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Hammer and Tong

by Gail (


Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb, Senior/Tom 'Tong' Boone

Rating: adult

Tom Boone and Harmon Rabb, Sr. get to know each other better.

Disclaimer: All characters in this story belong to Belisarius Productions and CBS. They do not belong to me. I am not making any profit off this story.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

I base this story on the characters of Harmon Rabb, Sr. and Tom Boone as portrayed in "Ghosts of Christmas Past" by David James Elliott and Peter Murnik, but this shouldn't spoil the episode for anyone, since this is set prior to that episode. I think that Rabb Sr. bunked with his wingman, 'Hoot' Gibson, in "Ghosts of Christmas Past", but for the purposes of this story he shared his quarters with Boone. Call it an AU if it makes you feel better, please.

This story was beta'd by Alex, and I thank her very much for that. She made it much better, as she always does. All remaining mistakes are mine.


Lieutenant Harmon Rabb headed back to his room. He had no missions scheduled for a few days, and he was getting restless. It might have made more sense to go have a cup of coffee or root beer and talk with some of the other pilots, but the company he wanted was that of his best friend, Tom Boone.

He opened the stateroom door, and Boone looked up. "Hammer," he greeted his friend, that confident smile there.

Rabb returned the smile. He always told Trish and little Harm how much Boone meant to him in the tapes that he made for them, although he knew he'd never tell them just how very much he and Boone shared. But neither of them were here, and he knew that he could live with what he was doing. What Tom was doing. What they did together.

He shut the door and saw Boone's eyes brighten as he tossed the magazine he was looking at on the floor. "Ready to turn in?"

That voice, as always, had so much more in everything it said, and Rabb swallowed. He'd seen Boone use that voice on women when they were on leave, and it always worked. Was Tom thinking of a woman now? Whatever. It didn't matter. He had moments when he thought about Trish, and sure as hell Tom wasn't going to give him shit for that. It was too bad that Tom didn't have anyone to go home to. He was going to have to talk to him about marrying and settling down.

He sat down on the bunk by Boone. "Sure. What about you?"

"I was hoping you'd come back early." And now Rabb knew that the voice was for him. He relaxed. "Need the head?"

"I'm fine."

Boone's hand touched his arm. "Sure you are. But you could be better. So could I. What about it, Hammer?"

It helped that Boone used his call sign as much as his name. He was Hammer here, not Trish's Harm, not the daddy of little Harm, not even really Lieutenant Harmon Rabb, not in this room. He was someone else. He tried to stay true to his Trish, but it had to be better that he was finding release with a friend rather than with some woman. Did it? He'd never be able to tell Trish, but there were so many things that he'd never be able to tell her anyway. What did one more hurt?

"You want to go first?"

And with his casual question, it started for real, as Rabb had known it would.

"Well, I have been waiting for you." Boone's hand slid down Rabb's arm. "But you're ready now." The hand was down at his crotch now. "Hammer, that's what you've got, that's for sure." The tone was admiring as he undid Rabb's pants and pulled out his erection. "And to think that's all for me."

And Rabb couldn't deny that. It was for Boone, no one else. That's why he'd been restless. He wanted this.

He remembered other times when he and Boone had fooled around. It had all started when they both ended up jerking off at the same time, and Boone had called to him partway through. "This is stupid," he'd said. "Two guys pretending to be asleep when they're not." That was so Boone, no tolerance for stupidity. "Go ahead, Hammer. You don't need to keep quiet. Get off. You deserve to."

The acceptance in his friend's voice told him that he meant it, and from then on he found himself feeling much more relaxed about jerking off with Boone there. He still kept his back turned to the room when Boone was there, of course, but he didn't try to keep too quiet, and he could tell that Boone didn't, either.

But one time Boone hadn't been there, and Rabb had let himself go, sprawled out on the lower bunk, Boone's. He didn't feel like climbing up to his, and he knew that Boone was on duty. But Boone had gotten off early, and when he opened the door and came in, Rabb was too close, too lost in the feelings to care that there was some kind of noise. Then there was a warm hand wrapping around his cock, and that was enough to send him over into one of the most incredible orgasms he'd ever had in a while.

When he opened his eyes, Tom was staring at him. "Better?" the low question came. Rabb nodded, feeling dumb, but somehow not as embarrassed as he thought he should be. "Good." His eyes were laughing. "Can I have my bunk back now?"

Rabb surprised himself with his answer. "Come in with me," he invited and shifted over. "I owe you."

"Yeah, you do," Boone agreed and ran his tongue over his lips before he got on the bed facing Rabb. "This could be fun. Come on, Hammer, show me how good you are."

And Rabb had undone his friend's pants and jerked him off. It was fun to see Boone's face fill with pleasure, good to hear him gasp and make desperate sounds, all for him.

After that, it just kept happening. There was no awkwardness, no worry about Tom saying anything to anyone else. They were friends, and friends kept each other's secrets. Tom still flirted with any woman who came along, and Rabb still smiled and stayed away from them, but that didn't matter when they were together. Nothing mattered except each other. It was the war, Rabb thought. The war that was fucking up everything, keeping him away from his family and his home. He would never do this if he had Trish right there. But he was lonely, he needed someone, and Tom was there. That was all there was to it.

One time Tom had brought that up. "You wouldn't tell your Trish about this, would you?" They'd just finished, and Tom had grabbed an undershirt and was wiping them both off.

