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Editor - Clark Palmer

by Gail (>


Rating: adult

Clark Palmer makes tapes for AJ Chegwidden and Clayton Webb.

Sequel: well, sort of. More of a companion piece to Proving it and Showtime.

First Disclaimer: I don't own them. DPB and CBS do. I'm a bad girl, but that's all right, because Palmer will deal with me. *g*

Second Disclaimer: Well, no, they don't belong to me, but... All right, Mr. Webb, no buts. Whatever you say. I wouldn't want to get you mad at me. The characters in this story belong to DPB and CBS.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

For Elizabeth, on her birthday (9/24/01), because she wanted to know what Palmer was thinking. She's the kind of person who's ever young. :-)

Thanks to Scarlet and Mareen for their betas.


Clark Palmer grinned as he hit the rewind button and shut down the program. All done. All the good parts of Webb fucking Rabb on one tape, with no hint that it was anything but consensual, and all for Admiral AJ Chegwidden. He hadn't decided exactly what he hoped to accomplish by sending the tape to the admiral, but the idea was too tempting to let alone.

Palmer didn't know Chegwidden that well, just his DSD file, and that wasn't as complete as it ought to be, but he was pretty sure from some of the notations in the file that Chegwidden wanted Rabb. Hell, why not? Rabb was a pain in the ass for Chegwidden. Of course Chegwidden would want to fuck him. But Chegwidden had the honor-and-duty thing going on and wouldn't do anything about it. Fine. Chegwidden didn't have to do anything. All Palmer wanted was for Chegwidden to see Rabb getting fucked and loving it, and get pissed. Maybe the next time Rabb wanted some kind of special treatment, Chegwidden would even put aside his scruples and tell Rabb to get on his knees or drop his pants to pay for what he wanted. Not too likely, but a man could hope. Better and more likely, Chegwidden would rein Rabb in or draw away from him.

Chegwidden would not be pleased to learn his subordinate had broken the Navy's rules, but since Palmer was sending him the tape at home, Chegwidden wouldn't feel as though he had to bring it to the Navy's attention. No way Chegwidden was going to say anything to Rabb or Webb about it, just like there was no way Palmer was going to tell Webb about the tape to Chegwidden. This was Palmer's game. Webb didn't need to know everything.

And it wouldn't hurt to have Chegwidden draw back from Webb. Then Webb might turn to Palmer, since there was no one in the CIA that Webb trusted. Palmer grinned at the thought of Webb needing his help and having to ask for it in that cool way Webb had with everything. Webb could get to secrets, could get to information that could help Palmer a hell of a lot. That was one reason Palmer wasn't going to go after Rabb. He'd thought about that right after Webb and Rabb's performance, but more reflection had convinced him that setting up Rabb again would be a bad idea. He'd live without fucking Rabb, but Webb wouldn't, so Webb could have Rabb.

Of course, Webb might want more than Rabb. Webb might even want Palmer. If so, he could have Palmer. No problem. Webb could be fun. It sure had looked like Webb knew how to fuck. Palmer's hand went down to his crotch and rubbed, the fabric soft against his fingers in contrast to the growing hardness of his cock. Webb fucking him the way he'd fucked Rabb, taking his time and making it good, Palmer wanted that. He wanted that a lot. He hadn't gotten fucked in a long time, but he remembered how hot he got having a cock in his ass when the man with that cock knew what he was doing.

He pulled his fingers away. This was not the place, and he wasn't a big fan of jerking himself off. He'd rather have the real thing, even if it meant waiting to get it. He'd get the tapes to Chegwidden and Webb and put a note in with Webb's unedited one that would get Webb in touch with him. Then he'd see about getting Webb what Webb wanted, whatever that was. He hoped it was him and not Rabb.

The End

Posted 10/27/01

