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Got Nothing

by Gail (


Rating: adult for the swearing

Clark Palmer adds another goal to his list.

Disclaimer: I'm Clark Palmer's goddess, but he still belongs to Belisarius Productions and CBS. Rabb belongs to them, too.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

This was written for the defining moments vignette challenge, found in this Live Journal entry by Jae. It's from Clark Palmer's pov, set after the episode Imposter, 304 words, and gen. *wince* Tinnean beta'd it, and I thank her for that. :-)


"Do not move, sir."

I blink and see a gun aimed at me, then turn my head and see another gun.

Great. My head hurts, my mask is gone, my operation went to hell in a handbasket, and I know all too well how that all happened. It wasn't supposed to be like this, but that's Harmon fucking Rabb for you. I left him tied to a chair in his apartment with a bomb set to go off in a safe eight hours and a motion sensor in case someone got stupid and came over, but somehow he got out of it. I'll have to remember that he has the damnedest fucking luck when we meet again, because we will.

One of the guards grabs my arm and hauls me up, then spins me around and puts on the cuffs, and in the process I see Vickers being carried out on a stretcher. So he's alive. I didn't even get that done.

"Keep an eye on him." Rabb, of course.

"We will, sir."

He smiles. "Not too good a day for you after all."

I don't answer. Yeah, not too good a day, but I didn't need him to point that out, and the last thing I want to do is give him anything.

"See you in court, Palmer. I'm going to enjoy presenting the case against you." His eyes are shining.

He thinks he's got me? He doesn't know shit. It's like I told him before, he's got nothing, and nothing's changed. He doesn't know what he's fucking with. He'll get his trial, and probably even his verdict, but I'll never see the inside of any prison. The Defense Security Division will see to that.

But I will see him again, when I'm ready, and he'll find out who he's fucked with then.

The End

Posted 7/22/02

