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As Usual

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb

Rating: none

Rabb, as usual, leaves discord in his wake after his visit to Webb's office at Langley, and Webb deals with it in his own way.

Disclaimer: They're not mine, and I make no profit from writing and posting this story. In fact, I'm sure that I'm losing money. Nothing new. *g*

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warning: no sex.

Missing scene from the JAG episode A Separate Peace, part 1. Thanks to Tinnean for encouraging me and being patient while I sat on this, and thanks to Elizabeth, Amara, and Scarlet for their kind comments on the version I posted to my LiveJournal.


Clayton Webb stared at the information on the computer screen.

Who the hell did Harmon Rabb think he was, coming in without an appointment, demanding information about a secret CIA operation for some case he was working on, and to top it off, insulting his father? If he'd done that to Rabb, all hell would have broken loose, with fists and probably blood, and he'd be willing to bet that it'd be Rabb's fists and his blood - but no, Rabb said what he wanted, when he wanted, and didn't register any of the subtle and not-so-subtle jabs he'd loosed in return.

But that was Harmon Rabb for you - terminally oblivious. When he wanted something, he wanted it, and he'd do whatever it took to get it. He'd worked with Rabb often enough to know that.

If he gave Rabb this information, Rabb would take it and run with it. Without anything like thanks to him, as usual.

He signed out of the database.

Too fucking bad for Rabb. He wasn't going to play his game again. All it got him was trouble - and worse than trouble, longing.

Of course, whenever he saw Rabb, the longing was there.

It was high time he finished the job of getting over Rabb. He'd never be Rabb's friend, and he'd certainly never be Rabb's lover. Rabb was Rabb, and would never stop being Rabb, no matter what.

He wanted Harmon Rabb, but he'd be damned if he'd need him.

The End

Posted 6/1/03

