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by Gail (


Harmon Rabb/Mic Brumby

Rating: adult

Harm goes over to find out Mic's intentions about Mac, and they get into a fight.

Disclaimer: The characters belong to CBS and Belisarius Productions.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warning: This is a PWP. And I still don't know anything about writing a fight, so this time I really didn't even try. Sorry. Katja told me I should, but I ignored her. My fault, not hers.

Spoilers: Boomerang and Surface Warfare.

Notes: Please forgive any mistakes about JAG history. I got the idea and wanted to get it down before I lost it again. If it helps, think of it as an AU. I don't mind, and it's probably the truth.

This came out of a message to Jagslash, and then Greg said, why not put it after Surface Warfare, in the off-season, and told me to get it out before the new season started. So I did.

This story was betaed by Katja, who gives great feedback and does it quickly, and Greg, who actually stopped watching the Olympics to read it.


*I don't trust you.* Harmon Rabb glared at the man who opened the door. He wasn't going to say that out loud, but it was the truth. Instead he said, "Hello."

"Hi, mate." Mic Brumby had a grin on his face. "Nice of you to come see the new place. Come on in and have a beer. I've got Foster's, if you're up to it."

The two men stared at each other, then Harm pushed past him. "Thank you. I am up to it."

Mic followed, bouncing a little on the soles of his feet. "See you're all better from your trip to Oz."

Harm grimaced. It hadn't been easy healing from the fight the Admiral and Mic's commanding officer had ordered after they'd each hit Bud Roberts, aiming for each other, of course. Brumby had done a lot of damage. Well, he'd done some, too.

"Fine, thank you. And you?"

"Fine, mate. No worries." He grinned. "Have a seat. I'll get the beer."

Harm sat on the couch and looked around the room. Nice enough. The couch looked like a rental, but the oak writing desk and chair looked like heirlooms. Brumby moved his furniture. It looked like he really was staying. Damn.

"Here you go," Mic said cheerfully, sitting down on the other end of the couch, passing him an opened can. "Oh, sorry, Harm, you want a glass? Forgot you were a Yank for a minute."

He bounced back up while Harm took a long breath. The man was smart, he reminded himself. But he was here to make sure he was sincere, for Mac's sake. Sure, she said she could take care of herself, but as her friend he had to check. Mic Brumby had gotten on his nerves since the first time he met the Aussie officer, and sometimes Harm really wasn't sure why. He only knew that the man got to him. Really, really got to him.

Mic was back, and Harm took the glass from him, pouring carefully while Mic took a gulp from his can. "Ah, good, but not as good as it would be back home."

That seemed as good an opening as any. "If the beer's no good, why did you move here?"

Mic laughed. "Told you why. For Sarah. Her life's here, and now so is mine."

Harm felt anger well up in him. Mic Brumby did this to him every time. "You're not good enough for her." He set down the glass.

Mic set down his can as well, still smiling, but with a hard edge to it. "And you are, right?"

"Mac and I are friends."

"Oh, yes. I've heard a lot about how well your friendship's been going. Not well at all, mate. You've got the new bird, and Sarah's got me. Know you mean well, in your way, but butt out." Mic's face was as hard as his voice now. "This is none of your business. Because we've been friends, of a sort, and I feel sorry for you, I won't tell Sarah you came by. Now, finish your beer and be a decent guest, and we'll leave this with no hard feelings." Mic settled back against the couch, his face back to its normal cheerful self. "So, mate, this Renee's a real looker. Nice work."

It all came crashing down on Harm then. Sorry? For him? Damn Mic Brumby. "You are not good enough for her," he repeated.

"Harm, I beat you in Oz, and I'll beat you here. You had your chance. Now let it go."

"You didn't beat me. I beat you."

Mic laughed. "Is that how you see it? Not true. I know how you looked after I was finished with you. Pretty bad."

"You weren't anything to write home about," Harm snapped back.

The two men stared at each other, then Mic set down his can on the table in front of him. "I can see that you're spoiling for a fight. How about it, Harm? Get it over with. I'm game."

"Fine." Harm was too angry to do anything but agree. He wanted to beat Mic's grinning face in, and there was no reason not to that he could see. "Where?"

"I've got an extra room. Haven't put anything in it yet."

"Let's go."

