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Disciplinary action, DAG style

by Gail (


Victor Galindez/Jason Tiner, AJ Chegwidden/Jason Tiner, AJ Chegwidden/Victor Galindez, Sarah MacKenzie/Harmon Rabb (video)

Rating: adult

What happened when Palmer sent Tiner to Galindez, then sent Chegwidden as well. Missing scenes from my story Joining the firm.

Part of the DAG universe, companion to Joining the firm.

Disclaimer: None of the characters in this story belong to me.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Again, for Scarlet, and for Tinnean, both of whom cheered me on and beta'd.


Victor Galindez glanced up from the screen where a dark-haired woman was clipping clothespins on the nipples of a taller, dark-haired, collared man chained to the wall, to see his colleague and friend standing in the doorway. "Hey."

"Hey." Jason Tiner shut the door and took a seat next to him on the couch. They watched for a few moments in silence, then Tiner spoke again. "Oh, yeah, she was really working Harm over. That a recent tape?"

Galindez grinned and stopped the tape. "It's from a few days ago, and of course she was working him over. She knows he needs it, and she loves doing it. What took you so long?"

"Filing. Clark wanted it done. Now he wants you to deal with me. I've been bad."

Galindez's eyes gleamed. "Yeah? What'd you do?"

"I invited Clayton Webb in here with us to watch the tapes."

"And he doesn't know how things work yet?"

Tiner smiled. "Why shouldn't we get to show him?"

"You should have known Clark would want to show him himself."

"Yeah, well, I was bored. And he's hot."

"I'm hot. And you're here with me." Galindez reached down and undid Tiner's pants. "So I get to do anything I want with you, huh?"

"You know the rules. Clark's pissed," Tiner moaned as Galindez's thumb rubbed over the head of his cock, "so I don't get to come until he says so."

Galindez let go of Tiner's cock and dug into Tiner's pocket. "You won't, not with this cockring on." He held up the metal ring, and Tiner swallowed.

"Put it on me." Tiner's voice was low and breathless. "I don't want to disobey that rule."

Galindez snapped it around the base of Tiner's cock for his answer. "So, Clayton Webb's hot? And you thought you'd get to fuck him first?"

"I thought I'd get to touch him," Tiner whispered as Galindez pulled him against his body. "Get to pump his cock, maybe get to watch him fuck you."

"So you think I'd just bend over for Webb? Maybe you would, but not me." Galindez bit down on Tiner's neck, making Tiner groan.

"You like getting fucked as much as I do, Vic. Don't try and tell me you don't."

"Yeah, but I like fucking, too."

"Like Webb would let you fuck him. I don't think so."

"You talk too much, Jase."

Galindez kissed Tiner, and Tiner kissed back, then Galindez pulled away, closed his hand around Tiner's cock, and started working it. Tiner groaned and bucked up into the stroking, then when Galindez eased off, spoke.

"This all you're going to do? Tease me?" Tiner nodded at the camera set high on the wall. "You know Clark'll check this tape, and if he doesn't like what he sees, you'll be the one getting called into his office, and it won't be for fun and games."

"Maybe I should call him, ask what he wants me to do to you. You think he'd like that?"

Tiner shook his head. They both knew Clark Palmer didn't like to be disturbed when he was with a potential employee, and they'd all heard how much he wanted Clayton Webb to join the firm.

"Don't worry, I won't call him. I've got enough ideas of my own. Maybe I should bend you over this couch and fuck you until you beg me to let you come. Or maybe I should turn your ass nice and red and get you begging me to fuck you, then shove my cock up your tight ass. You know you always beg, Jase. You can't help it."

Tiner was moaning now.

"I'd love to hear you beg me to do anything to you if I'll just let you come, even though you know I won't do that. But I've got a better idea." Galindez stood, dragged a willing Tiner over to the wall, and cuffed him using the chains that were there. Soon Tiner was spread-eagled with his back against the wall. Galindez grinned and walked over to the VCR. "I'll do to you what Mac did to Harm. We'll have to rewind, of course. Don't want you to miss out on anything."

"Jesus," Tiner whispered, his eyes huge. "I don't know..."

