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JAG Stories

For a JAG index page sorted by pairing, go here.

Please do not archive any of these stories without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.


Go directly to:
Solstice series (Webb/Rabb)
Eclipse series (Webb/Palmer)
Eclipse Snapshots (Webb/Palmer)
Nadir series (Webb/Palmer)
Mentor series (Palmer/Stone, Webb/Stone)
Joint Venture series (Chegwidden/Webb)
Crossovers (various shows and pairings)
The Challenge stories (Palmer/Rabb, Webb/Rabb)
Proving it stories (Webb/Rabb)
Stand-alone stories (various pairings)
DAG stories (anyone and everyone, slash and het)
Het (m/f) stories (Palmer/OFC, Webb/OFC)
Gen stories with no sex


Ah, JAG, the show I love to slash, but hate to watch. *g* The second season was fantastic and got me hooked, then in the third season DPB gave me Clark Palmer and more Clayton Webb, and I was lost and gone in love with them. Then the show started its long and horrible slide downhill, with occasional flashes (usually Webb or Palmer episodes) to torture me and everyone else with a brain who was still watching. And it got more popular. I don't understand, and I don't expect to understand. I just pray for more Webb and Palmer and keep on with the show. (Note: the show's over now (5/05, so that's it for any new Webb or Palmer stuff. Damn.)


Solstice series, a continuation of the Equinox series by Mareen
Harmon Rabb/Clayton Webb

My dear friend Mareen, who encouraged me back in July 2000 to write JAG slash when I wasn't sure that I could, was going to have a birthday and wanted Rabb/Webb slash if at all possible, so I wrote these for her in her Equinox universe. She has a wonderful part 4 and 5 that finish her arc. Please click one of the above links and go read them if you haven't.

Part 1 An offer too good to refuse
Part 2 The end is where we start from
Part 3 Consumed by either fire or fire
Part 4 Tongues of flame
Part 4a Company business
Interlude One Fan Is Not Enough
Part 5 Whatever ocean, a Christmas story

Facing it all, Rabb's side of parts 2 and 3 of Mareen's Equinox series


Eclipse series, another continuation of the Equinox series by Mareen
Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer, with some Harmon Rabb/Clayton Webb

My friend Katja read a draft of An offer too good to refuse and saw Webb/Palmer slash and begged and pleaded until I wrote it. It was just supposed to be a scene for her eyes only, but it grew. I know Palmer's a bad guy, but I see him as having more depth than the show allows him, so I wrote him that way. Parts 1-3b were Katja's birthday presents (2000).

About the numbering of the Eclipse series: it can be confusing. Either hit the back buttom after each story and click on the next part, or follow the links at the bottom of each story, which will in some cases involve choice since some parts can be considered optional, although not by me.

I now have a two CD soundtrack for the Eclipse series.

Prequel Getting his hands dirty Webb and Palmer's first encounter, gen
Part 1 Dark yearnings Webb/Palmer
Part 2 Bug hunting Webb/Palmer
Part 3a Couch talk Rabb/Webb
Part 3b Listening in Rabb/Webb
Part 3c Straight and narrow Webb/Palmer, prequel
Part 4 Morning coffee Rabb/Webb
Part 5 New partner Webb/Palmer
Part 5a Better than Leavenworth Webb/Palmer
Part 6 Passing notes Webb/Palmer
Part 6a Source Palmer/Candella, set before "Webb of Lies", interlude
Part 6b Dragged Webb/Palmer
Part 7 Just Dinner Webb/Palmer
Part 7a Restless Webb/Palmer
Part 8 Dark side of the moon Webb/Palmer
Part 8a Dragging Webb/Palmer
Part 8b Doing it right Webb/Palmer
Part 8c TV Night by Isilzha Webb/Palmer
Part 9 The truth Rabb/Webb, Webb/Palmer
Part 9a Not even a lie Webb/Palmer, Rabb/Webb references
Part 10 Peace Webb/Palmer

Eclipse Snapshots (previously called Eclipse PWPs) and other Eclipse stories that don't fit into the series
Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

