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by Gail (


AJ Chegwidden/Harmon Rabb

Rating: adult

Chegwidden decides on a certain course of action after another of Rabb's stunts. Slash ensues.

Disclaimer: The characters herein portrayed belong to Belisarius Productions and CBS. I mean no offense and make no money from this story.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warnings: slight non-con and force. PWP.

Spoiler: The Return and general ones for the show.

This is set in some nebulous time after The Return, in which Rabb returns from active flight duty to JAG.

I'm not sure this Chegwidden is entirely true to his character on the show, but it's how the story came to me, and I never argue with inspiration. Palmer claims he drugged Chegwidden's coffee and got Rabb with some kind of cream that overcomes inhibitions, but I don't advise believing him. He lies all the time.

I wrote this for JiM, because she's a nice person and a fine writer who sends cool feedback. She and Tinnean read it and were positive, and Scarlet and Elizabeth beta'd and helped me make it better. I thank them all.


Harmon Rabb pushed open the admiral's door and entered, then stood at attention, waiting to find out what his superior officer wanted from him this late in the day. "Sir."

The admiral set down his coffee mug and stood. "Commander Rabb." There was something in Chegwidden's voice, something that made Rabb freeze and hold his position. "Good to see you're back safe and sound from your expedition." He walked over and closed the door, then returned to stand on Rabb's left side.

This was not good. Not good at all. Rabb swallowed and kept silent. Yes, he'd gone out today, but he hadn't thought it would be a problem. He had been working on a case. The one stop he'd made not on JAG business hadn't taken that long. He didn't see any way the admiral could know about it.

"You just can't stay away from airplanes. It's not enough that you keep your flight status current." Chegwidden leaned in, breathing on the exposed skin of Rabb's neck. "Were you considering changing your designation again?" Rabb didn't answer right away. "I want an answer, Commander!"

"No, sir!" Not considering, not really, he argued to himself. Just keeping his options open.

"Then why did a Captain Stewart call here wanting to see your flight record? Answer me that!"

The captain hadn't... Oh, yes, he had. "Sir, I don't know, sir."

"I couldn't give him your flight record, but I told him I'd be happy to send him information about your behavior in the courtroom. He didn't want that." The admiral's voice was low, dangerously so. "Did you give Captain Stewart the impression you were looking to return to active flight duty, Commander?"

"Yes, sir." He had. It had been good to pretend for a while that he was going to stop arguing in the courtroom and fly again. Of course he knew he'd never do it, but Stewart didn't know that. He hadn't thought it would be a problem if he didn't follow up.

"You made quite an impression on the captain. I'm tempted to put through the paperwork and let him have you, so that someone else can deal with you and your attitude for a while. However, you are my responsibility, and I do not evade my responsibilities."

The admiral moved in front of Rabb, and Rabb took a breath. The admiral was angry, but he would cool down. He always did.

Chegwidden's cool eyes locked on his. "Strip out of that uniform, sailor."

"Sir?" He must have heard wrong.

"When I give an order, I expect to be obeyed."

Rabb stared at the admiral. He meant it. His superior officer wanted him to get out of his uniform. He reached for the first button of his blouse.

"Shoes, then pants. That will be enough for what I have in mind."

Rabb swallowed. His pants. He could feel himself getting hard, just a little, and he didn't even know why. He should be scared, and he was, but he was also interested. Exactly what did the admiral have in mind?

Chegwidden watched him undo and pull off his shoes. "You act like you can get away with anything if you smile or say the right thing, Commander, but that's not true with me. Not any more."

"Sir?" Rabb tried to will himself soft, but it didn't work. At least he wasn't too hard, he realized in relief, but that could change. There was something about the admiral now. He wasn't so angry, more cool and controlled.

"The pants."

Rabb started pulling off his pants, leaving his briefs on. The admiral couldn't want him naked. Could he?

"The briefs, too."

Rabb swallowed and reached for the waistband of his briefs. He did want him naked.

