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Night Out

by Gail (


Clark Palmer/Harmon Rabb, Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb

Rating: adult

Harmon Rabb goes to a gay bar and finds more than he bargained for.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story. Please don't sue me for borrowing them. I'm making no money from this.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warning: With Palmer in it, it's not going to be sweetness and light. If you really like Harmon Rabb, you probably won't like this story. I don't hate him, but he's not a hero here at all.

This is in an alternate universe where my dear Clark Palmer didn't go to Leavenworth, so I guess Wilderness of Mirrors, Contemptuous Words, and Salvation didn't happen, although Webb of Lies did.

Page thought of this idea, Isilzha told me about it, and they each wrote marvelous stories from the idea (Page - Glory Hole, Isilzha - Taken), but both still encouraged me to finish this one. Thanks to them and to Scarlet and Tinnean for reading it over and being supportive, and to Tinnean, Nomi, and Elizabeth for their excellent betas.

The mechanic is from the episode Full Engagement, played by Jerry Hardin, who also played Deep Throat in the X-Files, and is a nod to Isilzha, who loved Deep Throat and was delighted to find Mr. Hardin in JAG as well.

Posted for what would have been Isilzha's 27th birthday, 3/7/03.


Harmon Rabb wondered what the hell he was doing in a dark, crowded, loud bar on a Saturday night. A hand cupped his ass, and he knew. He was here for sex.

"Hey, want a drink?" The voice came from behind him, and he turned to see a decent-enough looking guy. "Or you want to just cut to it?"

"No, thanks." He turned back around. That should do it, and sure enough, the guy went.

Harm nodded to the bartender and ordered another beer. It would be his last, he told himself, and knew he was lying. He'd keep drinking until he found the right guy and got what he wanted.

He stared into the empty glass he had. When the hell had this started being something he did? He still didn't know. One night he'd grabbed his jacket and his keys and took off and ended up here. The first night he'd watched guys pick each other up and gone home when the bar closed, telling himself he'd never go back. The second night had been a week later, and he'd almost not gone, but then he'd told himself it would be fun to watch again. That night a guy had kissed him on the back of the neck and slid an arm around his chest, and he'd almost come in his pants before he'd pulled the arm off him and told the guy to go away.

He hadn't gone back for a few weeks after that.

But he did go back, and the next time he let a guy take him into the back room with small cubicles and terrible lighting, and jerk him off.

This was the third time, and this time Harm knew he was here to get off, the way he had the times before this. He still didn't like it, but he couldn't stop himself. No one here would know who he was. It was safe. He'd be fine. And he had to do it.

The bartender brought his beer and shook off the five Harm had ready. "This one's from him." He jerked his thumb to the other end of the bar. The man indicated was looking away, but from what Harm could see, he was good-looking. Lean, graceful, and when he did turn around, the face was better than decent and not familiar. He gave Harm a smile and a salute with his glass, then turned away. "He says to tell you he'll give you whatever you want. Just go in the back with him." The large man shrugged. "Don't know why he couldn't tell you himself, but I'm not complaining. He gave me a fifty for the beer and told me to keep the change."

"Thanks." Harm smiled at the bartender. "So do I tell him or you?"

"Tell me if you want. For fifty bucks I'll carry messages." The bartender grinned, making him look less like an ape and more like a big teddy bear, and turned away.

Harm picked up the beer and drank. It was better than what he'd ordered. If he'd known they had something this good, he would have ordered it. This guy had taste. He glanced over again, and this time the guy was looking right at him, his hand on his thigh and his legs spread, showing off for him. Harm felt himself harden in response. What the hell. It was fun to be chased. Maybe that was what he liked about this. With women, he got them, but he was expected to chase them. Not so here. He made up his mind and nodded at the guy, who got right up and came over.

"So it's yes?" The voice was soft and hard to hear over the music, but Harm managed to get it by reading his lips. He nodded. "Come on."

"My beer," Harm protested as the guy took him by the sleeve of his jacket. It was still half-full.

"I'll buy you another one after. Come on."

Harm saw the hunger in the blue eyes and stood. The guy really wanted him. It did feel nice.


The guy led the way through the crowd to the back, then right to the farthest cubicle.

"Hey," Harm protested when the guy undid his own belt, "I didn't agree to anything yet."

The blue eyes flickered up to his. "So what do you want?" Even here, where it was quiet, the voice was barely a whisper. But that was the guy's business.

"You do blow jobs?" He'd never had a blow job from a guy, but tonight he wanted one.

The guy smiled. "Sure. You don't want to get fucked?"

Harm felt his stomach churn. Hell, no, he wasn't doing that. "No," he said firmly.

"Too bad. I was hoping you'd want that."

"No." He wasn't giving on that one. Even if he had had some fantasies about it... no. Not in some dirty little cubicle. And really, it wasn't something he should do at all, and he knew it.

"Fine. So we'll trade blow jobs."

Harm stared at him. Trade? He hadn't had to do anything before. The other guys had been thrilled to get their hands on him. "I'll jerk you off," he said carefully, then the guy put his hand on his crotch, and Harm gasped.

"I want your mouth, and I know you want mine."

The guy's fingers were so good, even through the fabric of his jeans, that Harm for a moment was ready to tell him that he'd trade hand jobs after all, then the guy's mouth was on his ear, sucking the earlobe into his mouth, and Harm was so hard he couldn't stand it. He wanted that mouth a lot, wanted to find out how it would feel sucking his cock, and if that meant he'd have to do the same, he'd manage.

"All right." He sounded choked to himself, and he heard the guy laugh softly into his ear, then pull his mouth away.

"You do me first." There was something about the guy's voice, just for a moment, that Harm thought sounded familiar, but he'd never seen him before. He knew that. Then the guy spoke again, and it was gone, lost in that whisper. "Don't want to miss out on what I'll bet that mouth of yours can do."