I finished the Eclipse series and couldn't stop writing Webb and Palmer, so I didn't. These are listed in order of posting and really should have been more in the Eclipse series, but I didn't know I was going to write so many. They can be taken as occuring in order, unless I say otherwise in the notes or the story. There will be more of these in the future. I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to stop writing Clayton Webb and Clark Palmer in the Eclipse universe. I'm told that this is a good thing. *g*

#1 Team work
#2 Pony Palmer/Rabb, but just a dream
#3 Acceptable behavior
#4 Meatballs
#5 Presents a Christmas story
#6 Moving files
#7 Bedroom
#8 Storm
#9 Spring Picnic
#10 Position paper
#11 Saving Face (a sequel to Meatballs from Rabb's pov) Rabb/Webb, implied
#12 Rabb Invades Langley (another sequel to Meatballs, the same events, but from Palmer's pov)
#13 China Patterns and Place Settings (sequel to Saving Face and Rabb Invades Langley) Rabb/Webb, past
#14 White clam sauce
#15 Houseboy
#16 'Skinner to you'
#17 Ornaments another Christmas story
#18 Home for the Holiday, sequel to Ornaments
#19 Of Doppelgangers and Detective Frazier
#20 Investment, a Valentine's Day story
#21 Investigating Detective Frazier, sequel to Of Dopplegangers and Detective Frazier
#22 Rite of Spring, sequel to Spring Picnic (#9)
#23 Detective Frazier's Revenge, sequel to Investigating Detective Frazier
#24 What He Wants
#25 Stupid Movie
#26 Tradition
#27 Disguise, Surprise, and Reprise, sequel to Rite of Spring (#22)
#28 Perfect Fit
#29 Big Red Letters
#30 The Clark Who Stole Christmas
#31 When You Love Someone
#32 Say It
#33 Fight
#34 A Fight I'm Going To Win
#35 Sunday, Coffee Sunday
#36 Code Roses
#37 On That Train Tonight

That show, an Eclipse interlude with no sex *sigh*
The Hat by Page (not the character Page Martinez, the neat person and good writer Page *g*), an Eclipse interlude with definite sex
Company by Beth, a crossover between Eclipse and her wonderful Wild Ride universe (West Wing)

Eclipse Daydreams

Clark Palmer has a good life in Eclipse with Clay, but still sometimes needs to daydream. When he tells them to me, I write them down.

That Smile

Eclipse AU stories

Surprise, a crossover with Michael of La Femme Nikita and Webb and Palmer, an AU/stand-alone Eclipse PWP
They're Having a Heat Wave by Tinnean
Come back later, sort of a sequel to China Patterns and Place Settings, but not really. An Eclipse AU, because I say so. *g*
Gone, a very sad Eclipse AU, written after I learned of Isilzha's death
Payment due, an AU crossover with Alex Krycek of the X-Files
Payment on demand, sequel to Payment due, and adding Skinner and Mulder from the X-Files to the mix
The ride home, sequel snippet to Payment on demand


Nadir series, a sequel to the Eclipse series
Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer, Clark Palmer/others

I fought writing this one. I didn't want Clark to go through this kind of pain. But I should have known it wouldn't go away. This is a sequel series to Eclipse and the PWPs/Snapshots, and deals with Clark's DSD memories. He's still with Clay, thank goodness.

Part 1 Irish coffee
Part 2 Together
Part 3 Take him
Part 4 Contact from the past


Mentor series

The Mentor stories have been taken offline. They will be put up again, but with all original characters.


Joint Venture series
AJ Chegwidden/Clayton Webb

I got the idea for this series from my husband, who was tired of hearing about Rabb all the time and suggested that I look into slashing someone, anyone else. *lol* He even came up with the idea for part 3 and spent a lot of time talking with me about the first three stories. It wasn't a series in the beginning, but then Mareen wanted a series title when she put them up on her site, then Mareen's Den and now the Unholy Trinity, and this was the best the two of us could come up with on short notice.

Part 1 An Italian affair
Part 2 Night at the admiral's
Part 3 Sydney-side
Part 4 Reaching equilibrium



JAG/The West Wing crossovers
Clayton Webb/Danny Concannon, 'Dave'/Josh Lyman, Clayton Webb/Josh Lyman

I love Danny Concannon, and I kept thinking that he had to know Clayton Webb. So I wrote a story about them, then another one. I have them going to Harvard together, which I know couldn't be according to the almighty Sorkin, but I don't care, because I wrote my first story before they said anything about where he did go. I'm writing an AU. Big surprise. *g*

A hell of a long way from Harvard
Uniforms, a prequel
both Clayton Webb/Danny Concannon

Isilzha wrote a great story, Faded, let me write two AU sequels to it, then died before she could get out her true sequel. Goddammit. But I'm putting my stories out anyway. Someone might like them.

