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Of Doppelgangers and Detective Frazier

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clay and Clark watch an episode of Crossing Jordan.

Eclipse Snapshot #19

Disclaimer: None of the characters herein portrayed belong to me. I'm using them without permission and making no profit from this story.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Spoilers: general ones for Webb and Palmer JAG episodes, but mostly for Four Fathers, the episode of Crossing Jordan that aired 1/28/02

In the Eclipse series, Palmer blackmailed Webb into bed by telling him he had a last message from Stoner, and Webb wasn't ready to deal with all his feelings about his mentor's death, all the guilt and anger and pain, so Webb slept with Palmer until he was ready to deal with Stoner's death, and afterwards, because he wanted to be with Palmer. He was sleeping with Rabb, too, but Rabb broke up with him to marry Meg, even thought he still wants Webb. Sorry, I don't do summaries well.

For Tinnean, who wanted this and gave me the title.


"Come on, Clay, just a little TV before bed." I wet my lips and smile at Clay, who's giving me his 'you're out of your mind again' look. "It's supposed to be a good show."

He stays in the doorway, his arms folded over his chest in that stubborn way he has. Damn. I just want to relax, and I don't want to relax with a book. I want TV, although sex would be nice. Too bad he's not interested.

"And what is the name of this 'good show'?"

At least he's talking. "Crossing Jordan. About a medical examiner and the cases she deals with. Murders and stuff." I glance at the TV, see end credits rolling, and hit record. If I tape it, I can watch it later, whether he wants to or not. "Give it a chance, all right?"

Clay shakes his head, but stays in the doorway. I watch as a bunch of odd people listen to a man who has to be their boss tell them they're going to undergo evaluations to see which one or ones will be fired. Wonder if that'll happen sometime at the CIA.

The scene ends with some scatterbrained girl coming in after the meeting's over, really smart. When I glance at Clay, he's definitely not impressed.

"It doesn't look good to me, but if you want to waste your time, go ahead."

He turns away, and I look back at the TV to see this guy in a black leather jacket look up at the scatterbrain. So she's the star. Figures. Then I get a good look at the guy's face and grin.

"Hey. Look at this guy." He has to look. I don't believe this. "He's the spitting image of you." With a sexy moustache and an even sexier little beard. Doesn't look like any cop I ever dealt with.

Clay's watching now. At the end of the scene, he sits down beside me. "What did he say his name was?"

Yeah, Clay's hooked, but that's fine with me. "Detective Frazier, Homicide. Rick." Why didn't I get picked up by a cop that hot? I would have talked. Good thing I didn't.

"I suppose next they'll have him going after that woman." Didn't think he'd like her. Clay likes brains, but he also likes manners, and that one doesn't have any.

"Maybe he'll go after a guy." Not likely, but I like teasing him. "Or maybe he's already with a guy, and that'll be the big plot twist."

"Not much chance of that," Clay mutters. "You're taping this, right?"

"Right." And I'll be watching this again. God, he looks just like Clay. I can't get over it. Maybe it's his evil twin. Yeah, I like that idea. An evil Clayton Webb. I always thought he had that in him.

The show comes back, and we watch some more. It's all right, but I'm waiting for Detective Rick Frazier to reappear, and when he does, I can tell that Clay watches harder, too. When Frazier slams the kid against the wall, then laughs at his posturing and says, "Or what? You're gonna toss me out a window?" I'm hard. I'm going to have to watch this one again, because I'm missing all the plot in fantasies about what I could do to this guy.

They all end up in the scatterbrain's father's bar drinking, a happy ending, of course, and I'm staring, hoping to see Frazier with a bottle to his mouth since I won't get to see him with a cock, when Clay clears his throat.

I turn my head. "What?"

"Do I look like that in my leather jacket?" He's frowning, and I don't know why.

"Hot? Sure." Damned hot. Hot enough I don't let him go out in the jacket I gave him if I can help it, and since Clay still isn't that comfortable wearing it, it's not that hard to stop him.

His frown eases into a smile. "Thank you, but I mean, do I look that disreputable."

I grin. Yeah, Detective Frazier's no clean-cut CIA agent. "No, you look like Clayton Webb in a leather jacket, and you look great."

His smile changes, and I don't know how. "Nice to know you think that."

The credits roll, and Clay gets up. Guess it's time for bed. Fine with me. I'll get Clay to fuck me and stop thinking about sexy Detective Frazier. Clay's sexy enough for me.

I stop the tape, shut off the TV, and head toward the bedroom. Clay's already there, and he's sitting on the bed with his leather jacket over his clothes. God, he looks even better than usual in it tonight.

"Want me to be Detective Frazier?" He's smiling. "I know you want him."

Jesus. I didn't expect this. "Clay - " I don't know what to say. I like the idea, sure, but I don't want him thinking I want some character on TV more than him. But it was his idea to do this. Shit. I have to do *something*, not stand here like an idiot.

His smile changes as he stands, and it's not Clay I'm looking at, it's the detective. "Detective Frazier, if you please."

I can play this game. "Yeah, detective. Hey." Lame, but it's the best I can do when my Clay's smiling like he knows some evil little secret.

"Want to tell me how you killed him?"

