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Listening in

by Gail (


Harmon Rabb/Clayton Webb

Rating: adult

Rabb and Webb talk, while Palmer listens and comments.

Part 3b in the Eclipse series

Disclaimer: CBS and Belisarius Productions own these characters. I'm borrowing them without permission. Please don't sue me.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

For Katja, because she didn't even know who Palmer was when I started talking with her, and now she's into him. And yes, it's *her* series. Can't leave that out. And for Jon, who loved my first (and really bad) sex stories, and who would be proud of me writing and posting these.

Betaed by Greg, who dealt with the 'this isn't good enough to post' crisis all by himself this time.

Please read Couch talk before this one. I cut too many corners for this story to stand alone. All the action is in the other story, I promise, since it happens at the same time. This is indulgence. And a look inside Clark Palmer's head, because I'm obsessed with him. But that's pretty obvious by now, right? Good. I'd hate to think I was being subtle, or something.


The sound quality's pretty good, and I'm glad, because this is one broadcast I do not want to miss.

Clayton Webb is going to be talking to Harmon Rabb about my favorite subject. Me. Oh, I know that I'm not going to be the only topic of conversation, but it should be fun hearing what Rabb has to say. Or, what he'll do.

I pick up my glass of brandy and swirl it as I wait for the show to begin. An indulgence, I know, but I've been waiting for this one. It's amazing in a way that I'm still up, since I sure as hell didn't get much sleep last night, a couple of broken hours at the most, but then I've trained myself to go without sleep at need, and I can always make up for it later. This is too good to miss, almost as good as last night. Better, in a way. Clayton doesn't understand that *this* is my true revenge, making them both face what they did and stop living in that fantasy world they each have, where the dreamer is right about everything and the other is wrong. It isn't going to work out that way, guys. You'll fuck and fight and start finding out just how different you are. You're going to suffer and go through remorse and all kinds of absolutely delicious agony. And I'm going to be in on all of it.

Of course, I'll make sure that Clayton doesn't suffer that much. He'll have me. Harm? He can go chase some more women, see how they deal with whatever new tastes he brings to bed. No problem for the man who thinks that his uniform will get him any woman he wants. But if I've got him figured right, he wants this a hell of a lot more than he's willing to admit to himself. Or to Clayton. And that's something that's going to hurt him in the long run. And help me.

And that is the point of this whole exercise. Even though I'm the only one who knows that.

I hear Rabb let Clayton in, and settle back into the chair to listen. Nothing much is happening yet. Just some small talk, Clayton asking to use the bathroom, Rabb being polite and pacing as soon as he's gone. Oh, Rabb, I so wanted to be the one to tell you, to show up at your door and see you go for the gun. But I couldn't keep Clayton from getting what he wants, and he wants you.

Oh, here we go. The good stuff.

*I thought you would want to know that Palmer's out of Leavenworth. Pardoned.*

Thank you, Clayton. I knew you'd do it, not for me, not yet, but for Rabb.

Who should erupt any second now.

*He's what?* He's moving. I can hear the pacing, and Clayton's not a pacer, not a professional like him, that would give too much away. Oh, Harm's angry, he's scared, he's thinking of what I've done to him. This is beautiful. Ah, Harm, be scared. I won't do a damned thing to you, but I want you thinking about it, every second of your very, very long life. And you will think about me.

*Out of jail. Pardoned.* Poor Clayton, having to deal with an insane Harmon Rabb. Maybe I should have done this myself. But I would have enjoyed it too much, and it's Clayton's chance with Rabb. *You do know what those words mean?*

Oh, Clayton, good one! You're going to keep me thinking, that's for sure. This is going to be worth all the time I spent figuring out what to tell the Company psychologists who came to Leavenworth to talk to me, all the strings I pulled to get the right ones there, all the lies I told. You need me just as much as I need you. You just don't know it yet. But you will.