Rabb opened his eyes at that. "Hell, no. Why?"

"Just wondering." Tom put the undershirt down. "This is for fun, Hammer. You know that. I'm your friend."

The simplicity and directness of Boone's words made him smile. Tom always made him smile. "I'm your friend, too."

"So this won't fuck things up when we stop, right? When one of us gets reassigned, or something? Or when we go home?" There was actually a note of worry in Tom's voice.

"It's not going to fuck up anything, as long as we leave it here."

"Right. No problem." And that was that.

He jumped as Tom's hand slid up and down his cock. "You back with me?"

He groaned for his answer. Tom knew just what to do, and he could feel that he was close, damned close. What was it about Tom that always got him off so fast?

Suddenly Tom's hand tightened around the base, and he groaned again. "I'm tired of this," Boone's low voice came. "I've got more than a hand to use. Let's see if I can do something more for you."

Then Tom was down on the deck, his mouth closing around Rabb's cock, and god, it felt so good. Hot and wet and perfect. Teeth scraped him, and he let out a yelp, but then it stopped, and all he felt was the wetness and the motion as Tom slid him in and out of his mouth. God, another guy sucking him off. No, Tom doing it. That was Tom's head down at his crotch, Tom's hand moving up and down his shaft, Tom's tongue, his lips. Tom was on his knees in front of him. The images swirled together with the sensations, and he found himself thrusting into the willing mouth and shooting before he could stop himself. God, that was hot. That was too hot. He sagged, then felt the bunk shift as Tom came back up.

"Guess I did a good job." The amusement in Tom's voice made him smile.

"Who have you been practicing on?" He knew that Tom would take it as the joke it was.

"Nobody." Tom's voice was still light. "I'd like to keep practicing on you, Hammer. But first I'd like you to do that to me." The voice was deeper now, more intense. "Come on, Hammer. It's not bad. It's sort of fun."

Rabb opened his eyes and stared at his friend. Yes, he meant it. The lean face was smiling at him, the eyes had that intensity he knew so well, and he knew he'd have to say something. He swallowed. "Tom, I don't know if I can."

"You can, if you want to."

He could tell that Tom wanted him to, but he wasn't sure. When he didn't answer, he saw Tom's face go blank.

"All right, whatever." Tom dragged his pillow over and stuffed it under his head. "Get on your own bunk then. I'll take care of myself."

The hurt in his friend's voice reached him. "You don't have to do that." He reached for Tom's crotch, but the other man's arm was there, blocking him. "Come on, Tom, don't be an idiot."

"You're being the idiot," Tom snapped back. "But hey, you don't want to play fair, you don't have to." Rabb could feel the glare. "Get out of the fucking bunk, Rabb."

He wasn't going anywhere. Just because he'd had a minute of doubt didn't mean he was backing out.

"Shut up, Boone." He managed to get his hand into Boone's pants, finding he was only half-hard. "You got to decide when you did it; why not let me do the same?" Tom wasn't helping, but he wasn't trying to stop him any longer. "You want to come in my mouth? You can come in my mouth."

He couldn't believe he was saying this to his best friend, but it didn't matter. What they did in this room didn't really matter, except that this time it might lose him his best friend. He wasn't going to let that happen.

"You going to?" That was Boone, persistent.

"I'm going to. Now shut up and let me get you close."

Boone's laugh came low and happy. "Yes, sir, Lieutenant."

Rabb grinned. "That's better."

He pumped until Tom was hard, then swallowed and got off the bunk. Tom sat on the edge and spread his legs, clearly waiting. He licked his lips, opened his mouth, and let himself take in the head. He was engulfed in the smell and the taste, which was strong and salty and somehow just like Tom. This was how Tom Boone tasted. The thought got his cock stirring, but this wasn't about him, not now. This was for Tom, because Tom had done this for him, and because he wanted to do it.

He took a little more in, then tried what Tom had done, moving his mouth down, then back up the shaft. He heard Tom gasp. "Just...keep going, Hammer," Tom's strained voice told him, and he did. He found that after a few passes his tongue wanted in on the action and started using it to lick the head. "Jesus, Hammer!"

And he liked the sound of that; he liked it a lot, and he kept going, kept licking and sucking and getting the taste of Tom Boone, his friend Tom, in his mouth and his nostrils and his hands and everywhere. He never wanted to lose this taste.

Tom moaned. "Hammer, please," and the desperation was still there, and he knew what his friend meant. He was going to come, and he knew that he wanted to get that taste, too. Why the hell had he balked? This felt right; this felt good. He kept breathing through his nose as he took Tom's shaft all the way in and felt it swell, then pulse. When he swallowed the next time, he tasted Tom's come. Yes. He had all of Tom now. All of him. He wondered if this was how Tom had felt, sucking him off.

Tom's hands on his head drew him off. "Damn, Hammer, you're fucking incredible." Tom's face was flushed, and Rabb gave him a smug smile.

"You know it." He let himself rest next to Tom. Sure, he should get up on his own bunk, but he didn't have to right now, and he didn't.

"Goddamned fucking incredible," he heard Tom say again, awe in his voice, and his smile only grew. "I have got to try that on you again."

"Go ahead and try any time you like."

He let his eyes fall shut. Peace. It felt good, and especially good to have it with Tom.

The End

Posted 2/15/01

