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Payment on demand

by Gail (

Crossover between JAG and the X-Files

Fox Mulder/Alex Krycek, Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clark Palmer goes after Alex Krycek, but it doesn't quite go as planned.

Sequel to Payment due

Strange Disclaimer: Alexei Krycek belongs to someone, but it isn't me. Some Chris Carter person and Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox? That sounds right. Fox Mulder and Walter Skinner belong to the aforementioned people and companies. Clayton Webb and Clark Palmer belong to Belisarius Productions and CBS, but this is my dream and my story, so these are my versions of them.

Sedate Disclaimer: Skinner, Krycek, and Mulder belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and the Fox network. Webb and Palmer belong to Belisarius Productions and CBS.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Spoilers: Most of the XF Krycek episodes, since they set up the relationship between Mulder and Krycek, but nothing crucial, and general ones for the X-Files. Nothing really for JAG.

(notes for first gemstories posting)

This is an AU of my Eclipse universe in which the characters of the X-Files are real. That sounds so strange, but it's what is, so there. It's also an AU for the X-Files, because I can't reconcile the timelines of that show and JAG. It's set a few days after Payment due, I think.

This turned out to be Page's birthday present, because I didn't finish the story she really wanted. Happy birthday, Page! (6/18)

(later notes)

Thanks to Alexandra, Tinnean, Katja, and Bren for reading this in various versions and coming back with good comments and enthusiasm, with special thanks to Tinnean for the title. I didn't take all their suggestions, but that's my fault, not theirs. Thanks to Elizabeth for betaing it and setting me straight on Skinner, Krycek, and Mulder. She's wonderful. :-)


Clark Palmer made sure to look his most respectful and attentive as he stood in front of the desk and the man who was staring over at him. He had to be sure this man was on his side. He needed allies.

"Assistant Director Skinner, thank you for seeing me."

"You said this was important, Mr. Palmer. How may I assist you?"

**You can give me Alex Krycek on a platter, or keep him if you want. You fuck him. You look like you'd like a pretty boy like him bent over your desk or your couch or anywhere else. I could get into seeing you pound your cock into him. Beat him. Teach him to do what he's told. Keep him away from what's mine.** But he didn't say that. This was business, or that's what he had to convince Skinner it was.

"There is reason to believe that your agent Fox Mulder is cooperating to keep a known enemy of this country at liberty. This enemy agent has been in touch with one of our agents, my partner, Clayton Webb," damn, just saying Clay's name got him hot, but he could ignore it, and he would, "but he got away before we could get him into custody." Yes, that would have been very good. Alexei Krycek in a cell, preferably with some guys who liked to use their fists as well as their cocks on him. That would teach him to fuck with what was Clark Palmer's. But he had needed to get Clay back more than he'd needed to keep Krycek, and so he'd let Krycek go.

Which had led to him coming to Skinner.

He wondered for a moment if he'd done the right thing following the lead that had come in a phone call in the middle of the night from a man who sounded as though he'd been chain- smoking from the time he was a baby, then dismissed his doubts. Palmer knew a threat when he heard one, and even better, he knew power when he heard it. That man had power. He wasn't going to fuck with that. The DSD had worked with the Consortium. When this man had told him that he needed to talk with Skinner, then told him some details about his training that no one who wasn't DSD should know, he'd known he'd damned well better talk with Skinner.

The man with the cough had assured him that he and Mr. Webb, as he had called Clay, showing proper respect, were safe, that Palmer was free to do whatever he wanted to Krycek, kill him if he liked, but that he couldn't touch this Fox Mulder. Hell, he didn't give a shit about Agent Mulder. He could do what he wanted, as long as he stayed away from Clay. So Palmer had agreed, and the man had given him some information and hung up.

He hadn't told Clay about the call. Clay didn't need to know he was after Krycek, and Clay shouldn't know about the Consortium. Palmer himself didn't even know as much as he would like to about them, but he knew not to fuck with them, and that having them on his side was a plus. He'd never join them, and that had been made clear long ago, when the recruiters had come, so he was safe as long as he didn't get on their bad side, something he didn't intend to do.