Sent 'Dave'/Josh Lyman
Special dirty things 'Dave'/Josh Lyman, Clayton Webb/Josh Lyman, all three together, sort of


JAG/The Equalizer crossovers
Mickey Kostmayer/Scott McCall, Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb *eg*

Well, all right, There is more an Equalizer stand-alone, which is why I made an Equalizer index page, but it's got Palmer and Rabb in it. Real good was supposed to be Page's birthday story (6/18/01), but I just couldn't get it out in time. Sorry, Page.

Real good, Palmer's pov of Taken by Isilzha


JAG/X-Files crossovers
Clayton Webb/Alex Krycek, Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer, Fox Mulder/Alex Krycek

I had to slash Krycek. And I had to slash him with Webb. And then I had to have it be in an Eclipse AU. I don't argue with inspiration when it comes. I just type.

Payment due
Payment on demand sequel to Payment due
The ride home sequel snippet to Payment on demand


JAG/Velvet Goldmine crossover
Clark Palmer/Curt Wild

Not my fault. Clark's fault. And Alex's, but I don't blame her. She's too cool. :-) She writes incredible Velvet Goldmine slash, and her Phantom Menace slash isn't to be misssed, nor is her Provocateur story. Go read them. Please.

Velvet Glove


JAG/The Burning Zone crossover
Clark Palmer/Dr. Daniel Cassian

Alexandra loved Dr. Cassian, and I started watching the show on Sci-Fi because of her. I loved him at once, too, and of course, I had to slash him with Palmer. *g* I intend to slash him with Webb, and then I could slash Webb with Michael Hailey, and Palmer would love a piece of Marcase...



JAG/Alias crossover
Clayton Webb/Michael Vaughn

Celli's fault. She's too damned good a writer. And Webb and Vaughn are both CIA, which was irresistible to me, and I'm sure that Celli knew that it would be. *g* I'll have to write more crossovers between these two shows. Palmer's already informed me that he will have Sark. *sigh* Why am I not surprised? Probably because I know him much too well. He's going to want Vaughn, too, and he has to be interested in Dixon... Palmer likes to get around. *g*

The Right Scotch


The Challenge and related stories
Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, Clark Palmer/other(s), Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb

This is dark stuff. Please read the warnings. I started The Challenge before I knew what slash was, because I had to write it.

The Challenge Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb
Through a glass, darkly (a companion to The Challenge) Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb
Good time (interlude between The Challenge and The Change, Palmer's pov of a Valentine's Day)
The only one (interlude between The Challenge and The Change, Rabb's pov of the same Valentine's Day as Good time)
Until The Sun Comes Up (interlude between The Challenge and The Change)
The Change (sequel to The Challenge and Through a glass, darkly) Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb
Time for the next thing (a companion to The Change) no sex, really, but these pairings: Clayton Webb/Page Martinez, Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb


Proving it and related stories
Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, with others watching *eg*

Scarlet got me to write Proving it quite sneakily, then she and others keep urging me to write more to follow up. I have, and I will. It's fun to see how that one encounter keeps changing the guys' lives.

Proving it
Showtime, sequel/companion to Proving it, AJ Chegwidden's pov of said encounter
Editor - Clark Palmer, companion to Proving it and Showtime, some Palmer-thoughts



A lot of these are dark, so beware. The warnings and notes at the beginning of each story should clue you in.