There were fingers up at his lips, stroking them, and before Harm knew what he was doing he had his mouth open and was sucking them in, sucking on them, and why the hell was he doing that? The fingers tasted like beer and salt and flesh, and the nails felt strange against the roof and back of his mouth, but he didn't stop sucking until the guy pulled them out again, and when he did, Harm's mouth felt empty.

"Nice." The guy smiled at him and wiped his fingers on his jeans. "You haven't done this before."

Harm made himself breathe. "No."

The guy just nodded and reached behind him. "You'll want this." It was a pillow, and it looked like it had been used a lot, but Harm glanced at the floor and saw that it was concrete. He didn't want to kneel on concrete. He took the pillow, then knelt on it. It wasn't that comfortable, but he'd manage. How long would it take for the guy to come? He swallowed, then saw the guy undo the buttons of his jeans and take out his cock. It was hard, and Harm swallowed again. "And this." The guy was rolling a condom onto himself. "Unless you like taking chances."

Hell, no. He shook his head. God, he hadn't even thought of that. Good thing this guy had. Should he ask his name? It was a little late for that now, and it wasn't like he was going to give the guy his own name, and making one up seemed stupid.

"So you going to do something, or just kneel there?" The whisper had some annoyance in it.

Harm swallowed one more time, then raised his hand and wrapped it around the thin latex to guide it into his mouth. The taste was strange, but not too bad, but his mouth was feeling the strain of being open already, and he'd only gotten the head in.

"It gets easier," he heard, then there was more in his mouth, and the guy's hands were moving his head, changing the angle, and yes, it was easier that way. "You'll learn."

Did he want to learn? Maybe not, but this wasn't too bad. He slid the cock in and out of his mouth, still with his hand covering most of the shaft, and tried sucking. He couldn't tell if the guy liked it or not. He wasn't saying anything, was just breathing quietly. Shit, maybe it wasn't any good for him. Why the hell had he agreed to this?

"Take your hand off and suck harder," he heard the guy whisper, and he tried to. "Better." Then the guy was thrusting his cock in and out of Harm's mouth, and Harm wanted to get him to stop, but he'd agreed to this, and the sounds the guy was making now made him think it wouldn't be that much longer. The guy made one more thrust into his mouth, going deeper than he had before and staying there, the sound from him harsh and louder than any before, then his mouth was empty, and the guy was leaning against the wall. "Not bad."

Harm stood before he answered. "Thanks." His lips were throbbing, and he wanted that beer the guy had said he'd buy him a lot.

"Your turn now." The guy took his hands away from his jeans and smiled at Harm. "You want it, right?" He didn't wait for an answer, lowering himself onto the pillow with a clear grace and reaching up to put his hands on Harm's hips.

Harm moved where the guy's hands put him and watched as he undid his jeans and took out his cock, handling it just right. Now he'd get what he'd come for. He saw the guy put a condom in his mouth, then take his cock in and roll it on with his lips, and it felt good. He moaned and felt the guy's laugh on his cock. Then the man was sucking him, his fingers stroking his balls, and he couldn't keep his eyes open. It was all he could do to stay standing. It was better than any blow job he'd had before, and through the maelstrom that his thoughts were he wondered if all gay men were this good. Then he was deep in the guy's throat, and there was no chance of thought at all, none, and all he did was feel until the sucking and knowing touches were too much, and he came for the first time in a man's mouth. A man whose name he didn't even know.

Harm made himself pull away, and the guy stood, watched as Harm pulled off the condom, then did his jeans back up with shaking hands.

"Thanks." Harm smiled at the guy. "You're good."

"Well, thanks a lot, Harm," the guy drawled, and that voice he knew, knew too well. Clark Palmer, who was between him and the door now, and who was laughing silently. "Not that your praise matters to me at all."

"What the fuck are you up to?" Goddamn Palmer. He'd known he was still alive and out there somewhere, but he'd never thought Palmer would have enough nerve to come back to the DC area.

"Harm, you don't seem grateful any more." There was a mocking tone in Palmer's voice, not that that was any surprise. "I thought you'd be happier having an old friend initiate you into the joys of blow jobs. You'd rather have had some guy who didn't bother with a condom and didn't know what he was doing?"

"Don't play games with me, and get out of my way." He was leaving. He'd love to drag Palmer off to jail, but he wasn't going to start a fight here, where if the police came he'd have to explain what he was doing here, and he was sure Palmer would be happy to tell them exactly what they'd been doing, and probably would get away somehow in the commotion. No, he'd find Palmer and put him in Leavenworth where he belonged, just not tonight.

"Aren't you at all interested in why I went to all this trouble for you, Harm? I'll give you a hint: it wasn't because I wanted your cock down my throat." He said it so calmly, that fucking irritating grin on his face, and that mocking voice coming out of the wrong face. Harm wanted to rip the face off, but kept his hands to himself. Palmer had gone to a lot of trouble to do this. Why?

"You felt like it. That's all the reason you need to do anything, Palmer."

Palmer laughed. "Good point, but there's more to it than that. Smile, Harm, you're in your very own movie." He gestured up to the far corner, and Harm saw it then. A lens glinting in the dim light. Shit. "The camera's made for these kind of conditions, so it got everything. Every single thing, Harm. You on your knees for some guy, and then you loving that guy sucking you off. Think the Secretary of the Navy will like watching it? It'll be on his desk first thing Monday morning."

Oh, god. His career was over. Harm stared at Palmer. He'd do it. He could see that even in those unfamiliar blue eyes. But maybe there was some way to reach him. "Don't." His voice came out as a croak.

Palmer smiled, and Harm got an even more uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. "You want to make a deal? I guess I could do that." He licked his lips, and Harm tried not to think about how they'd felt on his cock. If he'd known it was Palmer, he never would have let him touch him, never done anything, but he hadn't known. "Oh, yeah. Perfect." His eyes glittered in the dim light. "Here's what you do if you want to keep your career, Rabb. You go to Clayton Webb's house," Harm frowned, wondering what the hell Webb had to do with this, "and you tell him you'll do whatever he wants. And then you do it."