"And that enemy is?" Skinner already knew; Palmer could see it in his eyes, but he'd play along.

"Alex Krycek." Fucking Krycek. Who'd gotten his Clay into bed and fucked him. Had to stop thinking that now. "The CIA would appreciate you requesting your agent to cooperate with us." He didn't smile. Skinner had been a Marine. You didn't smile too much at them, or they decided that you'd be fun to break into pieces. You could get to a Marine, but not in his own office, and he didn't want to get to this one. Although he might be fun, but never as much fun as Clay. No one was. Would Clay like him? Shit, was everything about Clayton Webb? Yes, the answer came back, and he suppressed a sigh. Yeah, like that was a big surprise.

Skinner finally nodded. "The FBI has been trying to locate Krycek for years. If Agent Mulder is helping him evade capture, he will be dealt with. I will tell him to cooperate with you. Anything else?"

Good. "No, Assistant Director. Thank you for your time."

"Mr. Palmer." Palmer stayed where he was. "Krycek is a dangerous man. Keep that in mind."

Palmer gave Skinner a thin smile. "He and I have met." Should have killed him when he was stripped in Clay's bedroom, with Clay's scent all over him. Killed him and lost Clay. No, this was better and safer. "Thank you for the warning. I'll be careful."

"And if Mulder is helping him..." The deep voice stopped. "Agent Mulder can be dangerous also."

Interesting. But he'd handle him. "I'm sure that Mr. Mulder will be reasonable if he knows you wish it, Assistant Director." He stared into the man's eyes, making sure his message got across. **I know you can make Mulder behave. Do it.** Maybe wishful thinking, but it was worth a shot.

"Mulder is seldom reasonable, Mr. Palmer."

Really. "Thank you again, then." His smile was gone. Two unreasonable men, great. But the man with the cough had told him something to use on the unreasonable Mr. Mulder. Just one name, Samantha, and a few details, but the laugh that came with that name told Palmer that the man was certain that would work. Fine.

"If you'll wait, I'll get Agent Mulder up. That is, if he's in the building."

"Thank you, Mr. Skinner. I would appreciate that." It would certainly help if Skinner talked to Mulder first.

Skinner nodded and picked up the phone. His face grew angry after a moment or two, and Palmer discreetly looked away. There were some low and terse words, then the phone was replaced with what wasn't quite a slam, but damned close.

"Agent Mulder has left for the day."

**And he didn't do it with your knowledge.** Palmer wanted to smile, but made sure he didn't. This man was controlled, but this wasn't the time to push that control at all. "Would it be possible for you to give me his location? My superiors wish this pursued."

Skinner stared at him for a moment, then nodded. "He's on his way to his apartment." The voice was rougher now, and Palmer wished he could tell the man that he was going to take care of it, that Krycek was going to vanish and never give him any trouble again. He could work for this man. He wasn't DSD, but he was like Clay in a lot of ways, the ways that made it good to work for him, not the ones that made it great to sleep with him. He could like this man, too. Nice feeling.

Skinner was speaking again. "If you hurry, you can catch him there."

And possibly Krycek, Palmer hoped. It would fit. Mulder was leaving early because Krycek had contacted him, for information or to lead him on, for whatever the fuck it was someone like Krycek wanted. Probably for sex. Yeah, Krycek would have to want that. He'd had to leave before he'd gotten Clay.

"Oh, I'll hurry." Catch Krycek with Mulder at the same time, yes. "I have the address." He'd done some research into Agent Mulder before coming to the FBI. "If you'll excuse me."

Skinner stood. "Good luck, Mr. Palmer." He held out his hand, and Palmer took it without hesitation. He'd remember this man. Unlike most of the people he dealt with, Skinner was real.

"Thank you, Mr. Skinner. Please feel free to call on me if I can be of assistance to you." That was only courtesy. It wouldn't be easy, but if Skinner did call on him, he'd keep his word without Clay learning about it, somehow.

"Just get Krycek, Mr. Palmer." There was a pause. "And make sure it's a deep grave."

