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Devil's Advocate General

by Gail (
(who else would write something this weird? *g*)


Clark Palmer/Father Harry O'Rourke, other pairings to be revealed later, both slash and het

Rating: adult

Father O'Rourke dreams of a different JAG.

Sequel to Penance, in an AU sort of way

Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine, but I'm bad and play with them anyway. No offense or insult intended.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warnings: PWP, dark humor, references to beatings, torture, and het. I'm mean to Rabb, but he'll get over it. *g*

This was Scarlet's idea, and I thank her for it. She's a muse, and I certainly need one as good as her in my life. She beta'd and helped me with all the details of who did what to whom. But if you don't like it, it's my fault, not hers. Elizabeth and Tinnean encouraged me, and Elizabeth also beta'd.

Posted for Halloween 2001.


I look around the room. It's dark, and smoky, and humid enough that my clothes are starting to stick to my body. Where am I? I should know, but I don't. I don't even know how I got here, but for some reason that doesn't matter. I think about calling out to one of the people who are hurrying around and asking for assistance, but before I can, my name is called.

"Father O'Rourke!" I turn to see a young man smiling at me. "Come with me. You'll be late if you don't hurry."

"Oh, of course." What I'll be late for I don't know, but I'm not going to worry about that.

I follow the young man in his uniform through the busy area, which I now recognize as JAG. A strange JAG, the little light there is dim and reddish, like one of the nightclubs I remember from college, the sounds of people talking muted and far away. There's music playing, a jazz that makes me want to dance slow and close to someone. This young man's uniform is odd, more like a costume than anything, flimsy-looking and brief. It barely covers him, and he doesn't seem to mind. He just smiles when I ask about it and doesn't answer me, instead gesturing to the large wooden door in front of us.

"Knock. He's waiting for you."

He leaves before I can say anything more, so I rap on the door, then run a finger around my collar, trying to loosen it. My clothes are uncomfortably hot and damp now. I wish I could get out of them.


I open the door and walk in, then freeze as the door swings shut behind me with a heavy thud. This isn't JAG. This isn't Admiral Chegwidden behind that desk. It's Clark Palmer.

"Welcome to the Devil's Advocate General, Father," he purrs and stands. I can't catch my breath. "Good to see you again. And looking so well." He comes around the desk, that smile I remember from Leavenworth on his face. "Very well indeed."

I try to move, but I can't. "You're in prison," I stammer.

"Things change when you're not paying attention. I'm hurt you didn't feel my career was worth watching, after that precious moment we shared. But I kept track of you, so it's all right, since we're together now."

I'm supposed to be good at talking, but right now, I don't know what to say. Luckily, he doesn't seem to expect me to.


I blink. He's calling for Commander Rabb? Rabb hates him. Then the door opens, and Rabb's standing there. Not in a uniform. In a thong and nothing else but a heavy metal collar around his neck.

"Yes, sir?" Rabb keeps his eyes on the floor. This isn't the Commander Rabb I know. What has happened to him? Palmer, that's what. It has to be. Somehow Palmer has taken over JAG.

"Better, Rabb. The father and I will have coffee. Make it hot as hell, dark as sin, and sweet as revenge. That work for you?"

He's got a mocking look in his eyes as he looks at me, and I can't get anything out.

"I guess so. Get it. Now."

Rabb backs out of the room, and the door shuts behind him. This is insane.

"He's much better now that I've collared him." I jerk my attention back to Clark. "You might want him. I'm sure you had some moments wanting to fuck that ass. It's still pretty tight, but don't wait too long."

"What am I doing here?"

He just smiles. Then the door opens, and Rabb hurries in with two coffees, putting one down in front of me and handing the other to Clark, who takes it, then reaches up to twist Rabb's right nipple, getting a moan from Rabb. He then yanks off Rabb's thong, leaving him bare.

"Go find Chegwidden. He did a good job showing that nun was a fraud. Tell him he gets you for the afternoon."

I see Rabb's cock stir. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, wait. Roberts helped him, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then make sure he gets invited in. I'm sure they can find a way to share you."

"Yes, sir." Rabb's fully hard now, and I stare at his erection. I wonder what the two men are going to do with him.


Rabb backs out again, and Clark turns his attention to me. I'm hard, too, and I don't know if it's from my thoughts about how Chegwidden and Roberts could share Rabb, or from the casually cruel way Clark treated Rabb.

He smiles, and I'm glad he can't read minds. "I want you to work for me, Harry. Help with the good work of proving people aren't saints. Can't have people praying to imposters, now can we?"

"Work for you?"