When he stood again, he was stripped from the waist down, his cock poking out from under his blouse, facing his superior officer. He waited to find out what the admiral would order him to do next.

"Lean over. Put your hands on the desk." Crisp and calm, and Rabb was getting less calm every minute. The admiral had something in mind, and he wasn't going to back down until he got it. Rabb obeyed. A breath of air brushed against his ass and his cock, and he squirmed. "Stand still." The admiral's voice was hard again. "There was a time when I could have had you flogged for your behavior." Silence while Rabb listened to his heart pound. "However, that is not a viable option, so I'm going to fuck you. Think of it as my version of shooting off a machine gun in a courtroom."

"Yes, sir," Rabb whispered. He could take this. This was still AJ Chegwidden, who was a fair and reasonable man. Who'd been a SEAL. Who'd done things in Vietnam Rabb probably never could understand. For all he knew, Chegwidden liked fucking guys. Knew how to do it. Oh, god. He was getting harder. He'd never thought about a guy doing this to him before. Well, a few times at night, when he was jerking off. More than a few times. And he'd come really hard when he'd had those thoughts.

He felt a hand grope between his legs and spread them, then cool fingers closed around his cock. "Hard. You must like this."

Rabb groaned at the touch and the observation. "Yes, sir." He was hard, but did he like this? He didn't know. What he did know was that he was going to take it.

"Well, this isn't about your pleasure, Rabb." Chegwidden's breath as he spoke brushed Rabb's neck, and Rabb shivered. "It's about you learning there are consequences for your actions. This will not be an entirely pleasurable consequence. I assure you of that."

Rabb thrust into the fingers, which squeezed, then released him, then braced himself more solidly against the desk. The fingers were at his asshole now, spreading a cool gel over him. Chegwidden was going to fuck him. He didn't really want to be fucked, but he wasn't going to fight it. Wasn't going to fight him. It didn't feel wrong any more, and he didn't want to know any more than that. He shut off his brain and concentrated on the fingers at his ass just as one pushed through the ring of muscle and into him, and groaned at the pain.

"Consequences, Rabb." Chegwidden's voice was cool as he pushed the finger further in. "Remember this the next time you think about playing some kind of game with anyone."

"Yes, sir."

Rabb's heart was pounding, and his cock had softened. The finger withdrew, and there was a pause while Rabb heard some rustling sounds that he was able to identify after a moment as a zipper being undone and a condom packet being ripped open. Fucked. He was going to get fucked. Then he felt something blunter and bigger than the finger against his asshole, and before he could do more than blink, it had pushed into him. Burning pain, bright and harsh and overwhelming, but all he did was groan again and bow his head. He couldn't call out for help. How the hell would he explain this? It would be his word against the admiral's. And he'd agreed to this. He even knew now that he wanted it, in a dark secret part of his heart.

Chegwidden pushed his cock relentlessly into Rabb's ass until Rabb could feel the wiry hairs against his skin. "Now I'll fuck you," he whispered into Rabb's ear.

Rabb opened his mouth to groan, but instead cried out from the bright burst of pleasure that shot through him. "Sir!"

"So that felt good?" Chegwidden pulled back, then thrust again, to another cry from Rabb. Such an intense sensation, and Chegwidden's cock was causing it.

"Yes, sir." Rabb's voice was ragged, and he shuddered as the cock withdrew, then slammed back into him.

Chegwidden pumped in and out of him. "I thought you might like it."

Rabb screwed his eyes shut and didn't answer. He did like it. He wanted it. Every motion of Chegwidden's cock brought some pain, but it was dull pain now, and the pleasure that came with the thrusts was sharp and clear and more than enough to make him not care about the pain. He kept his body as still as he could and took his fucking and felt his cock throb and want a touch desperately, but he couldn't move a hand to stroke it and didn't think he'd dare to even if he could. Chegwidden's words rang in his head: **This isn't about your pleasure.** But he wanted it to be.