"Yes, sir." Palmer let himself smile at that and saw Skinner's nod and look of satisfaction in return. Yes, this man had a brain. Excellent.

He turned and left. He could get to Mulder's place quickly, and he would. And then fucking Krycek would find out that he shouldn't have fucked with Clark Palmer.


"Krycek, stop it." But Mulder was laughing as Krycek undid his zipper and pulled out his partly hard cock. They were barely into the apartment, but at least this time Krycek had waited to get the door closed.

How did Krycek know when to come back? When he'd been jerking off thinking of him, when he wouldn't bring up the past except with a smile, the good parts. There were so few of them, but that didn't matter now. Now all that mattered was that Krycek was here, wanting him, hungry for him. Mulder came close to moaning as Krycek swallowed his cock in one smooth motion. Had Krycek gotten any since the last time? Apparently not.

He leaned against the wall and enjoyed the hot knowledge of the other man's mouth and tongue and even teeth. Krycek was so damned good, but maybe this would be better on the couch? Yes, much better there, and then he'd have that to remember when Krycek went away again, and he spent the nights dozing there.

"Krycek," he managed, then saw those green eyes turn up to his. Why couldn't it always be this way? But it couldn't, and he couldn't worry about that now without fucking up everything. "Couch."

Krycek drew his mouth off in a long, smooth motion that made Mulder shudder, then stood. "Sounds good to me. I want you to fuck my mouth, then my ass. Will you do that, Mulder?"

Mulder was about to answer when there was a knock on the door. "Shit," he muttered instead. Krycek was already moving behind the door, ready to take action. "No, Krycek, get out of sight. I'll deal with it."

Krycek gave him a quick look, then stowed the gun Mulder hadn't even seen him draw and went with quick and quiet steps toward the bathroom. Mulder got his cock back in his pants and went to answer the door. He was going to get rid of this person, and now, so that he and Krycek could get to the couch and he could give Krycek what he wanted and get what he wanted as well.

The person at the door was not a neighbor or anyone Mulder knew. He reminded Mulder of Krycek: the same cool manner, the same danger underneath, just waiting for an excuse to get out. However, the tone that the man used was calm and reasonable.

"Mr. Mulder. My name is Clark Palmer. I'm with the CIA." He must have come for Krycek, but would a CIA agent just come to the door looking for him? No. That wasn't how they worked. They were spooks, although he was sure his reputation would beat any of theirs. He allowed himself a small smile as the man continued. "I need to speak with you regarding an Alexei Krycek."

And there was something suddenly in the man's face that alerted Mulder to the fact that this was very personal to Mr. Palmer. Krycek had to get the hell out of there. Now. "Of course. If you'd just give me a moment," he produced an apologetic smile, "just home from work, you know how it is."

"I know that Assistant Director Skinner tried to reach you to tell you to cooperate fully with me, but you were not at your office, Mr. Mulder." Yes, very like Krycek, and those hazel eyes staring into his had the same gleam he remembered from many looks into Krycek's deeper green ones. "Would you please do me a favor and call Mr. Skinner and confirm what I've said?" This Palmer wasn't moving, would be hell to get out of the doorway, and probably meant to come in as soon as he could make an opening.

Mulder smiled at Palmer. Hell, it worked on Krycek, he argued to himself. "Please, Mr. Palmer," he put a note of seduction into his voice, it almost always worked too, even on the straight ones, not that he could tell which way Palmer swung, "a moment to wash up."

Palmer smiled back. "So you can tell your Alexei to get the hell out the back? I don't think so."

"Why, Clark, how nice to see you again." And Krycek was beside him, stripped down to...shit, nothing. "Come in." Krycek tossed his jeans on the couch. "Mulder, this is Clark Palmer, and we need to be very nice to him, because he's just managed to lose his lover. Poor Clark."

Mulder saw Palmer's eyes narrow as he stepped in. Mulder immediately shut the door and kept an eye on both men, Palmer in his sober suit and Krycek in nothing at all.