Harm's mind raced. Do what Webb wanted? What would Webb want? Help with some spy thing? But that wasn't important. There was no way Palmer would ever know he hadn't done that. All he had to do was go to Webb's, and he could do that. He wouldn't say what Palmer wanted, but there was no way Palmer would know that if he played it right. He'd have to stay a while, but he'd tell Webb something, like somebody was after him or claim to be drunk, and then ask him if he could sleep on the couch. Webb would grumble, but he'd let him. Webb was one of the good guys. And whatever Webb would want in return for letting him stay would be a piece of cake compared to Palmer ruining his career. He nodded.

"Sure. I'll go to Webb. I hope he doesn't want too much." He hoped he seemed worried enough for Palmer.

"Rabb, don't get dumb with me. You don't make the offer to Webb, I'll know. You can count on it." Palmer's smile was even worse now. "Either go to Webb and do what he wants, and he will want you to do things if my information is correct, or you'll be in Chegwidden's office by, hmm, noon Monday at the latest. You can handle it. You're the one who's been coming to a gay bar to have guys get you off. Webb can teach you what you don't already know."

Webb into guys? But Harm had seen him with women, and women that Harm wouldn't mind being with himself, but they'd never given him a second look, just stared adoringly at Webb. Webb? Clayton Webb? "Webb?" he heard himself say out loud.

"You really didn't know." Palmer gave him a look that Harm knew was contempt. "Yes, Harm. Webb. Likes. Guys. Thinks you're hot, not that I get that. So go to him, or the tape goes to the SecNav. But hey, maybe he'd like a piece of you." Palmer grinned. "Think you'd rather get on your knees for him? Or let him in that tight ass of yours? If you played that right, you might get a promotion. Maybe I'd be doing you a favor."

Harm swallowed. Hell, no. And he couldn't think that the Secretary of the Navy would be willing to trade sexual favors for bending the law. This was Palmer's sick sense of humor coming out. "I'll go to Webb," he said, hearing the strain in his own voice.

"And tell him you'll do anything. That's the part I like the most, the idea of Webb getting to do whatever he wants with you. Make sure you're convincing. You may think that you're out of it if Webb turns you down, but you're not." Palmer fished in his pocket. "Here." He took out a handful of condoms, then a tube of lubricant, and shoved them into Harm's jeans pocket before Harm could stop him. "He's probably got everything he'll need, but it never hurts to be prepared, and it'll show him that you really want him." He grinned again as Harm stared at him. "Right, you haven't gotten up to fucking yet. That's fine. Webb will like being the first."

"Why Webb?" Webb couldn't be on the same side as Palmer. Yeah, Webb was a spook, but he was Webb. He wouldn't have anything to do with Palmer. It wasn't possible.

"My business, not yours. Just do it. Or don't do; I don't care. It'll be fun watching as you go through hell. Think they'll have a trial, Rabb? Or will they just throw you out on your ass? I've already got a friend who'll come and testify that you sucked him off. Looks just like me." Harm turned away, but he couldn't get away from Palmer's laughter. "You're pathetic, Rabb. Go see Webb. Don't worry; he'll probably even make sure you like it. He's just that kind of guy."

Clayton Webb fucking him. Palmer seemed so sure Webb wanted him, and he hadn't had a fucking clue.

"What if I tell Webb you have a bug in his house?" That's what it had to be, and he knew that would make Webb furious.

"Tell him if you like. He won't be able to find what I've got there, and then the SecNav will get to watch the tape. Your choice. I don't mind."

Harm heard nothing but amusement in Palmer's voice. He had no choice if he wanted to keep his career. "You won't find me here again."

"No, I'm sure I won't." The amusement was still in Palmer's voice. "But I think I'll be able to find you at Webb's any time he'll let you come over. But hell, maybe not. We'll both find out."

There were hands on Harm's shoulders, turning him around, and they were stronger than he thought. He was staring into those damned blue eyes, eyes that he knew now were Palmer's with contacts, into that face that belonged to someone else, but had Palmer behind it.

"Thanks, Harm." Then the hands pulled him up against Palmer's body and he was being thoroughly kissed, tongue deep in his mouth and so damned good that all he could do was let him. The hands released him. "You're lucky I got enough from you. I wouldn't mind being the first to fuck you, but it's better this way. Go to Webb. Make him happy." The grin was just the same; no mask could change that.

Then he was alone and trying to breathe as he realized just what he had to do now.


Harm sat in his car in front of Webb's house. The lights were on. What if he had someone over? What if this was all Palmer's idea of a joke and all Webb did was stare at him, then throw him out? But all he had was this promise from Palmer. Do what Webb wanted, and Palmer wouldn't give the tape to the Secretary of the Navy. Of course, he hadn't said he wouldn't give it to anyone else, but he knew that Palmer liked playing games. Maybe getting Harm to play this one was the point. He couldn't know, but he had to go through with it.

He undid the seatbelt and opened the door. The tube of lubricant dug into his thigh, and he grimaced. Webb wouldn't want that, would he? No, he couldn't. Not Clayton Webb. He had to stop thinking about it and just do it. If he just got up to the door and rang the bell, it would be too late to do anything but deal with it.

The sound of the doorbell was quieter than he thought, and he pressed it again and then again, nervous, until the door opened to show Webb.

"Jesus, Rabb, what the hell's this about?" He looked annoyed, but that was normal for Webb. "It's eleven-thirty."

Earlier than Harm had thought. "I need to talk to you. Can I come in?" If Webb said no, he didn't know what he was going to do. Trusting Palmer, god, was he crazy? No, crazy was going to that gay bar for sex and thinking no one would find out. That was crazy. Trusting Palmer's promises was what had come out of that insanity.

Webb kept staring at him. "You look like hell. You get in a fight?" He was frowning now. "Come in," he added abruptly. "You need something, right?"

