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How to take a prisoner, DSD style

by Gail (


Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb

Rating: adult

What might have happened in the JAG episode "Impact" if Palmer had gotten smart and taken Rabb back to the Bradenhurst Corporation before the Marines got there to rescue Rabb. An evil alternate ending to "Impact", so an AU.

Disclaimer: CBS and Belisarius Productions still own them. I'm making no money off this.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warnings: This story has references to one person hitting another, drugs, handcuffs, and nonconsensual sex (I'm pretty sure Rabb wouldn't consent if he weren't drugged), and should not be read if any of these disturb you.

Spoiler: Impact

Summary of the episode up to the point at which I diverge from it, taken in part from, an excellent JAG credits and episode site: Harm and Bud investigate the mysterious crash of a helicopter. Witnesses claim the helicopter collided with a UFO, but Harm and Bud uncover a secret installation nearby that is developing a secret flying device for the military. When Harm approaches the installation, he encounters potentially lethal opposition to his inquiry from government security officials (Clark Palmer, their very first meeting). Harm gets away from the installation with a computer disk as evidence that the UFO is really a secret flying device, but Palmer and his men shoot out his tires and stop him from getting away.

This one's for Jenn and Kita and Alex, all of whom love when I write this pairing. I send my heartfelt thanks to Tinnean for reading this one and loving it, even though she hasn't seen the episode, and even more heartfelt thanks to Alex, who has seen the episode and made it very clear that she wanted to read this evil ending if I would be pleased to write it, then did one of her fabulous betas.


He's standing there, glaring at me, even though I just hit him. "Get him in the car," I tell the hired help and turn away from Rabb as I stow my gun back in its holster under my jacket. He's got that disk that's missing on him somewhere, and it's foolish to stay out here in the sun and play chicken with him. If Rabb wants to play games, I can think of better ones than that, and there's lots of quiet places at the Bradenhurst facility.

We ride back in the same vehicle, and Rabb tries to talk a few times, but the guard riding beside him shuts him up with a jab to the ribs every time he opens that bruised and bleeding mouth of his. I'm smiling, especially when we get back on Bradenhurst property. I was concerned that the Marines might show up and try a rescue, since I'm sure Rabb left some kind of word, but they can't do a damned thing now. Rabb's ours. No one's going to be around to tell any stories.

"Room 43," I tell the guards who have Rabb, and they nod and each get Rabb by one arm. "Wait." Rabb gives me a hopeful look when I approach, nice, but I'm not here to help him. "Get his hands behind him." Rabb struggles, but it doesn't help. These guys are damned good. I chose them myself. I get a set of cuffs on his wrists and lock them. He stops struggling after that, but the look in his eyes promises that retribution he was talking about earlier. I laugh to myself. He has no idea what I'm going to do to him, and I'm glad of that. It'll be a nice surprise for him. "Take him now. Make sure to search him. I want that evidence back."

I start down the hall after him. Rabb's in for a treat. I'm sure he's never been with a guy. He's too uptight for that. Better take care of that first. I know that Rabb will be fine until I get there. I detour to another part of the building and get what I need, then head back.

When I get to the room, the guards have Rabb in a chair, and one is training his rifle on him. The other one speaks. "I have the evidence here, sir." He holds up a disk.

I knew he had it. "Take it back to the lab. Dismissed."

"Mr. Palmer?"

"The commander and I have some business to take care of."

The guards get it this time. "Yes, sir, Mr. Palmer."

Neither of them smile or say anything more, but I can tell from the eyes of the one who has his rifle on Rabb that he wishes he could stay, and I wouldn't be surprised if the other one felt the same way. Yes, Rabb is a pretty boy, even with dirt on him and that angry look in his eyes. Maybe even prettier that way. It's been a while since I had such a pretty boy, and I've never had a Navy commander. I like giving myself presents.

"Commander," I start pleasantly after the door closes behind them. "How are you feeling?"

"Like you give a fuck," he spits out.

"You certainly have a mouth on you." He's amusing. You'd think he'd have figured out that he should behave himself, but no, I'm not an officer, so he thinks he can get away with anything. My side still hurts where he got me. He'll pay for that. "Commander, do you understand what trouble you're in?"

"You can't keep me here. I'm a member of the United States Navy, and you are obligated to release me."

"No, Commander, I'm obligated to keep you here. You trespassed. You broke in here. You attacked me and another member of this facility. You," I smile at this, "broke the law. And now you're going to pay for that."