Harm followed Mic down a short corridor, then through a door into a good-sized and very empty room. The sun was streaming in, showing that the only item there was a rolled-up mattress leaning up against the far wall. Harm took a deep breath. He was going to show Mic Brumby. What, he wasn't sure any more, but it didn't matter.


It was a short fight. They stripped off their shirts and glared at each other. After a few moments of that, they each threw some punches that didn't connect, then there was a wild punch from Harm that was countered by Mic, and then somehow they were on the floor, wrestling.

"Give it up, mate," Mic panted as he wrenched Harm's arm behind him. "You're not going to win this time, either."

Harm struggled. "You bastard! Let go."

"Give up." Mic's voice was hard again. "You don't know when you're beaten." He yanked harder. "That can be a good thing, but not now."

"I don't know what Mac sees in you," Harm spat out.

Mic laughed, and it sounded low and pleased to Harm, who couldn't move from under Brumby's body. "You wouldn't know, mate. Haven't tried that on you."

"Like I'd let you," Harm managed. His arm was hurting, and he was beginning to feel like a total idiot. Mac was going to kill him when she found out about this, and if Renee ever found out, she'd have a fit. And want to know why he'd done it in the first place. He didn't have an answer for her that she'd want to hear. Didn't even have one for himself. Why was he here? Why had he fought Mic?

"Like you'd be able to stop me," Mic taunted. "I know what I'm doing. You wouldn't have a chance if I decided to move in on you, Harm. Not a chance at all."

"I'd like to see you try." Harm couldn't believe he'd said that, but he saw a gleam in Mic's eyes and knew he had.

"Is that it, Harm? You want to find out just why Sarah likes me?" He leaned over, and Harm felt the other man's breath on his face, smelled the beer on it, and tensed. "Well, I'm game." Harm froze. "Of course, if you're not, fine." The other man's voice was suddenly amused and patronizing. "Wouldn't want you to do anything you didn't want to."

Harm knew he should shut up, concede the fight, walk away, but the way his cock was straining against the fabric of his jeans told him he was serious about this. He wanted Mic Brumby. How long had this been going on? He didn't know and he didn't care. He made himself stare right at the other man. "Show me why Mac likes you," he whispered. The anger was gone into excitement and arousal.

Mic gave him a long stare. "You sure?"

Harm nodded. Yes, he was sure.

The stare turned into a long, slow, and satisfied smile. "Sure, Harm. Been a while, but I'll do my best," Mic murmured, and then his lips were on Harm's, warm and full, and his tongue was pushing, probing, wanting entry into Harm's mouth.

Harm moaned and gave it to him. This was insane, kissing Mic Brumby, the man who'd gotten in between him and Mac, the man who'd taken his place at JAG, the man who'd ruined everything. But it felt wonderful, even the stubble scratching his cheeks.

What the hell was going on with him?

He pushed that away. He was going to do this, going to find out just what Mic Brumby did for Mac.

What Mic could do for him.

Mic lifted his head, and Harm saw that his eyes had gone dark. "Relax, mate," he ordered with a smile. "I'm not going to hurt you. You'll have a good time. Done this before, and I know how to make it good." His hands were releasing Harm from the hold. "Stay here," he said and stood. Harm watched while Mic got the mattress away from the wall and undid the cords with quick hands. "Might as well be comfortable," he grinned as Harm watched. Mic finished, then got on the mattress and smiled. "Come here." His voice was as dark as his eyes, and Harm couldn't resist. He pushed himself up and rolled on, sitting up.

Mic had his hands on him before he could blink. "Never thought you'd want this kind of fun," he murmured. "Thought about offering it once or twice, but you Yanks get so touchy." He was stroking Harm's body, his back, his chest, his arms, and the light in his eyes showed he was enjoying himself. Harm reached up to touch Mic, and the other man smiled. "Go ahead, Harm. See what it's like with a man."

Harm's hands fastened on Mic's arms. "I don't know what to do," he whispered.

"Then don't," Mic said simply. "I'm showing you the ropes. That was the deal." He pushed Harm down on his back, and Harm saw the heat in the other man's eyes, the passion. The passion for him. He licked his lips. "That what you want?" he heard Mic's husky voice say, and then Mic was coming closer, closer, and then his lips were on Harm's again as his hands roamed Harm's body, and Harm knew that Mic Brumby knew exactly what he was doing.