And Webb had hit it right on the head, no surprise. Harm let out a short laugh as he stepped inside. "Yes."

Webb closed the door, then leaned against it. "Let's have it. I don't have all night."

"Is someone else here?" He didn't hear anyone, but maybe Webb had a woman in his bedroom... or a man.

Webb looked even more annoyed. "It's none of your business, Rabb, but no one else is here."

"Good." He took a deep breath. All right. He could do this. He stepped forward so that he was right against Webb's body. He smelled good, some kind of cologne, and Harm wondered for a moment why he'd never noticed that before, then pushed the thought away.

"What the hell are you doing now?"

"This," Harm whispered just before he bent his head and kissed Webb. He kept the kiss short and straightened when it was done, but didn't step away. Webb didn't move either. "I want you to," the words Palmer had insisted he use ran through his head, "do anything you want with me." Webb should get it. He was damned smart.

Webb was staring at him. "What did you say?"

"I want you to do anything you want with me." It was harder to say the second time, but Harm did it. "In bed. Anything."

Webb folded his arms and stepped back. "All right, I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but I want you to leave, now."

"Clay, don't make me leave." Christ, now he was begging a man he'd never even thought about sexually to let him stay. If Palmer could hear him now... and Harm was sure he could. "I want this. I want you." He stepped forward so that he could kiss Webb again, but Webb's arms were out now, keeping him away.

"You want me." Webb's voice was flat. "You just decided to come over here and say that? Harm, have you gone crazy? Why would you think I'd even care?"

Maybe Palmer had set him up totally. Webb wasn't acting like he was into men. His mouth hadn't even opened under Harm's, and now Webb was glaring at him.

"I hoped you would." He stared back at Webb. "I wanted you to." He did want him to, he thought. He needed that tape to stay a secret. And Webb was attractive when he wasn't in that suit. He looked good in casual pants and a plain tailored shirt. Really good. If a man who looked like this came up to him in the gay bar and wanted him to come home with him, he might just go. Shit. Had he thought that? Yeah, he had. And his cock was stirring. "Clay, please."

Webb frowned and stepped toward him. Good, Harm thought and waited for what Webb would do, but what he did was put his hand to Harm's forehead. "You don't feel like you've got a fever," Webb muttered. "I can't figure this out." He stepped back. "Harm, go home. If you still feel this way tomorrow, call me and we can talk about it. You remember how to use a phone?"

No. He couldn't throw him out. "Please don't make me go. Let me sleep here, please?" Damn. Would this be enough for Palmer? No. He was supposed to be convincing Webb to do what he wanted. Palmer had said he'd know, and he couldn't take the chance that he would. He wet his lips, then got on his knees. Second time tonight. First for Palmer, now for Webb. He'd never thought he'd get on his knees for any man.

"Goddammit, Rabb, stop this!" But Harm had one hand on Webb's ass and the other working his zipper down, and he managed to keep Webb there. "Dammit, Rabb, don't do this." The words ended in a groan as Harm's fingers took out his cock. Webb was hard. Hard for him.

God, Palmer had been right.

Did he need to use a condom to suck Webb? He thought not. Webb would be careful about sex, so there wouldn't be anything to worry about. He took the head of Webb's cock into his mouth and found that it was much better without the condom. He could taste it, feel the warmth and texture of the skin, god, it was so good. He found himself taking more in without meaning to.

"Harm, no," he heard Webb say in a strained voice, and then his mouth was empty, and he heard himself moan. He wanted that back. He looked up at Webb, who had stepped away and even had his cock back in his pants. Damn. "Stand up, Harm."

Harm did. Damn. Webb was going to throw him out now. Why, he didn't know, but he had that feeling. "Sorry," he whispered.

Webb's eyes had a strange look in them. "You can stay. We are definitely talking tomorrow. Come on."

He turned and went toward the stairs. Harm followed him. What now?

Webb stopped at the top of the stairs. "Give me a minute, and I'll make up the guest room."

Oh, no. He couldn't do that. "Let me sleep with you." Harm caught Webb's arm and made him look at him. "I told you, you can do anything you want with me." What did he have to do to get Webb to believe that?

Webb studied him again. "You said that already. We'll talk about it in the morning."

"Why not tonight?"

"It's late, Harm. I need sleep. I'll be just down the hall. You can call if you need anything." The tone said clearly: but don't need anything. "Let go."

Harm nodded and lifted his hand, and Webb turned away. All right. He'd let this go for now. But he wasn't going to wait until morning. Just down the hall from Webb would be fine for what he had in mind.


Webb was gone for a few minutes, then came back to show him to a room that looked like it could easily be from an old hotel, a four-poster bed and a dresser and chair that matched the bed. "I can lend you some pyjamas, but I don't think they'll fit."

"I'll be fine without anything." Harm smiled at him and reached for the bottom of his shirt. "Hope you don't mind." He pulled it off before Webb could answer. Maybe undressing in front of Webb would help him get his point across.

Webb was staring at him when he got the shirt over his head, but Harm couldn't read his eyes. "The guest bathroom's through that door, and I put out a set of fresh towels. I thought you might want to take a shower." His nose wrinkled. "Were you at a bar tonight?"

Harm nodded. He didn't intend to say anything more about it, but Webb laughed shortly.

"I should have known. You're probably drunk. You're going to hate yourself in the morning, Rabb, if you even remember. There are aspirin in the bathroom. Take some. It might help."

Before Harm could say anything more, Webb was out of the room. Harm reached for the buckle of his belt. He would shower and take aspirin, but the only way he'd hate himself in the morning was if he didn't do what he had to to keep that tape away from the SecNav. Webb was going to believe him, one way or another. He just needed to find that way, and he would.


The clock read two when Harm got up. He grabbed his jeans and put them on, even though he knew he'd be taking them off soon. It was cool in Webb's place. He must like to sleep with a lot of covers, or he was into conserving energy.