He tenses, but I don't want him tense. I get out the bottle and see his eyes widen. They widen even more when I produce the syringe.

"What the hell is that?"

"A drug to get you to tell the truth, Commander. I suspect you're working for one of this country's enemies." Yes, this will be the best game to play. He'll think it's truth serum, but it's nothing that simple. Its effects will surprise the hell out of him. "And I don't like people who pretend to be military officers and come in to a secure facility to steal information."

"I am a commander in the Navy. Just call the base and check."

Scared already? Good. I walk over to him with the filled syringe. "I'm sure they'd back your story, but that's only because you paid the right people enough."

"I didn't pay anyone anything; I am who I say I am." Very angry, which of course is driving out the fear.

I smile at him as I position the needle. "Don't worry, Commander, I'm sure we can come to some arrangement." I make sure to slid the needle in carefully. If I let him go, I won't want any evidence, although it would be easy enough to say that he required sedation, and this drug won't linger in his system. I'm not giving him very much. "If you tell me the truth, that is."

"I am telling the truth."

"Very well, tell me what you were doing here." I grab a chair from the corner and open it, making sure I'm close to him. "Let's see what you say now." I give him a smile and watch as his face starts to flush. It'll take a little while to hit him, and it'll be subtle, but I know what to look for. I worked on this drug's development myself. "Commander? If that's your rank. Is it?"

"Commander Harmon Rabb, Junior, United States Navy."

"Full commander or lieutenant commander?" I know the answer, but it's fun to tease him.

"Lieutenant commander." He sounds proud of it. Go ahead, Navy boy, be proud. Soon you'll be desperate, and I'll be the only one who can help you, although I'm sure I could get any number of volunteers. There are a fair number of men who haven't had the chance to get any for a while, and their eyes would light up at the thought of using you for what you're obviously made for.

"Lieutenant Commander Harmon Rabb, Junior," I say slowly as I watch him get more flushed. Yes, it's working. "And what government are you working for?" Yes, I like teasing this one. He's easy to manipulate. I wonder if he's someone I could use for information when I get back to Washington. It's always good to get someone who can be useful, but then again he is just a lieutenant commander.

"The United States government. I told you that already." He's pulling against the cuffs, his nipples poking out against his shirt. I smile. I could reach out and stroke them, and he'd probably lose it. But I want more.

"Did you? Right, you did. But be patient, Commander. You won't be here forever." I could kill him when we're done. I'd be within my rights. But we're not supposed to kill every damned intruder. As though we should have to pay attention to any of the idiotic people who break in here. They all *say* they're harmless, but that's a crock. I smile at him. "When I'm sure that you're telling me the truth, you'll be released."

His eyes are suddenly sharp on mine. "What the hell are you doing to me?"

"I'm interrogating you, Commander. Are you having some kind of problem?" He shifts in his chair, and I can see that he's getting more uncomfortable. "Can't sit still? I don't understand." I made sure that there was a small amount of truth serum mixed in, as well as something to get him to talk. The commander isn't going to be able to keep his mouth shut very well, not that I want him to.

He licks his lips, getting the dried blood and starting his cut bleeding again. "This is insane," he whispers.

"What is insane?" I drop my voice. Time to play. "That you're getting aroused? Maybe you've been waiting for this all your life. Didn't you have fantasies of getting captured when you were a boy? Of being tortured and made to talk?"

He's really flushed and restless now. Good. "No."

Not enough truth serum. I can tell he's lying to me. "I think you did. I think you want this. It's all right. I'll give you what you want. You won't even have to beg for it." I reach out and touch a finger to his left nipple, and he lets out a choked sound as I stroke it. "Think about it, Harm. You don't have any choice. I'm going to do what I want to you."

Well. That works. He lets out a long sigh and licks his lips again. You are an interesting man, Commander Rabb. Maybe I will look you up next time I'm in Washington. I'm sure that I could find a way to get you back into this position, but then who knows that I'll want to? There are always pretty boys and girls who are ready to play whatever game I like, just not here, unless I want to fuck with the guards, which is never smart. They have to fear me, not look at me as a playmate. I learned how to deal with subordinates in training, and I've never forgotten.

I need to keep going with this. Sure, the drug will get him hot, but it's up to me to make sure that he gets into the right frame of mind.