"You don't have to know. You just have to take it." Galindez, for all his bold words, was staring at Tiner, and Tiner understood that all he had to do was tell Galindez it was out of the question, and Galindez would stop.

Tiner leaned his head against the wall, exposing his neck. "Do it, Vic. Make it good."

Galindez hit play. Tiner couldn't see the screen, but he could hear Harm's moans, and they kept his cock hard, along with the cockring. Everything in the DAG offices was consensual; Palmer insisted on that. It might look like torture or rape, but everyone knew they could stop at any time.

"Forgot about that."

Tiner lifted his head at Galindez's words and watched him open a drawer and take some things out of it. He licked his lips when he saw what Galindez had in his hand, a butt plug that vibrated and a bottle of lubricant. This was going to be good.

Galindez coated the butt plug with lubricant, then came over to Tiner, who arched away from the wall to give Galindez better access, and pushed the plug into him with a firm steady pressure. Tiner groaned as it stretched, then penetrated him.

"Bigger than the one she used on Harm, but I know you can take it, Jase," Galindez whispered. "Take it and love it."

Galindez took his hand away and wiped it on a paper towel, then tossed it in the trash. Tiner shuddered as he saw Galindez pick up the control for the plug, then put it in his shirt pocket. "We'll get to that, Jase." Galindez picked up a pair of nipple clamps, connected with a heavy chain. "I don't like clothespins that much, so you'll wear these."

Galindez's free hand went to Tiner's left nipple, pinching and pulling it until it was hard, then to the other nipple. When he was satisfied with them, he unscrewed the barrel of one of the clamps, tested it on his finger, adjusted it, nodded, then moved to the next clamp, unscrewing, testing, and adjusting it.

Tiner watched the process with wide eyes and a hard cock. He wanted this. Galindez knew just what he wanted, and he was giving it to him. But Tiner knew, no matter what happened, he wouldn't be allowed to come until Clark Palmer gave the order. It would happen, but Tiner didn't know when. He moaned, thinking of how good Galindez was and how helpless he was, how much more he was going to want to come after a while.

Then Galindez opened one of the clamps and closed it on Tiner's nipple, and Tiner cried out. Galindez laughed. "Now the other one." As he spoke, he was putting the other clamp on, and Tiner cried out again, then one more time as Galindez let go of the chain and the weight of it pulled on both nipples. Not quite pain, but almost too much stimulation.

"Look at the screen, Jase."

Tiner obeyed Galindez's order and turned his head. Mac was in front of Harm, her breasts rubbing against his chest, and Harm was arching out to meet her, his mouth open and begging for anything, more, please, yes, please... Tiner wanted more, too, but licked his lips instead of begging. He knew Victor would make him beg, but he wasn't there yet.

"Looks to me like she turned on the vibrator."

With that, Galindez took out the control and flipped a switch. Tiner felt the vibrations start pulsing through him, and he moaned. He needed more. Maybe he should beg. On the screen Mac had Harm's cock in one hand and was pulling on it, while with the other hand she fingered herself. Yes, it was time to start begging. It might get him something good.

"Please, Vic, do that. Please. I want to watch you get yourself off."

Galindez glanced at the screen, then back at Tiner. He smiled. "No, Jase, I'm not ready to come yet. When I do, I'm going to be in your ass, unless I decide I want your mouth." He reached down to stroke his cock, and Tiner's eyes followed his movements.

He wanted that cock, anywhere Galindez wanted to put it. The plug was still vibrating, sending thrills through him, and the cockring was both keeping the blood in his cock and keeping him from coming.

"Let me down, and I'll do either, do both if you want." He licked his lips and stared at Galindez, who was still lazily working his own cock. "Please, Vic." The plea broke off in a groan as Galindez reached out with his other hand and tugged on the chain.

"Soon, Jase. I'll let you down soon."

"Gentlemen." Both men turned to see AJ Chegwidden shut the door behind him. "Clark sent me in." He came over to Galindez and Tiner and looked them both over. Tiner moaned and thrust into air, and AJ took hold of his cock. "Looks like Victor's been doing a job on you. What do you want, Jason?"