He found the door shut and frowned. All right, he'd just have to be careful opening it. He turned the knob slowly, praying that Webb kept his hinges oiled. It didn't make any noise that he could hear, and he walked as quietly as he could over to the bed. Webb was all the way under the covers, only the top of his head showing, rumpled hair. Harm swallowed at the sight of that. It made it all seem real to him. He was going to get into bed with Clayton Webb and convince him that he'd do whatever Webb wanted. Somehow it had been easier when it was right after seeing that bastard Palmer. Now he almost wanted to wake Webb and tell him the whole story. But he couldn't. Palmer would know if he did that, and he was sure that the next thing Palmer would do would be to make sure that tape got to the SecNav, so it wouldn't matter what Webb knew or what strings he could pull. It wouldn't even matter if he found Palmer. All he'd ever have was his word against Palmer's, against the man who looked just like Palmer had looked, who was willing to commit perjury to help Palmer. All right. He could do this. He had to do this.

He stripped off the jeans and let them fall on the floor, then took hold of the covers, lifted them, and slid under and in next to Webb. God, he was good and warm, and when he took a breath, he got the scent of that cologne again, but there was something underneath it now, something that had to be Webb. He liked it.

Webb murmured and rolled over, ending up against him. Good. He wasn't waking up. Harm wet his lips and breathed out slowly. He had to convince Webb that he'd do anything, and he had to have a better chance of that when Webb was relaxed like this. If Webb woke up hard, he wouldn't be able to resist letting him keep going.

He shifted closer. Attack from as many points at once as he could. It should work. It did on women, although he'd move faster on Webb than he ever would on a woman. He had to. He got his mouth on Webb's neck, one hand up to stroke a nipple, and the other down to Webb's cock, which was soft now. It wouldn't be for long.

Webb's skin tasted good, a little salty, but a taste that was Clayton Webb underneath and very nice. He found himself snuggling closer, liking the feel of Webb's body against his. So different from in the bar, so close, so... sweet? Yeah, sweet. Webb was stirring now, drowsy mutters coming from those lips, and shouldn't he move up and shut him up? Yeah, why not? Be direct.

"Rabb, what the hell?" Damn, he hadn't been fast enough, but all right.

"You weren't getting the point, and I got lonely sleeping alone," he whispered into Webb's ear, making sure to nibble it, too. "What the hell's the point of that?"

"Get out, Rabb," Webb groaned, and Harm felt him trying to get away, but no, he wasn't going to let him do that, and his grip tightened on Webb's cock, which was hard now, and Webb made another noise, this one sounding as though he were hot. Yes, that was better. "Rabb, no."

He ignored that. His lips were moving over the skin of Webb's face to his mouth, and his torso was over Webb's, keeping him there, his free hand moving over the firm body, learning it and liking what he was learning. "Let me, Clay. I came here so that you'd show me what it was like with a guy. Why won't you show me? You don't like me?"

"God, Rabb, who the hell took over your body?" Webb was stubborn, but he was hard, his body tensing against Harm's, feeling so damned good, and he was still fighting it. "This isn't you."

"It is now." This would be all right. "Please, Clay." How could he convince him that he really wanted it any more than this? Then he remembered. "I brought condoms and lube." The ones that Palmer had stuffed into his pocket with that wild grin of his. No. Don't think of that now. Just be here with Clayton Webb, who was a hell of a lot more fun to be with in a bed than he'd ever thought. "Doesn't that tell you anything?"

Webb's body stilled. "You what?"

"I know you heard me." He finally got Webb's lips under his, and that was nice, too. Wet and slow, then Webb's tongue sliding into his mouth as though he knew just what to do, and god, he did, and then Webb's hands on him, even better. When Webb broke the kiss, Harm realized that he was the one on his back now, Webb on top of him. Sneaky.

"I heard you. You want me that much?" There was something amazed in Webb's voice, and Harm smiled to himself. So Webb did want him. That was good to know.

"I want you that much," and right then, it wasn't a lie. His own cock was hard. God, this felt so good. Warm and safe and dangerous at the same time. And Webb's tongue was licking his neck, and his skin was rubbing against Harm's, and god, this might just make him come all by itself. He arched up into Webb's body.

"We'll take it slow. God, Harm, you in my bed..." Webb's voice died off, but Harm knew what he had been going to say. So Palmer had been right. Webb had wanted him. "Anything, Harm? I want all I can get from you." Webb's voice was fierce now, and Harm found himself breathing so hard. Webb fucking him, that had to be what Webb meant, and god, could he do it? Then Webb's mouth was on his neck, and yes, he could do it, could do anything that got him this kind of attention, and he was moaning.

"Anything," he whispered when he could speak. His voice was rough. "Anything you want."

"Anything," Webb repeated after him. "All right, Harm. But tell me if you don't like something."

"I figured you were good enough to get me to like whatever you did."

Webb let out a short laugh. "You have a high opinion of me. When did this happen?"

"Not now, dammit."

Webb laughed again, but this time it was more teasing. "No? Impatient, Harm?" Harm felt Webb's fingers close around his cock. "Want more?"

Harm groaned in response. It felt like he hadn't come in so long, even though he knew he'd come a few hours ago, in Palmer's mouth. That thought made him swallow. He couldn't think of that now. He had to be here.

"What is it?" Webb had stopped stroking his cock, and his eyes were fixed on Harm's face. "Harm?"

"Nothing." He had to keep going, even though the thought of Palmer made him want to stop. He made himself smile. "Come on, Clay, you haven't changed your mind?"

"You have." Damn him. "All right, Harm, I need to know, right now, what the hell you're doing here."

"I want you to show me what it's like with a guy. I want you to do anything with me."

"You keep saying that," Webb said very quietly. "As though someone put that in your head."

He was too smart. "I want you. That better?" Harm got his hands on Webb's body again, and that felt good, that pushed anything else away. "I want you."