Ah, Rabb again. *Pardoned. When the fuck did you find out about this?*

Oh, Harm, play nice. The man's gone to a lot of trouble to make sure you don't get screwed over, and you're being a shit to him. But then you don't appreciate him. You never have. Walking out after the man fucked you? Hell, I would never walk out on Webb.

I love that tape I've got of Harm coming back from Webb's. I didn't know just how great it was going to be when I started checking it, but I've had to copy it a couple of times, I watch it so much. Harm coming in, soaked, slamming the door as though he was trying to smash a few demons in the process, downing a couple of shots as soon as he could get to the bottle, stripping off his clothes, then that glorious view of him, not that the boy's my type, but he did look good with semen dried on him. That got me interested enough to keep watching. Something had him pissed, and I do like knowing what gets to Rabb. I thought he'd run into a woman and gotten not as lucky as he thought he should have, but then he opened that pouty mouth of his and started throwing around swear words mixed up with Clayton Webb's name, and I found out everything I needed to know about his second foray into sex with a guy, and god, I don't believe I missed the first adventure, but that's the problem with surveillance, it's only as good as the intel you have.

I got a view of his asshole at one point and it was still red and swollen. God, Clayton fucked him good. And Harm gave me enough detail during his raving that I still jerk off to that tape, listening to that anger and longing in his voice. Funny, how we both want the same man. Rabb does have taste. Pity he doesn't have more brains to go along with that.

I've been keeping track of Webb's activities for a long time now, and I've known about his thing for guys, believe me. But he always manages to surprise me when I think I know everything. It's a gift. No one else has ever done that.

At first I was going to blackmail Webb with this romp with Rabb, see about getting some really good information, but when I found out more, I got intrigued. I've always been interested in Webb, but I had him figured for a straight Company man. Well, not so straight. But that fucking he gave Rabb...something about it had me very, very interested.

Clayton Webb had a weak spot. More than one. And I remembered something that I'd pushed so far away that I'd almost lost all contact with it. Something from that time we spent together. And it all started coming together for me. I needed a partner, and he needed one, too. He'd lost Stoner, who would never have let him turn into what he could be, anyway, and I'd lost the DSD and any chance I'd had there with that bunch of vultures.

I'm going to be the best partner Clayton Webb has ever had. In every single way.

I can hear that Rabb's pounding on something. I knew he'd lose it. Clayton's trying to get him calmed down, but this is Rabb, Clay. He's got to have his little temper tantrum. I'm the big, bad, evil genius, and he's the warrior whose duty it is to fight me. Doesn't he ever get bored with being so good? Oh, that's right. He gets to do all the same things I do, but from pure and honorable motives.

Wonder what pure and honorable motive he's going to claim when he gets hard tonight? I laugh again as I hear Rabb.

*That bastard is out on the streets, a free man, and I'm supposed to just accept it?*

Why, yes, Harm. You don't have any choice in the matter. And now you want to know who's pulling strings. Well, that's just not your business.

Oh, Harm's career is in my hands, and even though I know damned well I'm not ever going to do anything about it, it's a thought I enjoy, the honorable Commander Rabb being called to a witness stand, questioned and made to talk about having sex with a man, thrown out of that oh-so-important Navy of his, dishonorably discharged...ah, it would be beautiful.

But I could never do it. Because then I would have no chance at all with Clayton Webb. So Harm gets to fuck and stay in the Navy, where he really does belong. Maybe someday that admiral of his will notice how good Harm is at taking orders and decide that the guy needs some serious SEAL training, but I doubt it. A. J. Chegwidden has to take enough shit dealing with Rabb on a daily basis, and he can have just about anyone he wants. Why bother with Rabb? I'm still not getting why Clayton wants him, but then I don't have to. All I have to do is make sure he gets the commander, and I'm doing my best.

