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Come back later

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer because they belong together, according to many wonderful people.

Rating: adult

Rabb comes over, and Clark has fun fucking with his head, just a little.

This is sort of a sequel to China Patterns and Place Settings, but only sort of. Therefore, this is an Eclipse AU. It's not cruel enough to be Eclipse reality. The short version of Eclipse is this: Rabb and Webb had an affair. At the same time, Palmer blackmailed Webb into bed. Rabb decided to get married to a woman (Meg from the first season) and broke up with Webb, and Webb realized that he was finished with Rabb anyway and wanted Palmer for the long term. Webb and Palmer resolved the blackmail and have been together ever since.

Disclaimer: I let them fuck. Bellisario doesn't. Obviously they should be mine, but it's a cruel world, and they belong to Bellisario and CBS. *sigh*

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warnings: It's silly. Palmer has fun. No one dies, though, even though I'm sure Clark would love to change that. It's also an AU, so don't be surprised when there are more Clueless!Rabb stories by me in Eclipse. *g*

This is for Elizabeth, who incited this story. Thanks to Tinnean, Scarlet, and Elizabeth, all of whom helped me get the sex into the second version.


When the doorbell rang, Clayton Webb looked at Clark Palmer, who shrugged.

"Didn't think you were expecting anyone."

"I wasn't." Webb frowned. "Rabb."

"That's my guess. Tell him to fuck off. I thought he was supposed to call first."

"Maybe it's urgent." But the frown that was still on Webb's face showed that he didn't really believe that.

Palmer snorted. "So urgent he can't take a minute to punch in your number? We both know why he's here."

The doorbell rang again, and Webb stood. "He won't get sex, if that's what you mean, and it won't take long to find out what he needs to talk about."

"Clay, I'm not in the mood to put up with Rabb and his longing looks."

"I'm the one who has to put up with them. You get to watch TV or read."

"If you don't get rid of him, I will."

Webb turned around. "Oh?"

"Count on it. I don't care what it takes."

Webb smiled, and Palmer cocked his head.

"You don't believe me."

"I believe you, Clark." There was the dark note in Webb's voice that always got Palmer hot. "I'll be interested to find out how you decide to get rid of Harm. Just don't kill him."

"Leaves me a lot of room."

"Doesn't it?"

The doorbell rang a third and a fourth time, and Webb left. Palmer put down his book and stretched, a satisfied smile on his face. So he got to get rid of Rabb. This was going to be fun.


"She's driving me crazy, Clay." Rabb was talking as soon as Webb got the door open. "I can't take it any more."

Webb held in a sigh and kept his face blank. "Harm, it isn't a good time now, and I told you to call first."

Rabb's eyes found Webb's, and he stepped inside. "I didn't call? Oh. That's right. I thought about it, but then I forgot." He smiled, that charming smile Webb knew very well not to trust. "I'm here now. Can't whatever you were doing wait?"

Webb took a breath to answer, then felt strong arms come around his waist and a body he knew very well press against his back. "Hey, Harm," he heard Palmer purr. "Bad timing, unless you'd like to watch. I guess you could if you don't mind bondage. I don't like anyone interfering when Clay fucks me. He's so damned good at it."

Rabb's face had gone red, but now it was white, and his lips were thin. "What?"

Palmer's hands slipped down to Webb's crotch, and Webb bit back a moan and a protest as Palmer's fingers stroked him, getting him hard. He'd told Clark he could break it up, and he had to keep his word. Plus, it was amusing, and Rabb didn't have a gun that he could see. Clark did, of course. There was no getting it away from him.

"You can watch Clay fuck me, if you don't mind being tied up," Palmer repeated, and Webb knew that Clark's eyes were gleaming, even though he couldn't see him. Palmer's erection pressed against the small of his back, making Webb's cock harden along with Palmer's fingers, which were still stroking him. "Do you want to watch, Harm?"

"You're sleeping with Palmer?"

"Yes. I told you I had someone else." Webb didn't try to soften his words. Rabb deserved this.

Rabb just stared. "How in hell could you trust *Clark Palmer* in bed with you?"

"How in hell could he trust *you* in bed with him?" Palmer snapped back. "But then you're a pretty boy, and pretty boys get even brilliant men to lose their minds every so often." Palmer's fingers left Webb's crotch, and he stepped away from Webb, coming to stand beside him. "Get out, Rabb. You don't belong here. Clay's mine."

Rabb shook his head. "Clay, please. Tell Palmer to leave. You can't want *him*."