"Now you sound like you mean it," Webb's low reply came, and then he managed to get his mouth up to Webb's, and kissing Webb was something else, so damned hot, his tongue and his lips so perfect. How was it that he'd gone this long without doing this? He did want this so much now.

But Webb had gotten his mouth free and was talking again. "Just tell me what happened to get you here. I want to know." Webb's fingers were on his cock, stroking it, and that was damned good, too, but he had to say something.

"A guy came on to me," he managed. He had to find a way to make this work without telling Webb the whole truth. "Got me to go with him. I sucked him off," Webb's fingers tightened and stopped, "then he sucked me off." Might as well tell him that much. Maybe it would keep him away from the rest of it.

Webb was staring at him. "God, Harm, what were you thinking? What if anyone had seen you? Are you crazy?"

Yes, that was how to go. "I thought about that later. That's when I knew that I wanted you, not just some guy." Damn, he really hoped Palmer wasn't hearing this. "And I came here."

"I didn't think you knew I was into men." Webb's voice was thoughtful. "How did you know?"

Palmer told me. "I hoped. I didn't know. I don't know, Clay, come on, give me a break."

"You said you brought condoms and lube. I'd like to see them."

Webb needed more proof. Well, it wasn't like he'd given him any sign that this was possible before now, and Webb was a professional at not trusting people. He had to be. "I've got them with me."

He got out of bed, shivering as the cool air hit him, then grabbed the jeans from the floor and got right back in. Webb's body was so warm, and he got right up against it.

"They're in here."

Webb took the jeans from him and felt in the pocket. "Yes, they are." He pulled the condoms out, looked at them for a long moment, then rolled over to put them on the nightstand before putting his hand back in and pulling out the tube of lubricant. As he did, he got a strange expression on his face.

"What is it?"

The expression was gone. "Not that much lubricant. You're lucky I have some." With that, Webb sat up, put the tube with the condoms, then got out of bed.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"To get more." Webb smiled. "Trust me on this, Harm."

The look on Webb's face, knowledgeable and certain, made Harm stop thinking. Webb wanted this, and Webb looked like he knew exactly what he was doing. This would be good. "The jeans." It was all he could get out.

"They smell like smoke. I'll wash them tomorrow, but I can't take having them in here any longer." With that, Webb left.

Harm settled himself on his back and found himself reaching for his cock, which was still hard, then stopped. No point in getting himself off. He hadn't been able to smell the smoke, but obviously Webb had a better nose than he did. Whatever. He hoped Webb would hurry back. If he was going to do this, he didn't want time to think.

Webb got back and climbed into bed with him. "We'll take it slow," Webb breathed into his ear, then licked it. "If you still want that."

With Webb's body against his and his mouth on his skin, yes, he wanted it. Wanted to find out what the hell Webb could do. "I still want it. Do you put everyone who wants to sleep with you through this kind of interrogation?"

Webb laughed. "Just the Navy guys."

That had to be a joke, so Harm decided not to pursue it, although the idea that Clayton Webb regularly seduced men was making him uneasy. Webb's fingers found Harm's nipples and rubbed them, got them hard and aching for more, and Harm heard himself moaning.

"Let me hear you tell me you want me to do anything again, Harm," Webb's whisper came. "Say it."

God, he just wouldn't give up, but right now that didn't matter. Right now he could say that and mean it. "Do anything, please, just do it." He arched up against Webb's body.

Webb's mouth found his neck, and god, yes, that was so good, and he wanted this, wanted Clayton Webb. His hands were pulling Webb's body closer, then there was that soft whisper again and a hand down at his cock.

"Does it all have to be in this one night, Harm? Or do I get another time to do anything?"

Harm blinked. Another time? Webb wanted him to think now? "Has to be tonight," he managed.

"All tonight? That's too bad. I was hoping to take my time with you."

The huskiness in Webb's voice made Harm shake. Webb wanted to take his time. There was more than one thing Webb wanted to do with him. He had to get something now.

"All right, Harm, then I guess we'd better get started. Roll over. Hands and knees. I'll get you ready to get fucked."

Oh, god, no. Not like that. Too much, too fast. Suddenly he was cold, even though Webb's warm body was against his, and he couldn't move. He knew he made some kind of noise.

"All right, Harm," Webb's voice came, quiet now. "Don't worry; I told you I wouldn't do anything you didn't want. What about this?" The hands were back on him, stroking, teasing, making him gasp, and the warmth came back with them, slowly. "Is that better?"

He answered the only way he could now, with a moan and his body asking for more. This was good; this worked. Webb pushed his hands away every time he tried to touch the other man, and finally he stopped and just let him do what he wanted. Webb was kissing him now, licking, his mouth hot and wet for a moment on one nipple, making him cry out, then moving lower. Was he going to go down on him? Harm felt the warmth keep moving down, then there were fingers on his cock again and something else, and he knew that something else was Webb's mouth.

He moaned again as his cock was engulfed in that warmth and wetness and the fingers slid over his balls. This was incredible. Had he done this well for Webb? He hoped so.

Webb kept sucking as his fingers played over Harm's sensitive skin, and Harm knew he was going to come. He thought vaguely about saying something to Webb. Women always wanted to know. But Webb seemed to know what the hell he was doing, and then it was too late; he was coming, and he couldn't change that.

Webb kept him in his mouth until he was finished, and as far as Harm could tell, swallowed it all, then drew his mouth off and moved back up on the pillow. Harm stared at him. Now what?

"Your turn, Harm." Webb was smiling. "Or don't you reciprocate?" Harm didn't know what to say, what to do. He was still recovering from his own orgasm. "You said 'anything.' His hand was taken in Webb's and brought down to Webb's hard cock. "You should be able to handle this."

