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by Gail (


Clark Palmer/Clayton Webb

Rating: adult

The senior partners of DAG discuss hiring a new employee or maybe two.

Another part (the fifth) of the DAG (Devil's Advocate General) series, which isn't exactly organized, but then, neither is DAG.

Disclaimer: Neither Clark Palmer nor Clayton Webb are my characters, but DPB doesn't use Palmer any more, which sucks so much. He's nicer to Webb, but I'm sure that's only a temporary aberration. Michael Barry and Brian Cameron are mine and have their own stories, but somehow they ended up here. Life is strange.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

For Scarlet, who likes my DAG stories and doesn't even think that they're silly. :-) She and Tinnean beta'd this, and I thank them for it.


"This one looks good. I'll give him a call and set up an interview."

Clark Palmer walked into AJ Chegwidden's office without knocking when he heard Clayton Webb's voice. "What's going on here?"

"Hi, Clark." Webb's smile was smug, and Palmer knew that his fellow senior partner was up to no good. "Nothing you need to be concerned about."

"AJ. Tell me."

AJ Chegwidden didn't look at Webb as he answered Palmer. "Mr. Webb's hiring an assistant."

"Maybe two," Webb added with a mischievous smile. "I liked this one's resume, too." He picked up a folder that had been put aside. "You don't mind, do you, Clark?"

He knew damned well the two of them had agreed to do any hiring jointly. "Cancel Clay's appointments for the morning, mine, too."

AJ glanced at Webb, who nodded. "Certainly, Mr. Palmer."

"Your office, then, Clark?"

"What a good idea." Palmer made sure to smile at Webb, who gave him that same mischievous smile back. "Bring the folders."

Webb gave him a look of surprise that Palmer could tell was faked. "Certainly."

Palmer and Webb walked side by side to Palmer's office, and everyone who saw them made sure to get out of their way. Webb was smiling, but Palmer knew that he was scowling and didn't care. Webb knew better. What damned trick was he trying to play?

Palmer shut the door and glared at Webb. "What the hell is going on?"

Webb turned to face Palmer. "You don't have to get so worried, Clark. I just wanted some assistants."

"To do what? We've got enough people here to do the work and more."

"Work?" Webb smiled and leaned against Palmer's desk, and Palmer swallowed. Webb wanted to play. He knew that look in Webb's eyes, and he could see that he was already hard. So that was what this was about. "I wasn't thinking that they'd necessarily work, Clark, but that's a good idea. Both of them have impressive resumes. Take a look."

He held out the folders to Palmer, who took them and opened the one on top. Michael Barry, lawyer. But the majority of the rest of the papers in the folder weren't about his legal skills - they were candid pictures, with one that was a closeup of the man's erect and impressive cock. Palmer shut the folder, and Webb held out his hand for it.

"You don't seem impressed with Mr. Barry's qualifications. I was." Webb ran his tongue over his lips, and Palmer held in a moan. "I think he'd work out well here."

"You've got Jason or Victor if you want someone on his knees, or Rabb if Mac will let you." She wouldn't say no to Webb unless Rabb was being punished, and Webb knew that. "Hell, you've got AJ, for that matter." And he'd get on his knees for Webb, but if Webb didn't know that by now, he wasn't going to say it.

"I want him. I want the other one, too, and I think they'd look good together. We could make them fuck and watch."

Webb had certainly adapted to working at DAG, Palmer thought as he opened the other folder. Brian Cameron was a computer analyst, with brown hair where the other had been blond, and just as good-looking from the candid shots that were included in his folder, too. He wouldn't mind fucking either of them. "So you want to hire whores for your amusement."

"No, Clark, we'd make them into whores. That would be the point. Although I suspect Mr. Cameron at least would be more than happy to cooperate. Mr. Barry might need some careful handling."

"Which you want to give him."

Webb's smile was wicked. "I might let you help, if you asked nicely."

Palmer tossed both folders on his desk and grabbed Webb's shoulders. "Did you forget who started this business?"

Webb just laughed and pressed against Palmer. "Joint senior partners, Clark."

Palmer felt Webb's teeth on his neck and groaned. "Dammit, we agreed to do the hiring together."

"We are doing it together." Webb sucked the skin that he'd bitten. "Come on, Clark, they'll be fun. Think of having Brian or Michael on his knees for you. And you know that the women would love to play with them. They deserve new men. They do so much work."

Palmer groaned again as Webb's hands slid down to his ass and stroked. Webb had a point, but there were still more men than women working at DAG, and none of the women had complained. He'd have to go talk to them and see if they wanted more toys. But maybe they'd told Webb. He got everyone to talk to him. "Do you want them or not?"

"I want them. I want you. I want," Webb laughed, "everyone I can get. Help me get them, Clark."

The men would be decorative and maybe useful, and they could afford them, so why not? Webb wanted them, and there was no real reason why he shouldn't get them. "Yes."

"Thank you. Now fuck me." Webb rubbed his crotch against Palmer's leg. "Please."

"You don't want to wait for either of these two to fuck you?"

"I don't want to wait for anything."

Palmer let go of Webb and stripped off his suit jacket and loosened the knot of his tie. "Strip."

"I thought you'd never ask."

"I'm not asking."

Webb laughed and got out of his clothes. "Very well, as long as I get fucked."

Palmer smiled and undid his belt. Oh, he'd get fucked all right, and so would these two new ones they were going to hire. He'd see to that.

The End

Posted 10/12/02