Rabb's going off on a serious rant now, criticizing Clayton, doing what he's so good at, shifting the blame. Still calling me an "artiste" and an assassin. Oh, Harm. Really. I'm a professional. You're scared that I'm going to go after people who matter to you? Interesting idea. I wonder if I could do something along that line, just enough to freak you, but not enough to break the law. I'll have to think about that. The potential for mind-fuck is definitely there. But if I know Clayton Webb, sooner or later he's going to promise to help Rabb. And that will end up with him talking to me. Just had a scary thought, sooner or later he's going to be anticipating me.

I wet my lips. Yes. I want that. I hate being out-thought but I want the chance of it happening. The chance of a Clayton Webb who will understand me, all of me. Everything. And still want me. I'm not any different from him that way. I just have to show him that it's the right thing for both of us.

Harm's crying now. That scared of me? My, I have done a good job on him. This is beautiful. I won't need to fuck with Harm's head any more; he's done.

And now, oh, so perfect, Harm saying it out loud:

*I hate it that I'm so fucking scared of him.*

And then he goes through the whole litany of my sins against him. Nice to know he remembers. I really am smiling now. A present for me from Harmon Rabb, and it's just what I wanted.

And now Clayton's doing it: the promise. *He's not going to kill anyone you care about, Rabb.*

Of course not, Clay. Not if it's going to make you look bad. I sigh. Damn. There goes my idea. But then I wasn't planning on killing anyone, actually, not unless it was on Company business. It's fun taking out idiots but it really does cut into my free time. And I have no intention of going back to prison, ever. I can live with letting fools live if that's the price.

I never really thought I'd get caught until it happened. And I had to rethink a lot of things, very quickly, and then it did no good, because it was too fucking late to change a thing.

Still, I wish Rabb hadn't figured out that I'd rigged the mirrors...but then, to look at the bright side, if he had, I never would have figured out that I wanted Clayton Webb's cock in my mouth and ass. Fair trade. I'll take it.

*You can't say that.* Ah, Harm, but he can. Not that you'll ever know that I'll do anything for Clayton Webb. It seems that Clayton knows that. Hmm. That's not necessarily good now. But then I think it's more likely that Clay's saying that to calm Harm down. He's probably trying to figure out how to bring it up to me.

All he has to do is ask. I will do anything. Especially if it's a something that I've already decided to do.

Hmm. Maybe I should tell him that I'm through with revenge on Rabb? But he'd suspect that.

*You'd better go now. I need to start figuring out what to do.*

Oh, Harm. You're going to come after me again? Don't tell me you've got some secret fantasies about me fucking you. I'm not that desperate, and god, the time and *gag* gentleness you'd need to get into, thank you. Learn to bend over and spread those tight cheeks of yours, and I'll consider it. But I'd rather save myself for Clayton, and I'd prefer to be the one spreading for him.

Although I think we're going to have some times when I get to run the show. He'd like that, but I'm going to have to be very, very careful until I get a better sense of him. I will, though. I can be very patient. And I already know that he's interested. I can feel it.

*Maybe if I talked to him...*

Oh, really, Harm? So you think there's any reason in the world for me to do you a favor? Yes, Harm. Come find me. We'll talk. I'll tell you that I have nothing against you now, that I've changed in prison, and you won't believe a damned word of it. You'll be right to doubt, too, but you'll never have any proof. I don't need to convince you of anything. You're not who I want.

No, Clayton isn't going to let that happen. He's too sure that you'll go to pieces if you see me. Or just simply lose. Which you would, since you don't know what game we're playing. You've beaten me, I have to admit, but then you needed help to do that. And you're needing it now.

Clayton's doing just what I knew he would, offering to talk to me. I wonder if he's trying to figure out just what that will cost him. All I can get, definitely. But only if it fits into the plan I have for winning him over. That just might end up with me looking serious and telling him that I would never jeopardize my new life...the truth, which works for me when it's the way to get what I want.

It's all about getting what I want.