Yeah, he could handle that. He turned on his side and started jerking Webb off. This was all he wanted? It couldn't be. He glanced up at Webb to see that he was lying back, his head on the pillow, his face as tense as his body. He wasn't being fair. Hell, he'd sucked Palmer off, and that taste he'd gotten of Webb earlier had been so good. He leaned over, still stroking Webb, although more gently now, and started kissing Webb's chest. He wanted to do this.

"Yes," he heard Webb gasp and kept going. He wanted Webb. Never would have known if Palmer hadn't set him up, but he did, and he wasn't going to stop now.

Soon he was down and taking Webb's cock again into his mouth and it tasted just as good now. He moaned, then concentrated on doing it right. It was easy to do right, and fun, and right. Soon Webb was coming in his mouth, and he swallowed until it was all gone.

He wondered what was next, but then Webb was pulling him up. "Go to sleep, Harm."

He half-expected Webb to pull him next to him, but he didn't. Webb rolled over on to his side, away from Harm, as Harm settled on the other pillow. Maybe he ought to go back to the bed he'd started out in. No. At least he'd done some of what Palmer had told him to, and there was always the morning. He'd done what Webb had wanted, and that was something, as well as the fact that he'd loved it.

He'd think about it in the morning, he decided. See what Webb had to say, probably blame it on being drunk. He knew who he was, and that was what he did.

He shut his eyes and went to sleep.


"Harm." The low call woke him. "Harm." It was Clayton Webb. He wondered why the hell Webb was waking him up, and then it came back to him. The bar. Palmer. The demands he'd made in return for not showing anyone the damned tape.

"Hey." He gave the other man as good a smile as he could.

"We need to talk." Webb sat on the side of the bed, already dressed. "Get dressed and come down for some breakfast."

"I'd just as soon get going. No insult, but the night's over."

"You still haven't told me why you came here, Harm," Webb said softly. "Or why it had to be just one night." There was a pause, but there was no way he was breaking it, Harm vowed. "Or why there was a bug in your jeans along with the condoms and the lube." Harm felt his face freeze, and Webb nodded. "I didn't think you knew about that. But you do know who put it there."

"I..." He didn't know what to say, but he had to say something.

"Don't lie to me, Harm; I'm not as dumb as you seem to think." Despite the harsh words, the tone Webb used was calm. "If you want a shower, it's through there. But you're not leaving yet."

Harm faced up to it. Webb knew too much, and no matter what Palmer had threatened him with, he needed help. Webb could help him, probably would. But he had to ask. "And what's in it for me?"

"Help," Webb said simply. "You need it." There was a pause. "Especially if it's who I think it is."

He did need help, but it still took him another moment to say the next thing. "All right." He stood. "A shower would be good." Webb knew it was Palmer. That much was clear. But he wasn't going to say that yet.

Webb looked as though he was going to say something, but didn't. He stood and went out of the room.


They didn't talk until after breakfast. Harm tried to bring up the subject, but Webb just looked at him and said, "Later," and he could tell Webb meant it. Harm was nervous. What the hell was Palmer doing? What had he done? Was that tape already on its way to the SecNav?

Webb went over to the coffee maker, poured himself some more coffee, then came back. "Tell me the whole story."

"Not much to tell. You know it all, except that it was Palmer in the bar." He saw Webb nod. "He was taping it. He told me to go to you and do whatever you wanted." It was hard as hell to say that, but he owed it to Webb.

Webb sipped his coffee before answering. "Or he'd send the tape to Chegwidden."

"And the SecNav."

"I can handle it. Thank you for telling me. Do you want some more toast?"

Harm blinked. That was the end of it? It couldn't be that easy. "He'll send a tape of me going down on a guy to the Secretary of the Navy, Clay."

"If he does, I'll handle it. I don't think he will. He likes fucking with your head. That's why he sent you here. You never would have come here of your own free will, right, Harm?"

His voice was calm, but Harm heard something under it that worried him. "I meant what I said, Clay."

"I'm sure you did. Finish your breakfast and go home. I'll call you when I know something, but there's no need to worry. If Palmer contacts you, tell him to call me. I'm sure he can get my number if he doesn't already have it. Tell him I want to talk to him about this."

Webb was too calm and controlled. This wasn't right. "Clay, maybe I wouldn't have come here unless Palmer made me, but it was great last night. I want to do it again." There. He'd said it.

Webb set his mug down on the table. "You want to do it again," he said slowly.

"If you want to. It doesn't have to be just one night." Right then, Harm was remembering the promise in Webb's voice when he talked about taking it slow and making it good. He wanted to find out more about that, and he wanted to do it with Clayton Webb.

Webb stared at him for a long time. "You don't owe me anything, Harm. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop this now if that's what it's about. I'm not Palmer."

"You're definitely not Palmer." Harm kept his eyes on Webb. He wanted to make sure Webb knew he was telling the truth.

Webb stood. "Go home, Harm. I'm tired. We can talk about this another time, if you don't change your mind again."

"How about you come over for dinner?" What the hell. It would show Webb that he was serious.

Webb didn't even look at him. "Go home."

Harm heard the dismissal in Webb's voice and stood. "All right." He walked over to Webb. "But I'll be back," he murmured and tried to capture Webb's mouth, but Webb stepped away from him.

"Goodbye, Harm. Your jacket's in the hall."

Harm stared at him for another moment, then nodded and left the room. All right. So Webb wanted to play it that way. Maybe he was tired. But Harm wasn't going to give up on this.


Harm had just gotten in the door when his phone rang.

"Hey, Harm." Palmer's mocking voice. "Didn't do what I said, did you?"

"I did what you said." Harm turned his back to the window and hunched over. "You know that. You had a bug in my jeans."

"So Webb found it." Palmer didn't sound dismayed by that. "Nothing's changed. I didn't hear Webb fuck you, if he did, and I'm betting he didn't. The SecNav gets the tape."

No. Not that. Then Harm remembered what Webb had said. "Webb said for you to call him. Said he wants to talk to you about this, that you'd have his number."

Palmer chuckled. "Like Webb would get in my way. He's not stupid, Harm."

