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Say It

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clark wakes Clay up for sex.

Eclipse Snapshot #32 (how the hell did I get so many of these?)

Disclaimer: The characters herein portrayed are not mine, and I make no money off this story.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

For Thamiris, who needed wild monkey love, and as always, for Tinnean, with many thanks for her super-speedy beta.


Clark's sucking on my cock as though he wants me to come right away, and if he keeps it up, I will.

It's four in the morning - I can just see the clock if I strain my head - and we'll need to go to work in a few hours, but between strong coffee and the hours of sleep I got before Clark woke me up, I should be fine.

His teeth scrape the underside of my cock, and I moan. I wouldn't stop Clark if I could, even if I needed more sleep. I want Clark to have whatever he wants, and he wants me.

He stops sucking, and I moan again.

"I want to fuck you, Clay." He's leaning over me, eyes glittering in the light coming in between the curtains. "Say I can. Say it."

"Yes. Now."

He takes my mouth in a quick, hard kiss, then straightens, and I sit up.

"No." He pushes me down on my back again. "Stay there."

"Then hurry up, dammit."

He laughs as he pulls a condom and a bottle of lubricant out of the bedside drawer. "Hurrying."

I grab his pillow and position it under my ass, then spread my legs. "Hurry more."

His sharp intake of breath makes me smile.

"Got it."

He gets lubricant on and in me and on himself and is in me with a long, smooth push. I raise my legs over his shoulders and stroke his hard nipples with my fingers until he hits my prostate and all I can do is shiver and moan and let my arms drop. I don't have the will to keep them up any more, only the will to have Clark fuck me.

"Yeah," he whispers and starts pumping in and out, controlling his thrusts.

But I don't want him in control. I want him fucking me hard, wanting me as much as he did when he told me to tell him that he could fuck me.

I want him as hot as I am.

I get my fingers up again and squeeze his nipples, hard this time, and he speeds up. Better. I tighten my muscles around his cock and he groans "Clay" and drives into me good and hard.

After five of those thrusts, I arch up and come.

Clark thrusts one more time and comes too, with a groan that makes me smile.

He pulls out. "I should wake you up more often."

I laugh as he tosses the knotted condom into the trash. "Good idea."

He stretches and lies down on his side, facing me. "You could wake me up too."

I take a deep breath. I love how Clark smells after we make love - or maybe it's that I love how we smell. "I will."

"Now get some sleep." He shuts his eyes.

"Yes." I kiss him, quick and light. "You too."

I close my eyes and breathe in and out, in and out, in and out....

The End

Posted 2/20/04

To read the next Eclipse Snapshot, go to Fight