*You don't talk to me. Why the hell would I think you'd be able to talk to Palmer?*

What? A showdown? Harm's angry, that's clear. I clear my mind and listen closely. Clues are important.

*Maybe the only way you can communicate is by touch.*

If Clayton communicates by touch, I'm doing even better than I thought. But there's more.

*So what were you trying to tell me when you had your cock up my ass? That I was just another pretty face? And I thought you actually liked me.*

Oh, he likes you, Harm. You're the one who's been blowing it all along. I'm sure of that. Harmon Rabb, pure and incorruptible servant of truth, justice, and anything that catches his eye. Clayton Webb does more for truth and justice than you'll ever manage, and he doesn't put on airs about it, either.

Time to chill. Harm's got more to say.

*All you were after was sex.*

Hmm. If that were true, I'd be happier. But it's not. Clayton Webb wants Harmon Rabb as a part of his life. He wants to have him stay the night, buy him little presents, have them make breakfast together. I could tell that this morning. I was not who he wanted to see. He was nice enough, considering how I'd gone ahead and turned his whole life around, bringing up a past that he really never wants to talk about, but he needs to, he needs to know that it was all right to let David Stoner die, that it was right that he died, but he will, he will. He has to.

*That's not true, Rabb,* I hear Clayton counter. God, I could shoot Rabb now. I can hear the pain in his voice. Rabb doesn't understand shit. Even when he ends up standing in it.

Rabb's yelling at Clayton now, and I finish my brandy in a couple of gulps. Idiot. Oh, wait a minute. Something just changed.

*Why bother? I'm willing to say that I want you, and I'm pretty damned sure you want me. Come on, Webb. I'm tired of playing games.*

Oh, good. Come on, Clay. Fuck him. He's giving you just the opening you want. You have to know by now that the whole information game was the excuse. I never really thought you'd do that. You're much too honorable for that, although I know that the thought of it intrigued you. Fine. We'll play those kind of games ourselves. No need to try and get Harm to follow a script. He's too dense for that.

Ah, but Clayton's either playing with him or really losing it. *You have got to be kidding. You want me? Is that what you're saying?*

Hmm. Trying to establish control. Nice touch. But this is Harmon Rabb. Get your hands on him, then you'd have a chance. You're letting him think too much. I don't like this.

Harm's talking again, being the little shit I always knew he'd be. *I've said all that I'm going to say to you.* And he laughs. *Do I always have to make the first move?*

And there's more, but I'm only half-listening. I'm taping this, so I can review it later, and I will. Rabb made the first move. Then I did pick the right strategy. Thanks for the information, Harm.

*Stop this, Rabb. You don't know what the fuck you're doing.*

Clay, you're not helping your own cause. Did I get you to stop wanting the guy? No. I could see that in his eyes when he had me pinned against that counter. He wants us both, but he wants Rabb now and more. Maybe he's testing the guy. Clayton's a master spook. He knows how to play all kinds of games.

I just hope this one doesn't blow up on him.

Rabb's sounding very sure of himself. *Oh, I know damned well what I'm doing. I'm getting Clayton Webb into my bed. Oh, wait. No. I don't want you in my bed. You didn't think I was worth taking into yours. This couch will do just fine.*

What a shit. He took me to bed, Harm. Wish I could throw that one at you. But this is good. He's not going to back down, and Harm's very determined when he wants to be.

*You have lost your mind.* This can't be a game Clayton's playing with him. That pain in his voice is too real. This is real. Shit. If that asshole hurts Clayton again, it'll be my fault. Now where the fuck did that come from? I don't think that way. Ever.

I am now. Guess I'm going to have to get used to it.

Some more Rabb, being sure he wants this, then a beautiful line: *You and Palmer are driving me crazy.* I fix on that. Yes, link us together. It's how it's going to be from now on, Rabb. Get used to it.