"I do want him. I don't want you." Webb took a breath, and when he spoke again, his voice was gentler. "Next time, call first. Unless you enjoyed this."

It took another few breaths, but Rabb finally turned around and walked away. Palmer and Webb watched until Rabb got in his car and drove away, then Palmer turned to Webb with the grin Webb expected.

"Well, that's more like it."

Webb gave Palmer a half-smile back. "Nice work." He shut the door and headed into the house.


Webb stopped and turned around to face Palmer. "You told Rabb I was going to fuck you. Are you telling me that was just a story?"

"Hell, no." Palmer's voice had a breathlessness that made Webb's half-smile grow into a full one. "Can I suck you first? And maybe you suck me?"

"That sounds just fine to me." Webb held out his hand to Palmer, who took a few quick steps and took it. "Just fine."

Palmer dragged Webb down the hall, to Webb's private amusement. He let go of Webb's hand as soon as they were in the bedroom and started stripping off his clothes.

"In a hurry, Clark?"

"Yeah. Come on, Clay, get your clothes off." Palmer was down to his boxers and gave Webb an impatient look. "You can't fuck me when you're dressed."

Webb smiled and started unbuttoning his shirt. "True, and I do want to fuck you."

"After I suck you."

Palmer was bare now and on his knees. Webb drew in a sharp breath at the feel of Palmer's hot breath on the head of his cock, then he drew another one as Palmer's even hotter mouth slid down, taking it all in. Palmer started sucking hard, not letting up, and after a few minutes Webb felt his cock throbbing in a familiar way.

"Stop," Webb gasped. He felt Palmer chuckle as he pulled his mouth away.

"Too much, Clay?"

Webb waited until Palmer was standing to answer. "No, but I want this." He pulled Palmer against him and pulled Palmer's head down to his, claiming Palmer's mouth swiftly and thoroughly. Palmer's arms came around him and held him tightly, and Webb felt Palmer's hard cock rub against his abdomen as his own erection pressed against Palmer's body.

Webb broke the kiss slowly. "Shall I suck you now?"

"No. Fuck me. I don't want to wait any longer." Palmer climbed on the bed, on his hands and knees, looking back at Webb with glittering eyes. "Fuck me, Clay."

"I want you, Clark. Not Rabb."

Palmer let out a low laugh. "I almost wish he was here, watching. I would have done it, you know."

Webb was putting lube on himself, but stopped to smile. "I know, Clark." He came over to Palmer and stroked some lube on his hole, smiling even more as Palmer lowered his head and spread his legs to take it. "He'd be talking at us."

Clark's voice was muffled as he answered. "Not if I had a gag in his mouth."

"You wouldn't want to hear him beg you to touch him, Clark?" Webb knew this was possibly a dangerous topic, but it seemed right to go with it.

Palmer moaned. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Webb eased himself on the bed and put the head of his cock up to Palmer's hole. "Come on, Clark, I think you'd love to hear Rabb beg."

"Rather have you fuck me." Palmer's voice was breathless. "Rabb's boring." He pushed back against Webb and got the head of Webb's cock in his ass. "Fuck me, Clay. Leave him out of it."

"I want to fuck you," Webb breathed, then put action to words, sliding his cock all the way into Palmer until Palmer gasped and Webb knew he'd hit Palmer's prostate, then back out again, then in and out, over and over, until Webb could feel his cock throbbing the way it had been in Palmer's mouth. He reached around to take Palmer's cock in his hand as he pushed in all the way, and stroked his lover's cock as he came. His head fell forward onto Palmer's back, and they stayed there a moment. Webb lifted his head and pulled out of Palmer.

"See?" Palmer had turned his head and was smiling at Webb. "Better Rabb took off."

Webb knew he was being teased, but he played along. "Why would that be, Clark?"

"If we had him here, we'd have to worry about what to do with him now." Palmer yawned. "And I want to take a nap."

Webb smiled back. "Good point." He got off the bed. "Go ahead and take one."

Palmer grabbed some tissues and wiped himself off, then tossed them in the trash. Webb had already pulled down the covers. "How about you?"

"Just let me wash up, and I'll be there, too."

Palmer nodded, settled his head on the pillow, and closed his eyes. Webb lingered, watching Palmer with a small smile on his face, then left the room. He came back in a few moments, got into bed next to Palmer, and felt Palmer's arms come around him, pulling Webb against Palmer's front like two spoons.

"Thought you were asleep," Webb murmured.

"If you shut up, I will be."

Webb didn't say any more, just shut his eyes and let himself drift into sleep with his lover's arms holding him.

The End

Posted 10/5/01