Harm didn't say a word when the kiss was over. He just breathed.

"Ah, you do look as good as I remember, Harm." Mic's eyes were all over him. "All you have to do is lie here for now, and tell me if you don't like something. You can do that, right?"

"Yes." Harm was hypnotized by the intense passion Mic was radiating. To be wanted that much, was so good.

"Good." Mic leaned over and got his mouth on Harm's neck, making Harm moan. Harm heard a chuckle, then nothing but his own sounds as Mic took his time kissing, licking, and sucking his way down Harm's chest. His mouth on Harm's nipple made Harm bite his lip and arch up into Mic. "Like that, I can tell," Mic murmured as he took a break. "Ah, Harm, it's good to see you having some fun. Would have done this in Oz if I'd known you wanted it."

No. "Don't talk about that, please," Harm managed. He couldn't, didn't want to remember Australia now.

"All right, mate. Relax. I'll give you some more of what you like." And Mic took Harm's other nipple into his mouth and sucked on it until Harm was moaning steadily and thrusting into the air. It was too much, and not enough at the same time.

He got words out. "More, Mic."

Mic stopped and looked at him, that heat still in his eyes. "How about touching me? Come on, mate. Try it. Then I'll show you something else. You'll like it, I promise." His tongue flickered over his lips. "You'll like everything I do."

Harm believed him. He reached up, letting his fingers graze the other man's nipple. Mic let out a moan.

"Oh, yes, Harm. Come on. The other one," he encouraged, and Harm got his other hand up. Now he had both nipples between his fingers, rubbing, then squeezing with a light pressure that got Mic making more noise. His face got so tight, so intense, that Harm was riveted by the sight. *He* was doing this to Mic Brumby. He was turning him on.

Mic was panting. "Oh, you're good, too. But you've got too many clothes on, mate." Mic's mouth quirked in a grin. "Me, too. Let's do something about that, shall we?" His hands were down at Harm's waist, undoing his jeans. Harm tensed. "Relax." Mic's voice was lower now. "Can't have that much fun with all the equipment tucked away, can we? And, oh, you're ready for more fun. I can tell, Harm."

Mic's fingers were around his erection, and it felt so damned good. Harm breathed out. He wanted this, he reminded himself. He wanted to find out what it would be like with Mic. This was part of it. And a damned good part, too. He wet his lips and decided that it was time he acted like the person he was, and reached out to undo Mic. Mic's lips parted in a surprised gasp when Harm's fingers worked down the zipper and reached in.

"Well, mate, nice to have you join the party," he got out after a minute. Harm looked up to find Mic's eyes twinkling. "Show me what you can do, then. Been waiting a while to find that out."

Harm bucked his hips as Mic's fingers stroked him, tight and hot and knowing, then made himself do the same for Mic. He was so close, and he was sure Mic wasn't far behind. He could come, get dressed, go home, and it would be over. But there was something he'd always been curious about. Something he could find out right now, if he could get himself to move, to go ahead and do it. Yes. He would.

He twisted free of Mic's hold, then shifted until his mouth was right at Mic's crotch.

"See something you want, mate?" There was a laugh in the Aussie's voice.

Yes. But instead of answering, Harm took Mic's cock into his mouth. Smooth, hard, strange, and what he wanted. He tried to remember what he'd liked, and found that he really couldn't remember that much of the good blow jobs. All right. He'd improvise. What did he *think* he'd like?

Start with the head. Harm had that in his mouth, and found that it was easy to keep his tongue swirling around and over that. Mic's sudden moan made him know that he was doing fine, so he decided to try something more, sliding his mouth down to take in more of the shaft, then licking that, trying to suck, but giving that up when his cheek muscles protested. He went back to licking, taking in a little more, feeling his cock harden even more. Who would have thought he'd like this?

"Harm..." He knew from the strain in Mic's voice that the other man was close to coming. He didn't want that, so he pulled away.

Mic was staring at him, breathing hard and fast. "You've never done this before." Harm shook his head. "Well, mate, you're better than some birds I've been with."

Harm thought for a moment about Mac doing this, if she liked it, if she was one of those 'birds,' then pushed the thought away. This was between him and Mic now, no matter how it had started. He didn't want anyone else there, even in his head. If that happened, he was sure he'd have to stop, and he did not want to stop.