Clayton again: *I'll do what you want, but first I need to say that I was wrong.*

Oh, Clayton. All right. You're just thinking about Harm and that body, and ah, it's that guilt of yours coming through. All right, get it out of your system. And then think about how much easier it would have been not to have that guilt in the first place. To take what you want, without worrying about it. But you can't do that yet. Don't worry; I'll teach you. You take me, see how good that feels. I'm going to enjoy those lessons.

*So what are you regretting now?* Rabb's stopped sounding angry. He wants to know.

*That I thought you were trying to use me.*

Clayton thought that? I thought it was just sex. Hmm. And he gave in to that. Good sign for me.

Rabb's going on about how he's a better person than that. Right. I can see him deciding to trade favors for information. But then I can see him lying to himself about it, too. So he's probably lying now.

*I thought that you used sex with me to get that information. Then when you came back and we...*

*Fucked, Webb. That is the term for it.*

Very good, Rabb. I wasn't sure you knew that one.

*When we fucked,* god, Clayton's voice is so strained, *I thought you were just trying to find a way to make it so that you could walk away and feel better about having sold yourself.*

Not that Rabb wanted him again, but that Rabb was looking to make it better for himself. Clayton, we've got to work on that self-esteem. It's going to help me in the short run but not in the long run. And I am much more concerned about the long run.

*You thought that I thought I'd sold myself.* Yes, Rabb. That is what he said. *I did not sell myself. I came over to talk with you, but you wouldn't, and I forgot about talking after a while. I wanted to have sex with you.* Hear that, Clayton. Remember it. You need to know he wanted it. *I want to have sex with you tonight.* And that. He wants you. I was right about him.

He's worried now about the place being bugged? But Clayton's reassuring him, very carefully, about that one. I am glad I made sure he saw me check the place over. I was right. He'd never relax enough if he had any suspicion I was listening.

Someone stood up. *What are you doing?* Rabb's voice, so it must be Clayton.

*Leaving.* Has he decided to give up on Rabb? No, he's still hurting, trying to do the right thing. Clay, don't worry about that. Give yourself what you want. That is what life is all about.

*You said you'd do what I want. Now do it.* Oh, very dark voice out of Rabb, intense, convincing. That should help Clay realize what's really going on.

*Is this revenge?*

Shit, I hadn't thought of that. The idea of Rabb being smart enough to figure out that he can hurt Clayton Webb by using sex is making me want to go over there with a gun and do a little directing. But that would do more harm than good. I can always take care of Rabb later. And then I might just have Clayton Webb on my side for good. Should I hope that Rabb is just out for revenge?

*No. Not revenge. But I'll be damned if I'll jerk off another night thinking of you when I can have you instead.*

Ah, thank you, Rabb. You just said the magic words. And I know exactly what's going through Clayton's head now. The tape is real. He wants me. And, somewhere very deep, Palmer told me the truth.

Yes, Clayton. I tell you the truth. It's the way things are going to be between us from now on. Most of the time.

They're stripping now, and I think I can relax. Clay's going to get Harm, Harm's going to get Clay, and it's going to be just fine. Sure, I'll keep listening, who passes up a sex show with this kind of advance billing? I really wish I had pictures now, but then I didn't know where they'd end up doing it, and I knew that I had to be careful.

*Hurry up,* I hear, and it's Rabb. Impatient, Commander? So was I. You're getting what I had last night. Good thing I didn't leave any marks. And my hand goes up to brush against my nipples, which are still sore. I hope it lasts for a few days. The feel of my shirt scraping across the raw skin was too perfect today. And the looks that I got because of my neck...ah, yes, people, I drove someone crazy enough that he wanted to make sure that everyone knew it. Sex and power, perfect mixture, perfect game.

It is strange listening to them. Knowing that Clayton's stripped for Rabb, thinking of Rabb, now, oh, yes, down on his knees for Rabb, sucking that Navy cock, I heard Rabb's voice fade out and that has to be why, damn, I'm jealous, yes. But I'll get over it. I'll win in the end, and this is all part of the plan. All part of me getting what I've decided I have to have. So let Rabb have his moments, his fun. It really doesn't make a damned bit of difference to what I'm going to have with Clayton. I'll make sure of that. Anything Rabb can do, I can do better.

