, a growl in his voice.

"Relax when a SEAL's got me pinned?"

AJ snorted. "Just do it, Clay." He heard Clayton's laugh and held back a grin of his own. "College, huh? You must have had fun there."

"Oh, yes, AJ. A lot of fun."

AJ's eyes narrowed. There was a part of him that wanted to find out more about Clayton's college days, but more of him wanted to keep going with this. "This is my first time with a man, but I think I've learned enough tonight to give you a good time, too."

"You don't have to do anything, AJ. I'll be fine." The sincerity in Clayton's voice was real, but so was the moan that he let out when AJ brushed his nipples with his thumbs. Oh, he liked that, too. Good.

It made AJ smile. "I know I don't *have* to, Clay, but I *want* to," he said very softly, and felt Clayton shiver. "I want you to feel as good as I do. So relax, and let me show you how a SEAL does it."

"You did this in the SEALs?" he heard Clayton murmur, a laugh in his voice, and decided that the first thing to do was to get him to stop talking. He moved his mouth to cover Clayton's, pressing his lips firmly against the other man's closed ones. The kiss went from just pressed lips to active tongues in a few heartbeats, and AJ found to his amazement that kissing another man, if that other man was Clayton Webb, was damned good.

When he broke the kiss, both men were breathing hard, and AJ noted with satisfaction that Clayton didn't have anything to say.

"SEALs know how to adapt, Clay," he murmured. "We can handle any kind of situation. And right now, you are the situation I want to handle."

"Oh, yes," was all that Clayton had to say. His head was thrown back, his arms down and still at his sides, and AJ felt a smile play on his face. All his now, for anything he wanted. And he did want to do some exploring.

He started by stroking, using his fingers to map the other man's body, noting what made him gasp, tremble, shudder, and moan, going from his face and neck, down his chest, paying special attention to his nipples, which were very responsive, bringing out some low moans and almost-words, then down his thighs and legs and even a few strokes on top of his feet. When he'd covered the front that way, staying carefully away from the other man's erection, even when he took off the other man's shorts, he leaned over Clayton's face, which was even more flushed now.

"Turn over," he ordered, and when Clayton started to obey, waited until he was on his front to do more. He let his hand brush over the soft hair, then began his explorations again, trailing his fingers over Clayton's shoulders, his back, rubbing his buttocks with his palms, then made long, slow passes with the pads of his fingers down the backs of the other man's legs.

Clayton was shaking when he stopped. "God, AJ," he moaned. "Please."

AJ laughed softly. "I'm not done yet, Clay," he assured him. His cock was getting interested in this again. Well, it had been a while since he'd been with anyone but himself. "Do you want me to go down on you? Or," he hesitated, not sure suddenly, but then set his lips and spoke, "have something else you'd like?"

"AJ," it was clearly hard for Clayton to talk, "do what you want. I just want to come."

It was a relief to hear that. He was an honorable man, and if Clayton wanted something more than his hands, or mouth, he'd try, but the idea of being fucked by another man wasn't what he wanted. He really didn't see wanting it, ever, and he wasn't going to try to be the aggressor about that, since he'd never even taken a woman there. Didn't interest him.

"You'll come," he assured Clayton. "I promise you that. Now turn over and let me show you what more I can do with you."

Clayton got on his side this time, facing AJ, who slid down under the covers until his face was at the level of the other man's crotch. He took the shaft in his hand, and heard the moan from just that. He stroked, doing what he liked, and a few things that just came to him, until he felt Clayton trembling and his hips bucking in a slow rhythm, then swallowed, reminded himself that he could do anything he wanted to, and took the head of another man's cock into his mouth for the very first time.

The cry he heard made it worth the effort. "God!" Clayton's voice gasped out, and trembled. AJ thought for a moment that Clayton was going to start thrusting, but then his body stilled. "Sorry," he heard the other man get out. "Don't want to make it hard for you."

AJ laughed. There was something about this that was bringing out a playful side of him. "You are hard for me," he teased, then kept one hand wrapped around the shaft while he brought his mouth back down to the head. He rested his other hand lightly on Clayton's body, liking the contact, and tried some sucking of his own. There was a certain enjoyment about doing this to another man, he decided after another long moan from Clayton. It wasn't that difficult, and it certainly gave spectacular results.

Clayton was shaking now, but this wasn't from a nightmare, it was because of what he was doing, how good he was making the man feel, AJ knew. This was good for both of them. He flicked his tongue over the head in a motion that he remembered liking himself, and got the reward of Clayton's moans again.

"AJ," he heard Clayton get out, and drew his mouth off to look up at him. Clayton's face was both relaxed and tight, and he was really having a hard time talking now. "You don't have to finish with your," he took a breath, "mouth. Don't push yourself. It's all right."

AJ just looked at him for a moment, his hand stroking the hard shaft idly. "But you did it for me, and hell, Clay, I want to."

Before Clayton could answer, he got his mouth back on Clayton's cock and started sucking harder, taking in even more this time. Dammit, he wanted to find out what it felt like to make another man come with his mouth. It wasn't like he was going to be doing this again any time soon, and he trusted Clayton Webb. Making him feel really good was feeling like the best idea he'd had in a long time.

It didn't take long for Clayton to come. With a groan and a long sigh, he shot into AJ's mouth, and AJ swallowed as much as he could. Not too bad. He was amazed when Clayton held still even through an orgasm. The man clearly had some kind of control.

He took his mouth away and came back up beside him. He was partly hard, nothing to work with, and he ignored it. It would go away, and he'd had his turn.