"Didn't think you'd be up to this," Mic was suddenly on his feet, amazing Harm, "but you've surprised me. Right back."

Harm sat up on the mattress, feeling foolish as he heard Mic's quick footsteps. Up to what? He thought he knew, and that thought made him very uneasy. He was not going to let Mic, he swallowed, put that in him. That was too much.

But there was a part of him that was looking forward to it, urging him to stop being such an idiot and try it. He'd told Mic to show him why Mac liked him. Wouldn't fucking him be part of that?

Then Mic was back, a tube in his hand. He stretched on the mattress and reached for Harm. "Don't worry, mate," he said with a smile that was both relaxed and confident. "This is easy."

Easy, Harm thought. All right. He let Mic pull his closer, kiss him again, felt his cock brush against Mic's until he really couldn't think any longer. He waited for Mic to tell him to move, do something like touch him *there*, but instead Mic pushed him down flat on his back.

"Ready soon, Harm. Let me get this on you." And Mic was ripping open a packet and rolling a condom down over Harm's erection, hands steady and sure, then taking off the cap of the tube and reaching around to stroke some of the gel on himself. Harm's eyes widened. Mic wanted to be fucked?

"All you have to do is lie there," Mic said with a laugh, then his arm angled and he let out a short sound, almost a moan. Harm wasn't sure what had caused that, but it made his cock even harder. All right. He could do this. He'd done it with women, so why not with a man?

Mic took his hand away, wiped it quickly on his thigh, then straddled Harm. Harm saw Mic's face contort at the same time he felt himself push into the other man. Mic seemed determined to get this done, and Harm's eyes closed as the tightness and heat enclosed him. This was incredible.

Then it got even better. Mic started moving up and down, his face getting even tighter, and Harm felt himself getting closer, his balls drawing up close to his body, tight, and he started thrusting up with his hips the little he could. Mic groaned and shoved his body down against Harm's, then up and down hard again, and Harm moaned and trembled, feeling himself come as he saw Mic's cock spurt over his chest.

He relaxed against the mattress, eyes closing and opening again as Mic pulled himself off. Incredible. Mic was incredible.

He felt a touch on his shoulder and turned his head. Mic was smiling at him. "Better now, mate?"

Harm nodded.

"Good." Mic yawned. "Rest a little." He rolled onto his back as well, and Harm let his head go back to where it had been. He'd think about this later. Right now, he needed to recover.


Harm finished wiping himself off with the tissues Mic had brought in for him, pulled his clothes together and stood. Mic watched from the mattress.

"You see now?" The low voice barely reached Harm, but he nodded. "Good." Mic got to his feet, pulling on his shirt, leaving it unbuttoned and hanging off him. "We'll keep this to ourselves."

It wasn't a question, but Harm nodded again. There was no way he was ever going to tell anyone about this visit, or what had happened during it.

"It'll all be better later, mate," he heard Mic breathe. "Go home, take it easy. You've done nothing wrong. All part of life, it is."

Harm shook his head. "I know that." He opened his mouth to say more, but nothing came out.

"No need to say anything, mate." Mic's eyes were kind. "Go home. Forget all about it. It never happened. Better that way."

He walked with Harm to the door. "It never happened," Harm muttered.

"That's right, mate. As soon as you're out that door. But you're not out yet." And Mic leaned over and kissed him again. Harm found his lips opening under his. "Ah, you're something else, Harmon Rabb." Mic's laugh was soft. "You ever want this again, just ask. More fun than starting a fight."

Harm nodded. He wanted to get home, but he didn't want to leave. He swallowed. "Thank you," he got out.

Mic looked surprised. "You're welcome, mate. Now go." He smiled. "I've got work to do here. Can't have all these boxes around."

Not with Sarah coming over, Harm's mind supplied. He nodded and gave Mic a last smile. "See you around."

"Be seeing you, too," Mic said easily. "G'day, mate."

On that, Harm finally got himself out the door and headed back to his car.

What an afternoon. And he had a date with Renee that night. A shower was definitely in order. He looked back at Mic's, to see the other man looking out one of the windows, at him.

He waved and turned away, back to his own life, which was all he could ever live, really. He was going to have let Mac live her own.

The End

Posted 10/1/00