"I didn't lose him, Krycek, despite your efforts." Palmer smiled at Mulder. "I see you take leftovers from the CIA. Well, I hope he's worth your time."

"Come on, Clark, no hard feelings. Webb was business. And god knows, he needed to get laid."

Mulder blinked. So Krycek had gotten sex from some guy named Webb. Probably CIA, or so Palmer's comment implied. Oh. He took a long breath. He wasn't going to worry about it. If Krycek said it was business, it probably was. He wasn't the jealous type.

Suddenly Krycek was up against him, warm and hard and seductive. "What about you, Clark? Here to find out just what you need to learn to keep your Clayton happy? You sure as hell weren't managing that before."

Palmer gave Krycek a long stare. "You were an amusement for him. Nothing special. A toy for him to play with."

Krycek rubbed his erection against Mulder's thigh, and Mulder made himself keep breathing. This was Krycek's game, he reminded himself. He didn't know Palmer, didn't know this Webb, but what he did know is that once Krycek got started, it was suicide to interfere. He was a prop, but being Krycek's prop had definite benefits. He would find out who Clayton Webb was later.

"Toy?" Krycek laughed softly. "Oh, right, Clark. Did Clayton tell you how I fucked him good and hard and long?"

Palmer smiled at that. "He mentioned it."

"Oh, of course. Webb's a smart one. He told you what you wanted to hear, and you bought it." Krycek turned to Mulder with wide eyes, and Mulder knew this was all part of the game. "You'd like him, Mulder, even though he's CIA. I'll introduce you. He'd be good company for you when I'm not around, and you know I don't get jealous."

Mulder saw the sudden tightening of Palmer's face. No, Palmer was not as secure about Webb as he wanted to seem. Krycek had already known. He could almost feel sorry for Clark Palmer.

"Try it, Krycek. See what that gets you. You like silos that much? I know a couple, and I'd be happy to see that you got a room where you could be safe and comfortable and bother no one. Hell, Mulder here can go with you if he likes whatever you do that much."

Mulder decided that it was time to break this up. He stepped forward and felt Krycek's hand stroke down his side. Damn. Krycek always liked playing. "Krycek is an important source for the FBI, Mr. Palmer." He deliberately used the more respectful address. Good cop, bad cop. Why shouldn't this Palmer fall for it?

Palmer laughed suddenly. "Right, he's an important source. Do all your sources strip when they come over, Mr. Mulder?"

Mulder gave Palmer a steady look. "Leave, Mr. Palmer." He'd had enough.

"You're not interested in what I have to trade for pretty Alexei here, Mr. Mulder?" Palmer took a step closer, and Mulder saw the intensity in his eyes flare. "Not interested at all?" Palmer paused, but Mulder didn't answer. "That's too bad. Funny all the things you can find out when you work for the CIA. But I suppose it's been so long for you. You wouldn't care at all about the location of a certain person, would you, Mr. Mulder? No, of course not. You're long past caring. That's fine, Mr. Mulder. I'm sure it's much better that way."

Every time Palmer said 'Mr. Mulder', he sounded just like Deep Throat. The man he'd trusted, even more than he'd come to trust Krycek. And it sounded as though Palmer were talking about Samantha, his lost sister. He couldn't know anything. Krycek had promised him that any information about Samantha would get to him first. But what if Palmer did have new information? What if he could finally find Samantha?

Krycek was suddenly in front of him, and damn, how did he manage to pull a gun with nowhere to hide it? "You fucking bastard. I should kill you."

Krycek was getting that the offer was tempting him; that had to be why he had snapped, Mulder knew.

Palmer laughed at that. "He won't let you. I have something he wants now, and the only way he's going to get it is if I tell him. You do want to know about Samantha, Mr. Mulder?"

"There are ways to get information without you getting shit, Palmer." Krycek still had the gun on Palmer as he spoke, and Mulder knew that Krycek's eyes were glittering with that particular jade-green note that meant there was going to be serious trouble.

"Krycek, no!" Mulder knew his voice was too sharp, and Krycek ignored it. "Krycek."