Killed who? I've killed a lot of men, and not even for Clay, or Detective Frazier am I going to give up names.

"Who the hell did I supposedly kill, detective?"

His eyes gleam. "Commander Harmon Rabb."

Oh. I killed Rabb? And Clay's not pissed. I like this game. But I think I'm supposed to protest. I take a few steps away from him and lean against the wall. "Who's this Commander Robb?"

"Rabb." He's smiling as he corrects me.

"Never heard of him." Wish that was the truth, but it's all right. Rabb hasn't come around in a while. Maybe he's given up on Clay and decided to be a good fiance to his Meg.

"We have your prints on the murder weapon." He's over in front of me, pushing me into the wall, his body full against mine. His face has that same smile Frazier had, and he's hard. No one ever got hard interrogating me, or if they did, I never knew. I could use this, except I'm hard as hell myself and having a damned hard time controlling it. "You did it. You know that, and I know that." His hand grabs my chin and holds my head still. "Why not tell me how it went down?" His tongue slips out and licks my lips, and it's all I can do not to grab him and kiss him back, but I like this game too much to stop. "Don't you want to boast?"

Boast? I'm panting too hard almost to talk, and all I can smell when I get a decent breath is the leather. "I have a right to an attorney."

He licks my lips again. "Later. Now you're mine."

I groan. I'm always his. "Stop fucking with me."

"Thought you liked that." His other hand is on my ass, and I'm grinding against him, I can't help it, I want him so much. "Yeah, you like it," he whispers and rubs his cock against mine.

I'm too damned close to coming, just from this. I close my eyes and hold on to what's left of my control, but he spins me around, slams my face against the wall, and gets my arms behind me, and then he's snicking cuffs around my wrists. I struggle, but he shoves his knee against me and leans his body in, and I'm helpless. But then I like to be helpless for Clay.

He grabs my shoulder and turns me back around, and he's still got that sexy, evil smile. "Can't let a dangerous man like you have his hands free." He pushes me down to my knees and undoes his pants. Guess Detective Frazier is a top who uses his position to get sex. Fine with me, as long as I'm giving it to him. "Tell you what: do a good enough job on my cock, and maybe I'll lose the evidence."

This is Clay's evil twin. He could be DSD. Fuck, that turns me on even more. Not because I want anyone who's DSD. Because underneath he's still Clay, and I trust him with my life.

He rubs the head over my lips, and I open my mouth and lick it. The rich, dark smell of the leather mixes with the earthy smell of him, and I don't even try to stop myself from leaning forward to take all of his cock in, but he pulls back and doesn't let me.

"I said a good enough job, not a rush job."

He wants good? Fine. I'm always good. I suck in the head and do my damnedest on it. He's still holding his cock with one hand, but the other is buried in my hair, keeping me from taking in more than he wants.

After a while he lets me have more, and then more again, and finally his shaft is down my throat, and I'm so damned hard that I'm moaning around it and shifting, anything to get some friction and come.

His hand tightens in my hair. "So you like sucking cock? Thought so."

Detective Frazier's a bit of a bastard, but that's all right, as long as my Clay's underneath. I suck hard, and he thrusts into my mouth, and I wish I had my hands free to roll his balls - but it doesn't matter, because he's coming and I'm swallowing and it's almost enough to keep me from caring that I want to come, too.

He pulls out and steps back and puts his cock away, then pulls me up and turns me around and undoes the cuffs. "You can go. I see you're not the one we're after."

So I don't get off? Fuck that. I grab him by the shoulders, and he lets me. "Come on, play fair."

"What did you want?"

"I want to come." I push him back until his knees hit the edge of the bed, and we both go down, me on top of him. "I want you to get me off."

He pushes me off him and rolls on his side, still in that damned sexy leather, and reaches for my zipper. "You want me or the detective?"

"You. Please, Clay." The detective was fun, but I don't need him.

"Want to fuck me?"

His fingers are warm as they wrap around my cock, and one squeeze and that question and I'm coming. Damn, now I won't get to fuck him, and I wanted to.

He smiles and wipes me off. "Next time," he promises.

"I can fuck the detective?"

He laughs as he sits up. "Sure."

"I killed Rabb?" I have to ask. Hard to believe he said that, even as part of a game.

"You think I don't know you'd like to?" He stands and takes off the jacket as I watch, then hangs it up and starts getting the rest of his clothes off. "Sometimes I wonder why you haven't."

Sometimes I wonder myself. "Killing him might get me back in Leavenworth. He's not worth it." I sit up and strip off my shirt and toss it on the floor, making a bet with myself that Clay will pick it up. He gives me a look and does, and I grin. Knew it.

He comes over and holds out his hand, and I get out of my pants and hand them to him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." What is he thanking me for? Playing the game, giving him my pants, not killing Rabb? All of them? I get under the covers and decide I don't really care. He's happy. That's what counts.

He puts my shirt and pants on a chair. "You're right, he's not worth it."

He smiles, then gets under the covers without another word, and I pull him against me. Yeah, the joy of killing Harmon Rabb's not worth losing this.

And next time I get to fuck Detective Frazier.

The End

Posted 2/1/02

To read the sequel to this story, go to Investigating Detective Frazier. To read the next Eclipse Snapshot, go to Investment.

