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by Gail (


Harmon Rabb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Palmer decides to tell Rabb a thing or two.

Disclaimer: CBS and Belisarius Productions own the rights to these characters. I'm being very bad borrowing them without permission, but I haven't really hurt them. This isn't reality; it's slash.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

This is a PWP/Snapshot (#2) set in my Eclipse universe, where Clayton Webb and Clark Palmer became lovers when Clark blackmailed Clayton into bed. Over time the whole blackmail issue was resolved, and now they're together because they want to be. This would take place sometime after part 10. It's also Eclipse Daydream #1, because, well, it is. *g* (2/4/03)

This is for Tinnean, who inspired it with her Kiss Me, Kane part 15 (hot stuff!), and for Alexandra, who keeps telling me she loves my writing and encourages me to keep going. Thanks to Scarlet, who suggested the twist at the end.


"So, Rabb, you like being a pony?"

"Let me up, Palmer."

Rabb struggled against the ropes holding him in position. He was on his hands and knees, able to keep his balance only with an effort. This was humiliating, being bound and then having what Palmer gleefully informed him was a tail inserted into his ass. What the hell was Palmer getting at? And how had he ended up like this? Last thing he remembered was a knock, and opening his door.

"Just one picture, Harm. For my collection." Rabb saw a flash of light, then Palmer's damned gloved fingers were on his cock. "Oh, come on, Harm, you don't like it? Too bad. Bet Webb would like to see you like this."

Harm stilled. The thought of Clayton Webb was too much. It was over, and it was good that it was, he loved Meg, wanted a life with her, not Clay, but why was Palmer bringing Webb up? He couldn't know anything about their...affair. Their thing. Whatever it had been.

"Yeah, I'll bet Webb would love this." Palmer's voice was soft and amused. "He could fuck your mouth but good. He's good at that." A laugh as his hand released Harm's stirring cock. "But then you wouldn't know, would you?"

Harm couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You don't know shit about Clayton Webb, Palmer. I can't believe you even dare to be in Washington. Go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under."

"The Company's a pretty big rock, you got that right," Palmer purred back. His fingers found one of Rabb's nipples and pulled on it. Rabb cried out from the pleasure it gave him, although he hoped Palmer didn't know that was the reason. It was bad enough that he'd made any noise at all. "I'm CIA now, Harm. I work with Webb. You could say I was your competition." Palmer was down in front of Rabb, eyes bright. "The night you broke up with him, he came to me. Me, Rabb. He sure as hell wasn't thinking about you after he got his cock in my ass."

"You're CIA?" Rabb knew there was more to worry about than that, but he knew that he needed to say something, and that was what came out.

"That's right, Harm. I'm Clay's partner. In all the ways you can think of. He fucked me the night before you and he made up. Fucked me all night long. Put marks on me. Cried out my name when he came, and he came a lot." Palmer's fingers were back on Harm's cock. "Come on, Harm, think about it. I'll get you off while you picture Clay's face as I sucked him off, as he fucked me."

"You bastard." Could this be true? No, this was Clark Palmer, who wouldn't know the truth if he stepped in it and carried it around all day on his shoe. "You're lying." Palmer's agile fingers made him bite back a moan. "Clay would never let you touch him."

"I didn't give him much of a chance to turn me down," Palmer breathed in his ear. "I knew what I wanted and took it. Now he's all mine. Clayton Webb belongs to me."

Harm was trembling, on the edge of coming. The words Palmer was saying hurt like hell, and the thought of Clay fucking another man, fucking *Palmer*, was hotter than he wanted it to be. Then he felt the object in his ass being drawn out, then thrust back in while his cock was worked. It made him gasp as the pleasure he'd only felt with Clay's fingers or cock in him was brought out by his enemy, Clark Palmer. "Damn you, stop."

"When I say, Rabb, not when you do." Palmer kept working his cock, working his ass, and Harm moaned. "Come on, Harm, you make such a good pony. Bet pretty Meg would like you like this." He laughed. "You can think about this when you're giving your kids horsey rides around the house."

All Harm wanted to do was block out Palmer's voice, stop him from doing anything, but it was too late. He'd gotten too much stimulation to keep from coming. He let out a loud cry and spurted over Palmer's hand.

He heard Palmer's croon. "Good boy. Good pony." Then Palmer's hand was on his back, soothing him, and with that, he lost consciousness.

Palmer eased the body to the floor and picked up the camera for another shot. He'd never show this to Webb, and sure as hell Rabb wouldn't be talking about it, but it was revenge, and a sweet one. Rabb at his mercy. Not as much fun as Webb all the time, but hell, it *was* Rabb. What could he expect?

"Fuck with what's mine again, and I'll show you just how bad I can make it for you," he whispered, even though he knew the other man couldn't hear him. He reached for the knots. Couldn't leave even Rabb like this. He grinned at the thought of Rabb explaining his tardiness to Chegwidden. Well, he wouldn't be too late. It was only seven-thirty.

Palmer pulled out the tail and reached into his bag for a paper towel to wrap it in. He'd clean it later. At the door, he took one last look at Rabb's limp body, then turned away. He was finished with the commander, and more importantly, Clay was finished with him.


Palmer smiled and made himself come out of his daydream. All right, he'd never get away with doing that, but damn, it was a nice fantasy. "Hey, Webb. You like ponies, right?"

Webb shot him an annoyed look. This was work. But he answered his partner's question. "Horses, Palmer. Ponies are for children. You have to know that."

"Right. You like horses a lot?" Palmer pushed and held in his grin. Yeah, ponies were for children. Sounded good to him.

"In the right time and place, Palmer. What is this, you want to go riding? We can go Sunday, if you want," he offered absently as his mind went back to the matter at hand. "Talk to me about it later."

"Whatever you say," Palmer murmured and smiled. Yes, ponies belonged in the proper time and place, and Harmon Rabb was definitely in the past.

The End

Posted 12/9/00

Endnote: It's only a daydream. Palmer doesn't do that to Rabb. Not even I'm that cruel; well, not today.

To read the next Eclipse Snapshot, go to Acceptable behavior.