"And you're going to do what I want," I say in an even softer voice. "You're my prisoner." I switch to little flicks of my fingernail against his nipple, and he's arching out his chest to get more. "Tell me you're going to do what I want so that I'll do what you want."

He stills at that, and I sigh to myself. All right, all right, I'll make it easy for him. I get up off the chair and take his mouth with mine. I don't like kissing another guy, especially one with stubble, but it's one thing that works, and it definitely works here. His mouth opens right under mine, and his tongue is ready when I thrust mine in. I break the kiss after I'm sure he's well into the passion he needs to do this right.

I'm not doing him any favors. I'm going to fuck his mouth until I shoot my come down his throat, and pretty boy may or may not get off. It depends on how well he does. I've got the taste of blood in my mouth now from the cut on his, and contrary to what some at the DSD may think, it's not something I enjoy. Watching it spill from the body of an enemy, that's a different story, if the death's artistic enough. But there's no reason to kill this man. He's amusing me too much for that.

"My god," he whispers and pants. "I don't... I can't..."

"You can, and you do." He's there; he just needs to stop thinking. I get a hand around his neck, stroking the skin, and that's what does it. He gasps and this time leaves his mouth open. I pull him down to the floor, and he ends up on his knees, looking up at me. That's right, Commander. This is where you belong when I'm around. I reach for my zipper. "You want this."

"Yes," he whispers, and the hunger in his eyes is beautiful. Desperate, aching hunger. How long has the commander been hiding this desire from himself? Too long. And I get to be the one who makes him face it. I lick my lips now as he kneels there, looking up at me, waiting. "Please."

"Do a good job," I say with just enough harshness to remind him who's in charge and get the head of my erection into that bruised and cut mouth. That mouth that belongs to me now.

He's not bad at this, but then the drug has to be helping. He's licking and sucking and taking in as much more as he can. With some practice he could be good. I suppose I could keep him around and let him get that practice, but I know that sooner or later the Marines will come looking for him, and I'd prefer not to deal with them. No, I'll give Commander Rabb a taste, and maybe someday I'll give him more.

I reach down and hold his head still. I'm getting close, and I want to fuck that mouth, get him back for all the trouble he's caused me. The DSD doesn't let anyone get away with fucking with us. Tempting to get him back on his feet, cuff him to the chair, strip him and show him what it's like to get fucked, but that's not my thing.

He doesn't like that I'm holding his head, but too damned bad. I can feel him shaking as I slam in and out, feel him gagging, then I'm there, the rush of doing this to him taking me over the top.

When I check, he's even swallowed. I pull out. "Very good, Commander."

"You hurt me." His voice is rough, and he's having a hard time talking. He swallows and coughs.

He's so pathetic, and yes, he's still hard. "You want to come or not?" I get my limp cock back in my pants and do them up.

That makes his eyes glaze over again. "Yes." He looks up at me hopefully, and I lean down, get my hands under his arms and lift him up to the chair. He slumps against the back. Poor Commander Rabb, learning so much so quickly. But he'll be fine.

He did well enough to deserve this. I pull his cock out and start pumping it. If he thinks he's getting a blowjob, he's wrong. I don't do those for prisoners. Senior DSD members, sure. That's part of the job description. But Commander Rabb's not in any position to complain, and he isn't. He's moaning and pushing up into my grasp. Nice to know I've still got it.

I keep working him with one hand and with the other get out some tissues that I grabbed on the way here. He's got to be close, and I'm not getting his come on me. This is a favor I'm doing him. I hope he appreciates it.

He shoots all over the tissues and my hand. Fucking Navy shit. I wipe it off and glare at him. Figures. Must not have gotten any for a while.

"Let me go," he gasps.

"Not quite yet, Commander." I take out another syringe and fill it. "You're going to sleep now."

He's struggling again. Of course, the drug's wearing off, especially since he's come. I still manage to get the new one into him without much trouble, but then I'm good.

"Sweet dreams, Commander." I watch as he stops struggling, then catch him as he falls to the floor. I leave him there and take out my phone. There's more to do before he can go back to his life.


The guards I call work over Rabb in a way that won't leave any marks, then I have them put Rabb in a vehicle and take him back to the Twenty-Nine Palms Marine base. I'm through with him, and he's got nothing on me at all. Memories? I made sure he got enough blows after we were finished to shake up even his thick skull. He's not going to be remembering anything much at all.

But I've got a hell of a lot on him. I smile. I remember everything very well, and I've got the videotape to remind me.

The End

Posted 2/7/01