"I want you or Vic to fuck me, AJ. Please. I need to be fucked. Take me down and fuck me, or let me suck you off. Anything."

AJ let go of Tiner's cock and looked at Galindez. "Well?"

Galindez picked up the remote with his free hand and stopped the tape, then put it down. "Clark sent him to me because he asked Mr. Webb to watch the tapes with us. So I'm in charge, AJ. You can play, but you do as I say."

Tiner groaned to himself. Vic should know better than to fight AJ, but he never did. Or maybe it was that Vic liked when AJ took him down.

"Is there anything you'd like me to do, Victor?" AJ's voice was too calm, Tiner thought. Something was going to happen. He moaned as the vibrations in him stopped.

"You can play with him for a little while, but he stays on the wall."

Galindez turned away, and AJ was right there, grabbing his hands and cuffing them behind him with the set of handcuffs AJ always carried. "Maybe I'll play with you instead. But first I'll give Jason what he wants."

"I was in charge!" Galindez protested.

"If you'd really been in charge, you wouldn't have had to tell me, and you wouldn't have taken your attention away from the scene." AJ shoved Galindez to his knees. "You have a lot to learn, boy. Sit there and watch what I do with Jason. I'll think about doing something for you later." AJ came over to Tiner and reached between his legs. "You won't need this any more," he promised with a feral smile and pulled out the plug.

"Thank you, AJ," Tiner gasped. He felt empty now, but he could tell AJ would fill him up very soon.

AJ unchained him, removed the nipple clamps carefully but left on the cockring, and helped him down to the carpet. Tiner got on his hands and knees and felt AJ behind him. "Please, AJ. Please fuck me." The blood was rushing back into his nipples, and they hurt, but he knew the pain would go away soon.

The head of AJ's cock pressed into him for his answer, and Tiner breathed and opened for him. Soon AJ was fucking him steadily, hitting his prostate and making him tremble and groan. But he still couldn't come with the cockring on. Every time he looked over at Galindez, he could see how turned on he was, and how desperate, and it made him hotter.

Tiner was considering begging AJ to let him come when the phone by the couch rang. AJ stopped fucking him, then reached over and picked it up. Tiner clenched his teeth and made himself keep quiet.

"Yes? Oh, yes, Clark. I'll tell him." He laughed. "And thank you." He put down the phone. "Clark says it's up to me when you come, Jason."

"Please, AJ. Please let me come." Tiner knew he was so close.

AJ thrust into him again. "Maybe when Mr. Webb gets here."

"He's coming in?" Galindez's voice was breathless.

"That's right. And don't give him any grief. He gets what he wants. Do you understand?" AJ punctuated his remarks with a thrust into Tiner.

Both men answered at the same time. "Yes, AJ."

"Good." AJ thrust into Tiner again and fell into an easy in-and-out rhythm that left Tiner whimpering. He needed to come. Maybe Webb would let him.

The door opened, and Clayton Webb walked in. AJ stopped fucking Tiner, and Tiner moaned. He needed more. What was AJ trying to do to him?

"Quiet, Jason. What can we do for you, Mr. Webb?"

Tiner panted and looked at Webb's crotch. He was hard. Maybe Webb would fuck him, or maybe he'd fuck Galindez while AJ got back to fucking him. He glanced at Galindez and saw the same thought in his eyes.

"Palmer wanted me to check on Tiner and Galindez." Webb sounded as cool as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening, and it turned Tiner on even more. He squirmed on AJ's cock until AJ pinched his ass.

"I hope you'll tell him I'm taking care of the situation."

"It would certainly appear so." Webb walked over, and Tiner saw Galindez's cock throb. So he did have something for Webb. Tiner wasn't surprised. He'd seen Galindez's eyes follow Webb back when they were all at JAG. "Were you finished with Tiner, AJ?"

"No." AJ shifted his weight, and his cock pushed into Tiner a little more. Tiner held in a moan. The last thing he wanted to do was piss off AJ or Webb.

"Then keep fucking him."


AJ pushed into Tiner as he spoke, hitting Tiner's prostate and making it impossible for him not to moan. He still couldn't come with the cockring on, but as long as AJ kept fucking him, he'd be fine. He could wait.

