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Stupid Movie

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clay and Clark watch 'A Perfect Murder'. Smut happens.

Eclipse Snapshot #25

Disclaimer: Meep, which translates today as "none of the characters in this story belong to me, and I acknowledge that, but I'm not happy with it."

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

For Tinnean on the second anniversary of the beginning of our wonderful friendship (8/8/02), posted a little late, as usual, and beta'd by her. Thanks to her and Laura for advice, support, and comfort.


Clark grabs the remote and hits the stop button as soon as the credits start to roll.

"Stupid movie."

I thought he'd like this one with all its twists and turns and betrayals and revelations. He watched it as though he were into it. "What's the problem?"

"They didn't fuck."

"I'm sure there were good reasons not to show Steven and Emily having sex." He scowls, and I try again. "Did you mean Emily and David? They showed them in the beginning. Rewind if you like."

"I *mean* Steven and David." He's still scowling. "David took his wife, so Steven should fuck him and get him to see what he really is: a two-bit hustler who needs cock in his ass and down his throat. Plus he *wants* it, come on."

Clark is nothing if not practical. "You didn't like Steven's solution?"

"Yeah, it was fine, but," he looks away for a minute, "they're all dead."

"Not Emily." I'm baiting him, but he'll know that.

"I care about her?" He pauses, and his mouth twists. "Pretty good way to trap him into checking for that key, but he got careless. You can't do that."

I smile. "Indeed."

He doesn't smile back. "I got careless. That's how Rabb caught me."

Damn. Not Harm again. But I can't expect him to stop hating Harm yet. It'll take him time. "That's over with."

He looks away again. "Yeah. Sure it is."

"Clark." I lean over and angle my body to get my face up to his. "It is over."

It takes a moment, but he nods. "If you say so, sir."

Those are the words I want to hear, and he knows it, but he's not too convincing. I don't want him brooding over Harm. I want him here with me. Maybe I'm not the one he needs right now. Maybe he needs someone who has no connection to reality. And I know just the person.

I pull back and stand. "Back in a minute."

"Sure." He hits the rewind button and glares at the screen.

I grab my leather jacket on the way to the bathroom, put on the mustache and goatee, then shrug on the jacket and take a moment to look at my other self: Detective Rick Frazier, who got Clark to say last time that he owned Clark's ass. I smile. Detective Frazier isn't going to forget that or let Clark forget.

I hope that he knows that playing Detective Frazier for him is for him as much as it is for me. If he doesn't, I'll show him, and I'll keep showing him, because I want him with me, and I will not let him go.

"Nice." I turn around at Clark's voice. He walks into the bathroom. "What's the occasion? Pissed and want to throw me around?"

"Certainly not."

"Right, the detective does."

I'm not sure I like how he sounds, but I keep going. "I thought you might want to spend some time with the detective."

"I'm up for it, but why? Because I thought about Rabb? It happens. I'm over it."

He's not over it, but it won't help to call him on the lie. "All right. So what do you want?"

"Detective Frazier will do for now," he says softly and reaches for me. "I can get on my knees for you later."

I'm so hard from just his voice I can hardly take it. I don't want to be Detective Frazier any more, and I can tell that Clark doesn't want him, either. "No. Get on your knees for me now." I rip off the moustache, and Clark's hand comes up to take off the goatee.

"That's my Clay." His eyes are shining. "Yeah, I'll get on my knees for you any time."

He's on the tile floor before I can suggest another location, and when he gets his mouth on my cock I don't care about anything else. He teases me with licks and bites and won't take more than the head into his mouth, but even that's enough to make me glad of the sink at my back. I know that I could make him, but I don't want to make him.

He licks the head of my cock one more time, then looks up at me. "You want my mouth or my ass?" I just pant, and his eyes shine even more. "Why, Clay, I can't believe you can't talk."

I take a breath and get out words. "You did this to me."

"Yeah, I did it."

He's not thinking about anything but this now. He's with me. He's mine. I'm his. And I want him.

"You wanted fucking in the movie." I know he thinks he knows what I'm going to say, but he's wrong. "So fuck me."

He unfolds himself and stands in front of me. "I'm always up for fucking you, Clay." He presses himself against me, and I'm glad that his jeans are worn, because he's rolling his hips into my cock as I rub against him. "Get out of your clothes and get on the bed." Then he frowns. "No. Fucked up. Dammit."

He turns away and strides into the bedroom. When I catch up with him, he's still frowning. I put my hands on his shoulders and squeeze until he looks at me.

"You didn't fuck up." I know what he means: he was ordering me around as though I were in a submissive mood, and I wasn't. I take my hands away, pull off the leather jacket, and drop it on a chair. "You strip, too."

His face smooths into no expression, and he doesn't move.

"Clark. Strip." I run my tongue over my lips and undo my belt. "Or did you want to watch me jerk off?"

"Anything," he says hoarsely, and his eyes are unfocused, but they're on me. "As long as you're - " He stops and rips off his jeans. "I'm going to fuck you, Clay."

"I hope so." I get out of the pants and shirt and let them fall on the floor. As long as I'm - what? His?

"You never let him fuck you." No glee in his voice, just the veiled question, and I give him the answer he wants as well as the truth.

"Never. He never got his cock in my ass." I climb on the bed and wonder what Clark would do if Harm had. No, I don't wonder. I know. Harm's body would be rotting somewhere, and it would be a long time before anyone found it, and there would be nothing to link it to Clark.

"Would have wasted your time." His voice is hoarse, and his hands are hot on my skin. "Hard or slow?"

My cock is up against my belly, and I'm ready to shove myself onto his cock, and he has to ask. "Hard, if you're up to it." Mockery in my voice with an effort. He shouldn't be thinking too well now.

"Jesus." The bed sways, and I spread my legs wider as I feel him settle between them.

"I didn't want him." More mockery. "But if you're not up to it, I'm sure - "

I moan as he pushes into me. He's up to it. I screw my eyes shut and breathe as he opens me, fills me, gives me what I want when I want it and how I want it.

His breathing is harsh. "Shut up and take it."

I moan again, and that seems to be enough for him. He settles into a hard, steady rhythm and grabs my cock, not stroking it, squeezing as he thrusts in and out of me. I squeeze him back, and when he chokes off a moan, I know I'm getting to him. Good, because his fingers aren't going to be enough to keep me from coming too much longer. The burn of the fucking and the thrusts into my prostate have gotten me almost there, and I'll be damned if I'll come alone.

His thrusts get jerky and even harder, and he starts pumping my cock unevenly, but that's enough to get me to come, and he shudders and holds onto my left hip with a grip that'll leave a bruise, and I know that he's come, too.

He lets go of my cock and my hip and pulls out of my ass. I blink and let him tug me down and wrap his arms around me.

"Not bad."

I blink again and smile. "Not bad."

"I'll show you how to do it right after a nap."

Yes, he's back. But there's something I have to get clear before we go to sleep.

"He should be married by now." Clark's arms tighten around me at the mention of Harm, but I keep going. "She'll keep him busy and happy." I hope I'm telling the truth.

"Took him long enough. And it'll take a couple of harems to keep him happy."

"Clark. He's hers now. You're mine. Get used to it."

"I am used to it."

"Good." Very good. "Go to sleep."

He yawns and settles against me. "Yeah. Stupid movie."

I grin and close my eyes. Not so stupid. Look what it got me.

The End

Posted 1/17/03

To read the next Eclipse Snapshot, go to Tradition.