Chegwidden groaned and pushed even further into Rabb, then his hips pistoned quickly and furiously until he groaned again and stopped. Rabb shuddered. He was close to coming, and he wanted the release so much. Had Chegwidden just come?

Chegwidden pulled out of him, but Rabb didn't move. "You will remember this."

"Yes, sir." How could he forget?

He felt his ass being wiped off and hoped Chegwidden would take his cock and jerk him off, but he got nothing more.

He heard a zipper being done up, then Chegwidden's command came. "Stand up."

Rabb pushed himself up from the desk and tried to stand at attention, but he was too shaky. Chegwidden was smiling at him. He looked as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, his uniform as impeccable as when Rabb had entered the office. Only the gleam in his eyes betrayed him.

"You took that well." His eyes flickered down to Rabb's still-hard cock. "And liked it."

"Yes, sir." He'd liked it very much. But now what?

"Get dressed."

So he wasn't going to get to come. He struggled into his pants, then pushed his feet into his shoes. He hoped he didn't look too very different from usual. It was late, though. Not many people would be around. He ought to be able to get out without any trouble.

"Commander Rabb, I will do this again if you try to get away with something you shouldn't."

"Yes, sir." Was that a threat or a promise? He didn't know.

"And Rabb, don't screw up on purpose so that you can get fucked." Chegwidden was beside him, hissing the command in his ear. "I used lube. I might not be so nice next time."

Rabb shuddered and felt his cock pulse. So damned close. He needed to come.

Chegwidden's hand was on his back, then slid down to his ass. "You'll be sore tonight and tomorrow."

"Yes, sir." I deserve it, he wanted to say, and didn't. He wanted to get out of there and jerk himself off. He'd go to the men's room, use one of the stalls. It wouldn't take long. Fingers pinched his ass, and he yelped. "Sir!"

"I expect you in good and early tomorrow morning. Don't disappoint me."

"No," he had to breathe before he could finish, "sir."

The fingers were massaging his asscheeks, digging into the muscles, and Rabb pushed back into the rough caresses. Chegwidden's other hand came down to mold Rabb's cock through his pants with a rough assurance, and Rabb cried out and came, jerking into Chegwidden's grip. He slumped against the older man. He'd come in his pants. He hadn't done that since high school.

Chegwidden took his hands away, and Rabb managed to regain his balance. "Sir..." He didn't know what he wanted to say.

"That will be all. Dismissed."

Chegwidden went back to his desk and sat, and Rabb wet his lips, then snapped to attention. "Aye, aye, sir!"

He turned and walked to the door, feeling the ache in more than just his ass. His legs were sore, as was his lower back. He was going to need some aspirin tonight for sure, and maybe he should stop by a drugstore and get some kind of lotion to soothe the burning in his ass.

"Have a pleasant evening, Commander," Chegwidden's cool voice came as he opened the door, and Rabb felt himself flush. A pleasant evening. Right. He replied in kind, then walked through the deserted bullpen to his office.

Admiral Chegwidden had fucked him, he thought as he gathered his things together, as he went down in the elevator, as he returned salutes from the guards, as he picked up a tube of medicated cream, and then as he drove home. His crotch was damp with his come, his ass was throbbing and burning and sore, and his legs and lower back were still protesting, and even so, his cock was getting hard.

He squirmed against the seat while he waited for a light to turn green. He knew it couldn't happen again. Homosexual actions were against the Navy's regulations. He could hardly believe it had happened at all, but it had. His body told him that.

He parked the car and sat, staring out the windshield. Never again. Never again. Never again. Then he grimaced, reached for his briefcase, and got out. He had to face the facts. It would be easier in time. Tonight he'd take aspirin, find something light to eat, and probably take a hot bath, but he'd also let himself remember and jerk off. Tomorrow he'd go into JAG and face the admiral again. He certainly wasn't going to piss off the admiral and find out if he'd carry out his threat.

He winced as he took the first stair and wondered if this was his true punishment, finding out how good it was to get fucked by Chegwidden, then never getting it again.

The End

Posted 11/4/01

