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Dirty Little Secret

by Page ( and Gail (


Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb

Rating: adult

Rabb's secret won't go away, and he has to do something about it.

Sequel to Keeping The Secret by Page

Disclaimer: They belong to the Emperor Belisarius, not either of us.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warnings: m/m sex, but if you need to be warned about that, you're probably reading the wrong story.

Page started this, and Gail finished it. Tinnean cheered us both on, and she and Celli beta'd, for which we thank them. Gail thanks VAST for their CD Visual Audio Sensory Theater, which was on continual play while she finished this.

Happy birthday (8/20) a little late, Mareen.


Webb is a goddamned pain in the ass. I'm here in his house, telling him I want another time with him, and all he can do is give me that fucking superior smile and act as though he doesn't know what I'm talking about. He knows, all right.

"You want it, Webb, I know you do. Don't lie to me."

He takes another sip of whatever the hell he's drinking. Didn't offer me any.

"You were the one who said it would be over, if you recall."

He would have to remember that. "Yeah, but I can change my mind."

"But, of course, you're the only one who can."

"Listen, Webb, lay off. I know you want me. Why else would you make that comment about my weekend?" He laughs quietly, but doesn't answer, and I feel myself flush. "I told you you couldn't say anything to anyone."

"It was a polite query, Harm. No one but you thought anything of it." He laughs again. "But the look on your face was priceless."

"You are such an arrogant shit," I growl.

"So I've been told. I consider it a compliment." He smiles and takes another sip, then sets the glass down and looks down my body, then back up. He takes his time about it, and I can feel that I'm red by the time he's back at my face. "Don't tell me you want my dick in your ass again that much. I'm flattered."

He would have to say something like that, and it's not true. But I glare at him and don't answer.

"You can get on your hands and knees and, if I recall correctly, tell me to 'do it already,' but you can't admit it now? Well, that's up to you, of course, but I have better things to do tonight than watch you blush and stammer, amusing though that is."

I know what he's doing. He's trying to get me to leave. Screw that. I take a step forward. "You want me on my hands and knees, Clay? Or would you rather fuck me in that office of yours? Bend me over your desk? Is that it? Fine." He's staring at me as though I grew another head. Guess he never thought I'd challenge him. "Maybe sometime I'll come to Langley, and you can do that. If you're not scared."

"You have much more to lose than I do," he points out, but his cheeks are flushed, and his pants have a bulge in them. Yeah. I hit on it. He wants to fuck me in his office. He wants to fuck me, period.

"You've got a lot to lose, too. You'd never want anyone to know your dirty little secret, and that's what I am. Fine. So we both have a secret." I reach for my belt and undo it. "Get your clothes off and fuck me."

"You want it that much." His voice is strained.

I smile at him as I unzip my pants. "Does it scare you? I think it does. Deputy Director Clayton Webb is scared to find out I want him enough to come back and say so. Did you think I'd just blush and run away?" So I came close. I got over it. I figured Webb out.

I start on my shirt. His eyes drop to my crotch, then they're on my face again.

"You've been known to run." He loosens his tie, but that's all. Not acceptable.

I let my pants drop and step out of them, then get on my knees. "Does this look like running?" Before he can answer, my hands are up to unzip him and take out his dick. He's hard and ready, and I lick the head before taking it and as much as I can of the shaft into my mouth.

"No. God, Harm - "

I must be doing something right, because the noise he makes sounds a hell of a lot like a moan to me. Good. I slide my mouth down, then up, then start sucking, and he makes another noise that's even more of a moan. His hands rest on my hair, then tighten hard enough to hurt. I keep sucking, trying to give him what I like, and it works, because before my jaw can't take it any more he pulls out.

He's flushed and looking better than I've ever seen him. "Get up if you want me to fuck you."

I stand and smile as I see his eyes go to my crotch again. "I do, but maybe you'd rather I fucked you."

"Somehow I knew you'd bring that up." His voice is dry, and it makes me smile even more. Clayton Webb can't stop being Clayton Webb even when he's talking about sex. What a surprise. "No, thank you."

I nod and head for his bedroom. I didn't think he'd be open to me fucking him, and I don't really care. I want his dick in my ass, and he'll give it to me.


He strips in the bedroom while I sit on the edge of his bed and enjoy the show. Damn, Clayton Webb looks good without clothes. I expect him to tell me to get on my hands and knees again, but instead he gets on his knees to suck my dick with a gleam in his eye that makes me wonder if he's going to get me off before he fucks me, but he stops before I'm too close.

"Get on your back."

As soon as I've done what he wants, he gets on his knees between my legs, lifts them over his shoulders, and puts some cool liquid on and into my asshole. So he wants to watch me. That's all right, because I get to watch him, too.

It hurts when he pushes into me, and it burns, but I know it'll be worth it. I breathe and watch him. His face as he fucks me is nothing like the face of Clayton Webb that I'm used to. I wouldn't recognize him if I saw him on the street this way, but then that wouldn't happen.

He thrusts, and that hot pleasure washes through me, just like last time.

"More, Clay, dammit."

He thrusts again and brings the wave again, and I can't watch him any more. I have to shut my eyes.

I come after a few thrusts, and he comes right after me.

I got what I wanted, and so did he.


I don't fall asleep this time. I wash up and get dressed, and he watches me.

"Clay. Next time I'll fuck you." If I have anything to say about it, there will be a next time.

"If I let you."

I grin, and he smiles back. We don't need to say anything more. I'm Clayton Webb's dirty little secret, and he's mine.

The End

Posted 8/23/02