Palmer stood there, a little smile playing over his lips. "Yes, Krycek, come to heel," he mocked. "Do what your master tells you."

"Mulder, stay out of this. This asshole knows nothing. I told you I'd make sure you knew anything, and I won't screw that up."

"Palmer!" There was a pounding on the door, and the voice that spoke was definitely angry, although controlled. "Palmer, open this door!"

"Shit," Palmer muttered and glared at Krycek. "In a moment, Webb." He dropped his voice. "Go put some clothes on. Do it."

Krycek was back to calm. "Come on, Clark. Clay knows what I look like, Mulder here certainly knows what I look like, and you have to have noticed. So what's the point?"

"Clothes, Krycek. Unless you'd prefer me to use bullets." Palmer's eyes were hard, but there was an uncertainty behind them. "Mr. Mulder, back me on this one. I know nothing about Samantha, just the name. Get him dressed and then I'll go."

Krycek had his jeans on. "This enough, Clark?"

"It'll do."

"Good. I wouldn't want Clay to get upset."

Mulder's eyes narrowed. He definitely wanted to meet this man.

"Don't worry, Mulder," Krycek breathed into his ear, "Webb was business. Damned good, but business. I almost had him to the point of giving me information, but then Wonderboy here had to fuck it up."

Palmer was at the door, opening it. The man who strode in was well-dressed in a crisp three-piece suit. His eyes swept the room, then fixed on Palmer. "Come with me."

"Hello, Clay," Krycek drawled. "Nice to see you, too."

So this was Clayton Webb. Mulder stepped forward. It was still his apartment, even though he was beginning to wonder about that. "Fox Mulder. FBI."

He saw a wariness in Clayton Webb's eyes that he recognized. The feeling that if he let up for one moment his partner would find a way to screw up everything. "Clayton Webb, CIA."

"Palmer belongs to him, Mulder." Oh, Krycek was enjoying this. "Shall we give him back or keep him? I'd like to play with him for a while." The big eyes and the tongue across the lips, Mulder knew what Krycek was doing without even needing to look at him. "Clay, can we keep your Clark for a while? He'll be much better behaved when we're through with him. Think of it as a present from me."

"Webb, I'll explain in the car." So Palmer folded much more quickly than Krycek ever did, but then the look in Webb's eyes that Mulder had recognized was gone now, and there was something that was much closer to joy there now.

"I know you will." And that voice from Webb was gentle, and Mulder wished for just one minute that he was the one getting that gentleness. "Come on, Palmer."

"Clay, just one afternoon. You can have him back tonight."

Krycek was purring with glee, but Mulder made sure to meet Webb's eyes and pass the message he wanted to, and Webb's eyes showed that he'd gotten it.

"Palmer comes with me. It's not open for discussion."

Mulder saw Palmer's eyes change then, and he almost didn't recognize him. That same joy was in his eyes. Yes, these two were together, and he wasn't going to let Krycek get between them.

"Krycek, quiet. Now." He didn't use that voice very often, but when he did, it worked. Krycek shot him a surprised look, but he didn't let his eyes change, and Krycek hesitated, then stayed put. "Goodbye, Mr. Webb."

"Goodbye, Mr. Mulder. My apologies for the intrusion. Palmer."

And Webb had a voice just like his for his very own problem, Mulder thought wryly. Yes, that was essential when dealing with dangerous and seductive men who could get you to stop thinking without any trouble whatsoever.

"My apologies as well, Mr. Mulder." Mulder nodded his acceptance of Palmer's statement. Webb was at the door, but Palmer hesitated one more moment. "Krycek." Only the name, but there was information in those two syllables, and Krycek clearly received them, because he nodded and spoke.


Mulder thought that what he'd heard was the signing of a peace treaty, but that would come clear in time. The door was closing behind Webb and Palmer, and Krycek was turning to him, stripping out of the jeans. There would be time later to talk and find out just what the hell had just happened. Krycek was sucking his cock back to hardness, and this time he was comfortable on the couch, and he was going to make sure Krycek took his time.

The End

Posted 6/18/01

To sequel snippet, The ride home