"That's what he said." Harm was uneasily aware that Palmer didn't seem to be thrown by Webb's involvement. "Call him and find out for yourself."

"I think I will. Just for the hell of it. But Harm, you'd better start thinking about your defense." A light laugh, then the sound of Palmer hanging up.

Harm shut off his cell and swallowed. Maybe he should call Webb to tell him that Palmer had called. Yeah, that sounded right.

But all he got when he did was Webb's machine.

He left a message, then grabbed his jacket. Screw this. He couldn't worry all day or wait for Webb to call him back, and who knew if he would? It was Sunday. He'd take up Sarah, his plane, have some fun.


When Harm walked into the hangar after his flight, the mechanic hailed him. "Message for you, Commander." He held out a piece of paper. "Said it was urgent."

Harm took the paper and glanced at it. Webb. But why hadn't he paged him? And more importantly, how had Webb known he was flying? He crumpled the paper and laughed. Right. Webb knew everything, or so he'd claim.

The message said for him to come over as soon as he could. Maybe Webb had talked to Palmer and made a deal and wanted to let him know that everything was all right. Webb had sounded certain that he could handle Palmer. Maybe he had.

Harm caught the mechanic's eye. "See that my plane is put away."

"After I make sure she's fine."

The mechanic smiled, and Harm smiled and nodded back, then headed for his car. It was going to be difficult to keep within the speed limit. He wanted to see Webb again, whatever the reason.


Webb's front door was open, which made Harm frown. That wasn't like Webb at all. He eased the door open enough to slip through, then walked quietly down the hall. He could hear voices, but couldn't make out any words.

As he got closer, he could tell that one of the voices was Webb's, and the other Palmer's, and approached more carefully. He had his hand on the doorknob when it was wrenched open.

"C'mon in, Harm, we've been waiting for you." Palmer's grin was the cockiest Harm had ever seen it, and it made his teeth ache. "Haven't we, Clay?"

Harm shot Palmer a glare, then looked at Webb, who was standing by a window in his usual suit and tie and who looked more bored than anything.

"I don't remember inviting you, Rabb." He sounded bored, too.

"I thought he should be here, Clay." Palmer leaned his elbow against the wall. "It's his life we're settling."

Harm scowled at Palmer. "I did what you said. You keep your side of the bargain."

Palmer laughed and slapped the wall. "Still haven't been in DC long enough to get how things work, have you, Harm? I've got the tape, I'm in charge. Why don't you get on your knees in front of Clay, since we all know you want to be there, and shut up? One more word out of you, and I walk, and the tape goes to the SecNav, Chegwidden, and, hm, I think your mom. She should know what her baby boy is up to."

Harm flushed. Damn Palmer for... everything. He wasn't getting on his knees in front of Palmer. Maybe for Webb later, if Webb would let him. But first Palmer had to get the hell out, and he looked like he was ready to move in, for god's sake.

"I suggest you comply, Harm." Webb's voice was still cool and bored. Harm nodded, and Webb turned away. "I don't have all day, Palmer."

"Just suggest? This is Harmon Rabb, Clay. When was the last time he listened to anyone's suggestions? Oh, wait, he did last night. You get all you want from him? He was my present to you."

Goddamn Palmer to hell, and the quicker he went there, the better. Harm felt his flush deepen at the smugness and glee in Palmer's voice. He opened his mouth to retort, but Webb's voice stopped him.

"Rabb's intelligent enough to safeguard his own interests, last night not withstanding. And Palmer, I don't know why you felt this urge to give me a present, but I assure you, it was neither necessary nor convenient."

"Yeah, he really did a good job of that in the bar, and I could come up with a hell of a lot of other examples of Harm's inability to do anything but get himself into trouble if you gave me a minute."

"Did I mention I contacted CIA security when I saw you approaching? They should be here in a few minutes."

Palmer paled, and Harm gloated silently, then Palmer's color returned, and he grinned again. "Great. Can't wait to tell everybody about Harm's adventure."

"If that's what you want, but I've obtained a copy of the security footage from the bar, and after viewing it," Rabb winced at the thought that Webb had seen him fall for Palmer's trick, and everything that had followed, "I'm sure that Rabb or his lawyer will be able to persuade the court it was you, no matter what witnesses you can unearth."

And that would help his career, how? But maybe it wouldn't matter that he'd had sex with a guy if he'd found Palmer.

"And with you in custody, I doubt that anyone will give any credence to your claims." Webb glanced at his wrist. "If you're leaving, now would be a good time."

Palmer straightened. "What the hell, I've had my fun with both of you." He headed to the door. "Keep Harm around and out of trouble. That wasn't the first time he went to that bar. Be a good boy for Clay, Harm, and maybe he'll fuck you yet."

The door slammed behind him, and Harm stared at Webb. Now what? He cleared his throat. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Webb had an odd look on his face, like he had the night before. "I don't want to stay here. What would you say to some dinner?"

"What about the CIA people?"

Webb smiled, and Harm knew the answer before he spoke. "There are no CIA people coming, Harm."

"You bluffed Palmer."

"Yes." Webb was still smiling. "I enjoyed it."

Time to take a chance. "Like you enjoyed me. Palmer guessed right about me wanting to get on my knees for you."

Webb's smile was gone, and the odd look was back. "Perhaps it would be best if we tabled that subject for the time being."

"Sure, whatever you want." They'd talk more later. Harm would make sure of it. Now it was time to rest and relax, and most importantly, stay around Webb. He cleared his throat. "You pick the restaurant. I'll buy."

"Don't worry about that tape, Harm. If Palmer is stupid enough to do something with it, he'll find that it will be an unprofitable venture."


He'd keep worrying about the tape; he couldn't help it. But he had Clayton Webb on his side, and he'd see about trusting him.

He hoped that it wouldn't take too long for Webb to decide to take a chance on him, as well.

The End

Posted 3/7/03