He moaned again when he felt warm fingers wrapping around his cock and thrust forward. "Please, Mr. Webb." It had to be him; AJ's hands were on his hips, and Galindez was cuffed.

The fingers shifted and undid the cockring. "Better?"

If he wanted to know, Tiner would tell him. "Yes, Mr. Webb. Thank you." It was hard to talk with AJ fucking him steadily and well, but he had more to say. "AJ, please let me come."

AJ pinched his ass again, but the pain made him whimper. He had to wait to come, and AJ was driving him closer and closer. Maybe AJ wanted him to fuck up so he could do more to him? Or maybe AJ wanted him to stop his orgasm? He swallowed. He couldn't do that. AJ had to let him come.

"It's up to Mr. Webb. Do you want to let him come, Mr. Webb?"

Webb's answer came without hesitation and with cool amusement. "Yes. Fuck him until he comes, AJ. Then do something about Galindez."

So Webb wasn't going to join in. That was too bad.

"You could do something about me, Mr. Webb." Galindez sounded like he'd do anything to get something from Webb.

"Would you speak that way to Clark?" AJ wasn't happy, Tiner could tell. Galindez might have to wait for whatever AJ would do to fulfill Mr. Webb's order.


"So don't speak that way to Mr. Webb."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Webb."

Tiner thought Galindez was more sorry that his remark hadn't gotten Webb to take a more active part in the scene.

"Apology accepted."

Tiner got his eyes open and saw Webb open the door just before AJ's thrusts pushed him over the edge into orgasm. When he looked again, weak and panting, the door was closed, and it was just the three of them.

AJ was crouching in front of Galindez. "You made me look bad in front of Mr. Webb, Victor." His tone made Tiner shiver as he eased himself to the floor, and he knew it had to be even worse for Galindez, who was still hard and cuffed.

"Sorry, AJ." But he didn't look sorry, and Tiner thought he knew what was going on. Galindez wanted AJ to come down hard on him.

"You don't sound sorry." There was a pause as AJ studied Galindez, who glared back. "How long since anyone fucked you, Victor? Sounds like it's been too long."

"Listen, I fuck, I don't get fucked."

"Really." Tiner could see AJ's smile, and it was as feral as it had been earlier. "I remember burying my cock in your ass and hearing you beg me for more." Galindez flushed, and his cock quivered. "You do need to be fucked, and I'm the man who's going to see that you get what you need."

"You can't fuck me. You're not even hard."

AJ smiled and stood in an easy motion. "I'll manage." He went over to the drawer and pulled out a dildo. He showed it to Galindez, who moaned. "Clark had this made from a cast of my cock. It should fit you just fine."

He pulled Galindez up and undid the cuffs, then put him over the couch. "Join him on the couch, Jason, and do what you want with him." AJ was spreading lubricant on Galindez's ass as he spoke. "Did you see how he looked at Mr. Webb?"

"Yes, AJ. He looked at him like he wanted him." Tiner was on the couch now, and he bent his head to kiss Galindez on the mouth. Galindez whimpered and kissed him back.

"That's what I thought. I think he'd like it if this cock was a cast of Mr. Webb's cock. We'll have to make sure he gets one."

Tiner broke from Galindez's mouth to see AJ work the head of the dildo and some of the shaft into Galindez's ass. Galindez whimpered again when it penetrated, then even louder when AJ stopped.

"Sounds like you want this, Victor. Do you?"

"Yes, AJ, please, please fuck me."

"I knew you needed this," AJ growled, then started moving the dildo in him.

Tiner bent his head and kissed Galindez over and over, feeling through his mouth how hard AJ was fucking him, how much Galindez loved the fucking, how close Galindez was to coming. Then Galindez froze and came.

AJ pulled out the dildo. "Easy, Victor," he breathed and put his arm around the other man to help him to get around and sit down on the couch next to Tiner.

"Thank you." Galindez was smiling at both of them.

"You're welcome, but next time, Victor, be a little more respectful." It was AJ's driest tone, but it made Galindez laugh, and Tiner, too.

The End

Posted 2/12/02