"Yes. The pay's good, and we've got all the perks: medical insurance, retirement plan, two months' vacation a year, as many sick days as you need. And you can have anyone you want here. We're a friendly bunch. Lots of chances to get what you want." He picks up his coffee and takes a sip. "Perfect. Have some."

My cup is my hand, and I'm drinking before I know it. He smiles as I swallow.

"Now I'll show you what it can be like here."

He picks up a remote and presses a button, and a TV screen comes to life. I see Rabb on his knees in some office, but it has whips and shiny chains dangling from the wall. Rabb is sucking Chegwidden's cock while Roberts waits with his cock out beside Chegwidden. As I watch, Chegwidden pulls Rabb off and Roberts shoves his cock into Rabb's mouth. I get even harder.

"Hot, isn't it? And they're not even fucking him yet. Rabb's happiest on his knees. Surprised no one figured that out before."

I'm not in the chair any more, I'm on a soft red velvet couch, red as a cardinal's robe, and Clark's beside me, his fingers on my nipples, pulling them. My clothes are gone, his, too. I can still see the TV, and the screen has gotten bigger, so I can see even more. Rabb's on his hands and knees, head bowed to the floor, and Chegwidden and Roberts are grinning at each other as they run their hands over him, Chegwidden taking Rabb's cock in his fingers and squeezing it, while Roberts works Rabb's already hard nipples. Rabb's mouth opens, and I think he's moaning, but there's no sound.

"I'll bet AJ's going to fuck him first," Clark breathes into my ear. "Then Roberts. Then probably AJ again. I'm telling you, Rabb will get it, but good."

I squirm as Clark's tongue circles my ear. At first it's cool, then it heats up until I think his tongue's turned into fire. My nipples are hard and aching as Clark works them with fingers that have gotten as hot as his tongue, and I struggle not to push into his grip. "I thought Roberts was married."

Clark chuckles. "She gets her turn at Rabb, don't worry, puts him through some high hoops. She's a firm believer in the fine tradition of flogging, or birching, depends on her mood, and she makes sure Rabb's ass gets a good workout. His knees, too. Great woman, and one of my best."

"Colonel MacKenzie?" Chegwidden is sliding his cock into Rabb's ass now, effortlessly, and Roberts is at Rabb's head, taking his mouth. Using Rabb. But he's pushing back into Chegwidden's thrusts and looks happy to be used.

"She's with me. Rabb never likes when she asks for him. She's worse than Harriet on him. Good motivator. I just have to threaten him with her. She fucks with his head as much as she fucks him. Chains him to the wall with a good tight cock ring so he can't come and makes him watch while she fucks the guys and rolls around with the women. Sometimes she just works on him. Never saw anyone put more clothespins on one body." He twists a nipple, and I cry out. "Work for me, Harry. It's a good life. I'll give you what you wanted in Leavenworth. I'll fuck you good and hard. I know you want it."

I do, and all I can do is stare at him through my glasses that have misted over. Then they're gone, and everything's a blur.

He laughs and gets a hand down to my cock. "Yeah, I'll give it to you."

Then I'm on my hands and knees, though I swear I never moved, and Clark's cock is pushing into me, smooth and thick and hot. So hot that I feel like I'm getting burned, but it's a burn I want. It spreads through my whole body, setting every nerve aflame, and I moan and push back against him just like Rabb did against Chegwidden. I hear myself babbling pleas and cries for more and obscenities that would make me blush if I cared, but I don't. I'm as desperate and wanton as any slut I've ever condemned in my thoughts, and I've never felt more alive.

He settles into a pumping motion, and I groan and thrust into the air.

"Later I'll let you suck me off," he whispers, licking my ear with that tongue of fire again. "And you can fuck Rabb, and whomever else you want. Even me, if you do a good job on my cock. This is where you belong, Harry. Right here. Say it. Say you belong to me now."

I clamp my mouth shut. I won't say that. I'm not his. I'm God's.

His hand snakes around to take my cock and jerk me off with those burning fingers. It's almost too much to take, and it's more than enough to get me to surrender.

"I belong to you." My voice is rough, but I mean it. I want what he's giving me, want what he's promising me, too. And I'm going to have it, even though I don't know if I'll ever be the same again.

He laughs and works my cock harder as his strokes speed up. "Good as a contract," he whispers, and then there's fire all through me, shooting out of me...

And then I hit the hard floor beside my bed, and I remember where I really am, in the monastery for a time of quiet prayer and rededication to my faith. I groan and drag myself to my knees to pray for the rest of the night. I can't go back to sleep and risk, no, allow myself to visit that place again.

The End

Posted 10/31/01