The good fight AJ Chegwidden/Victor Galindez
Return match Harmon Rabb/Mic Brumby
How to take a prisoner, DSD style Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, alternate ending to Impact
Hammer and Tong Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb, Senior/Tom 'Tong' Boone
Please Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, written with Isilzha
Got You Harmon Rabb/Clark Palmer
He Tricked Me Harmon Rabb/Clark Palmer, sequel to Got You, humor
Start to drown Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb
Dirty little town Clark Palmer/Clayton Webb, Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, an alternate ending to Webb of Lies
Penance Clark Palmer/Father O'Rourke, a couple of missing scenes from Salvation
Devil's Advocate General Clark Palmer/Father O'Rourke, other pairings, both slash and het, AU sequel to Penance
Taking custody Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, missing scene from People v. Rabb
Photograph Neville Webb/Harmon Rabb, Sr., Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, Jr.
Responsibility AJ Chegwidden/Harmon Rabb
Real good Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, Palmer's pov of Taken by Isilzha
A seat in hell Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, alternate ending to Imposter
Exception Harmon Rabb/Clayton Webb, too-long response to the Canadian Shack Challenge
Like Timmy Clayton Webb/Mic Brumby, written with Page
Come As You Are Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, Clayton Webb/other, a missing scene from Wilderness of Mirrors
Liberation Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, for Alexandra on what would have been her 26th birthday
So Stubborn Tom Stone/Harmon Rabb, a Tom Stone dream about what he'd like to do to Harmon Rabb
Lights Clayton Webb/Mic Brumby, a possible missing scene from Boomerang
Any Time Page Martinez/Syd Cooper, set in Tinnean's Mind Fuck universe by her kind permission
Dirty Little Secret Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, written with Page, sequel to Page's Keeping The Secret
Even Better Clayton Webb/Scott Barry (original character)
Night Out Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, for Alexandra on what would have been her 27th birthday
As Usual Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, a missing scene from A Separate Peace, part 1
Someone Who Sees Me Clayton Webb/Victor Galindez, set after A Tangled Webb, Part II
Working for Webb Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb, set after Shifting Sands
AJ's Handful AJ Chegwidden/Harmon Rabb, humor and parody (and mpreg *g*)


DAG, or Devil's Advocate General stories
too many pairings to detail. Slash, het, threesomes. Anything goes.

I wrote Penance, then I wrote Devil's Advocate General, and somewhere in there I realized I'd created an alternate universe (AU). Some friends love it, so I agreed to keep writing in this AU. Thus, DAG, in which none of the JAG characters work at JAG - they all work at DAG, and Palmer's in charge, and very little work gets done, but everyone has sex or watches someone else have sex or thinks about having sex. I'm not sure how the money comes in, but Palmer assures me he's paying the bills, so I'm not worried. *eg*

Devil's Advocate General Clark Palmer/Father O'Rourke and other pairings, sort of the first DAG story, but sort of not
Joining the firm Clark Palmer/Clayton Webb and other pairings, how Clayton Webb is lured into DAG
Disciplinary action, DAG style, Tiner/Galindez/Chegwidden, missing scenes from Joining the firm
Reward, Bud Roberts/Palmer/Webb
Hiring, Palmer/Webb


Het stories (m/f)

All the female characters in these stories that aren't JAG characters are original creations, and not me. I hope not me, anyway.

Saying goodbye Clayton Webb/Page Martinez, a prequel to A dish best served cold
A dish best served cold Clark Palmer/Page Martinez, Page Martinez/others
Missing scenes from A dish best served cold, from Palmer's pov
Which alters when it alteration finds Clark Palmer/Kate Fontaine, Clayton Webb/Kate Fontaine, Kate Fontaine/other
Discovered no sex, so no pairing, an evil and probably AU sequel to Which alters when it alteration finds
Torture Harmon Rabb/Sarah MacKenzie
Never Looked As Lost As This Clayton Webb/Sarah MacKenzie


Gen stories, no sex

Getting his hands dirty, a possible Webb and Palmer first encounter
Trade Clayton Webb and Clark Palmer, evil
Blood Ties, Clark Palmer's pov of Trade
Revelations on a Sunday afternoon, prequel to Tinnean's Mind Fuck series, Clayton Webb and Porter Webb talking
Got Nothing, a snippet for Jae's defining moments vignette challenge, Palmer's pov after Imposter
For Me, another snippet for Jae's defining moments vignette challenge, Webb's pov during Secrets
Pearls, speculation about young Clayton Webb finding out what happened to his father
Imagine Mischief, for musesfool's psalm challenge, Palmer's pov, set after Hail and Farewell, the ninth season finale
Fine Here, a crossover with CSI: Miami, evil *eg*
Passage, a Porter Webb story written for musesfool's Multifandom mp3 Challenge