Ah, Rabb again. *God, Clay, I'm going to come if you keep that up.*

And Clayton, who must have stopped. *Distract yourself. Find something else to do.* Good for you, Clay. Don't let the guy come just yet. Get something for yourself.

And I think Rabb got the idea. I hear sucking sounds, and then some sounds that I'm very familiar with, now, after our marathon last night. Clayton's getting some. I'm smiling, thinking of how Rabb's mouth must be starting to feel; Clayton's got a good thick one. It was easy for me to take it all, but I've done it before. I'm sure Rabb hasn't.

Oh, I really wish I could see this. I know that sound, too. Clay's getting ready to come, god, he'll shoot down Rabb's throat, beautiful. I hope he chokes him. Not kills him, though, Harm needs to stay alive to keep Clay happy. Or else I'd be planning for him to meet up with a convenient accident. I don't like competition. But then Harm really isn't that. He's just a pretty boy with a tight ass who's caught Clay's eye. Clay will learn what he's really good for, how to turn Rabb into his toy. Just not yet.

Or maybe he won't. That really doesn't matter, although I'd enjoy seeing the great Commander Rabb learn just how desperate he could get for Clayton's cock, Clayton's control.

Clayton likes being in control. I found that out last night. And I like having him there. God, I can't believe still how good it felt to have him telling me what to do. And how good it was that he didn't want me to play Harm for him. I was prepared for that, but he surprised me. I knew then that I'd made the right decision. And it felt really good to hear him say that he wanted me. It's been a long time since I heard that and believed it. But Clay made it very clear that he knew just who was in bed with him, and that he wanted me there. For that alone, I owe him. And I'll pay by helping him conquer his demons, his bad memories.

Shit, sounds to me like fucking Rabb bailed. Goddamn him. He's got a mouth made for sucking cock, and he thinks he's too good for this? I'd love to grab his hair, force his head down on Clayton's shaft, watch Clayton's eyes glaze over and hear him make those gorgeous hot moans and growls. Like he was just making, until Rabb decided to pull a fast one.

Someday I just might get that chance.

If Clayton turns into what I want him to, if he accepts everything that he is, that he wants, that he needs, he'll have no problem using Rabb for what he's good for. A warm mouth, a tight ass, a mind that can come up with some very creative begging, I'm sure, given the right incentive. But I don't really care about that. It's incidental. What's important is him accepting himself. And if he accepts himself, then he'll be able to accept me.

I'll have what I need, then.

I can hear that Clay came, good, and now Rabb's begging for it. I know that he'll get what he wants, with just that one phrase. *Please, Clay.* I wonder if that would work for me. Probably. As long as I'm sure he knows it's me with him, and he will.

I listen to them finish. Nice, nothing great, I was a hell of a lot better last night than Rabb was tonight. I still win. I knew I would.

Harm's dragging Clay off to bed, and I laugh. Right, Harm, threaten to kill the guy if he leaves. Good one. I'm sure the two of you will be talking. But what will that conversation be like? I'd love to know, but that won't be happening tonight, and I have work to do tomorrow. But I'll know, even if I don't hear it. I'll know from Clayton, from how he acts. I will know. He might even tell me.

I lean over and shut off the sound, then get ready for bed. Funny, but I'm missing the warmth of Clayton's body. Enjoy it, Rabb. Right now you think you have no competition, but you do, and, as I've said before, I don't like losing.

So I don't.

The End

Posted 10/7/00

To read Palmer's thoughts about Webb before this story and sometime after Getting his hands dirty, the gen story that I use as background for the Eclipse series, go to Straight and narrow. To read part 4 of the Eclipse series instead, go to Morning coffee.