Clayton's eyes were fixed on him. "Thank you," he said very softly. He flicked a glance down. "Want more?"

AJ laughed and realized that he felt too damned good for words. "Sleep, Clay. We both need it."

The two men stared at each other, then AJ reached out very deliberately and drew Clayton against him. "Don't want you getting any more nightmares," the older man's voice rumbled. "We've got a few hours, and I'd like to use them for sleep."

Clayton rested his head on AJ's shoulder. "I never would have believed this," he mumbled, and AJ chuckled.

"You think I had this all planned out?"

Clayton's return laugh was soft. "Well, you are a SEAL. I wouldn't put it past you."

AJ snorted this time. "Go to sleep, Webb. I want to get over to see Tim before our plane."

"Our plane?" Clayton's eyes were wide open now.

AJ nodded. "I got seats for both of us. You heard me. I'm taking you back home." They hadn't talked about it at dinner, or after that, but AJ had thought Clayton understood. Clearly not. Well, the man had better not fight him. He wasn't going to back down.

For a moment, he thought Clayton was going to say something, but instead he just nodded and closed his eyes again. It felt good to have a warm body against his, AJ thought as he drifted into sleep. And it felt really good to have that body be a friend. This friend.


When he woke up again, Clayton was gone. AJ frowned, then shrugged and got into the shower. If Clayton felt like going back to his room to shower, change, and pack, he wasn't going to get offended. He didn't have any long-term designs on the man. He liked women, and he was fine with that.

There was a knock on the door just as AJ was pulling the end of his belt through the securing loop. "In," he called, then realized that it was locked. He strode over to open it and found Clayton standing there.

There was a calm, neutral look in the other man's eyes, and his face was closed off, guarded, distant. "Good morning, Admiral."

AJ frowned. What the hell? He motioned to Clayton to enter, then shut the door behind him when he did. "Morning, Clay." He deliberately used the more intimate form of address, and saw a flush come over his face. "Do we have a problem?"

Clayton recovered after a moment. "No, AJ. No problem." His face was still closed, though, AJ noted with disapproval. Hell, he didn't regret last night, and he wasn't going to tolerate Webb acting like he did, either.

He took a quick step to get in front of Clayton, who had on another casual shirt and pants. Still strange to see him in anything other than a suit. "Then you could at least show me that you remember whose bed you slept in last night," he said very softly and made sure he was in the other man's personal space, pushing him to say more, to deal with this situation.

Clayton wet his lips. "Dammit, AJ, stop this. Last night is over."

"You going to run from it the same way you're running from killing Teresa Marcello?" He knew he was being harsh, but it was time. Clayton had had another nightmare, and AJ had held him tight until it passed, heard the broken words again, the words full of pain and guilt and despair, and dammit, he knew that Clayton was hurting, no matter what he'd said about the woman deserving to die.

Clayton's face went pale, highlighting the bruise and the cuts from the first rescue attempt, the one that had failed. "You think I'm running?" AJ's nod was grim. "Well, maybe I am. Why not?" He took a quick breath. "She's dead, AJ. I killed her. I can't deny that! But I had to kill her to free Tim, and that should make it all right, but it doesn't, it doesn't..." He turned away, and AJ knew it was because he was afraid of losing even more control.

He waited, then spoke after a minute. "That's all true, Clay. I'm sorry. I know this can't be easy for you. But stop pushing it away, stop pushing me away. I'll help all I can."

Clayton turned back around at that. "Oh, will you? Are you offering me your bed when I have nightmares, Admiral?" AJ tensed at that. "No, of course you're not," Clayton answered himself. "I know that's not possible, and I don't want it." He grimaced. "Well, I do want it, but I know I can't have it, and I know that I'll stop wanting it so much once I'm home and safe." He met AJ's eyes straight on. "Stop wanting you so much. I'm not running from that, AJ."

"Yes. I can tell." AJ wasn't sure what else to say. He couldn't tell Clayton he was wrong, because he wasn't, and he hoped that the other man would find other support, other comfort. But something told him that he wouldn't, that he'd fight this battle alone, and that was not right. No one should have to fight those kind of demons by himself.

"It will get easier," he offered, wishing he had more to offer.

Clayton nodded. "That is the way it goes, but," his eyes were haunted, "that doesn't help me now." He straightened and managed a wry smile. "I'm starved. Come on. I'll buy you breakfast. You know anywhere good?"

AJ put his hand out to touch Clayton's shoulder, and kept it there. "I won't desert you, Clayton. You're right; I can't tell you my bed is yours whenever you need it, but I will listen and I will help." He hesitated. This felt like the right thing to say, but it was risky. He went ahead with it. "I want you either to stay with me tonight or let me sleep at your place. I don't want you to be alone."

There was no expression on Clayton's face for a long moment, then a faint smile appeared. "All right. I would like that." The smile became a little brighter. "It's better than the plan I had."

AJ smiled, too. "What was that?"

"Spending the night at Langley," he said very simply, and AJ frowned.

"The hell you're doing that. You come to my place, I'll make you dinner," Clayton's eyebrows rose at that one, and AJ threw him another frown, making Clayton grin, "and we'll talk."

"I can sleep on the couch," Clayton offered.

AJ gave him a long look and took his hand away. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Clay. That will be my decision."

Clayton's eyes had laughter in them. "Domineering was the word I used last night. It still fits."

AJ saw that laughter, smiled himself, and went toward the door, with Clayton right behind him.

The End

Posted 9/11/00

To the next story, Night at the admiral's

