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Taking custody

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb

Rating: adult

My notion of a missing scene from People v. Rabb, 3.10, after Webb gets Rabb away from those snotty FBI agents.

Disclaimer: Own them? Me? No, of course not. I always play with other people's toys, been doing it since I was a little girl. But I always put them back, and I never break them.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Spoiler: People v. Rabb

This is a missing scene from People v. Rabb, in my opinion. Well, it could have happened, if you bend some things a little, like the fact that Webb walked away from Rabb. But then Rabb stood right there and watched, and you never do see Webb get in a car and leave, so there is the chance that I'm right.

This was for my dear Alex, but now also for Scarlet, who's wonderful to me. She beta'd, bless her heart.


He's so damned annoying, especially when he's on this father-quest. I know he doesn't mean to be; he's just doing what he needs to do, like he always does, but I got up at 2:46 AM after Roberts called me on Chegwidden's orders, got dressed, drove to the FBI building without any coffee, called in favors, got Rabb out of an interrogation room with two obnoxious FBI agents who really didn't want him to leave, who wanted him to confess to something he may not have done, and now Rabb's standing there in his comfortable clothes, asking me to get him the damned dossier. Chegwidden owes me for this. No. I stare at Rabb. Rabb owes me.

Of course there's no way to collect. Rabb's... Rabb. Sure, at some point there will be something he can do for me, but it's never as much as I do for him. I keep the smile on my face as I answer him.

"I got you out, Rabb. Don't push your luck." But he always does. If I weren't walking away now, he'd be asking me again.

I glance back and see that he's still standing there, looking lost. I stop. Right. How the hell is he going to get home? A cab, if he's lucky. I turn around. He was released to my custody. I'm responsible for Harmon Rabb. Wonderful. I should drive him right to Chegwidden's house and turn him over, but then I'd get Chegwidden pissed at me, and I don't want that.

I walk back. "Come on, Rabb, I'll drive you home," I say with a sigh. Rabb, being Rabb, gives me a look like, 'what took you so long?' Of course. What did I expect, a thank-you? Not from Rabb. Not without some kind of pushing.

He follows me to my car and gets in without a word. He's looking a little better now that he's safely out of that room. I glance at him as I drive. He's looking very good, but then he always does. Drives me crazy, but I'm sure he doesn't know that. Thank god I can hide my reactions when I need to, or I would have gone insane over the last year and a half. I always seem to end up working with him. At least no one's talking about it that I've heard, and I would have heard. I have to stop that somehow, but this time it wasn't my doing. I have that much.

Would I have come over anyway if I'd known? Possibly. Possibly not. Rabb in the custody of federal agents is better than Rabb out and searching for his father and getting involved in murder. I wonder about the possibility that they'll actually convict him for this. Not very likely. He'll find a way out. He's got MacKenzie to help him, even if she has gone to one of the best law firms in D.C. She'll come back in a heartbeat for him. I know the feeling.

"I have to get that dossier," he says abruptly. "Clay, isn't there any way you can do that?"

And that does it. Not a goddamned word of thanks, just another demand. What am I, his personal servant? I don't think so. I take the next right instead of going straight. Rabb's not going anywhere but where I say now.

"Where are we going?"

"You were released into my custody." I keep driving. "Considering how you're talking, I think it's best that I keep an eye on you."

"I don't need a nursemaid."

Well, you're not getting one, Rabb. I smile to myself. I've wanted this for a long time, and now I think I can get it. And even if I can't, I'm making Rabb do what I want for a change instead of what he wants, and I'll make sure to be careful enough that he won't have anything on me. I'm fairly sure that the FBI guys will find a way to get him into their custody again, and that Rabb's going to need help again in this one. It's not going to go away. Not until we find this Colonel Mikhail. If I'm really going to help Rabb, if anyone is, the man who killed this Konaplanik has to be found. I believe Rabb when he says he didn't do it. He's a good liar, but he's no match for me. I know him.

"It won't kill you to stay at my place for what's left of the night. You can sleep on the couch."

"No guest room, Webb?"

"Not for you." I turn into the garage and park in my spot. "Come on. You can tell me more about what happened. I got Roberts' version, but I'd prefer yours."

He comes along willingly at that. I lead the way to the living room. I'm moving as soon as I find somewhere more suitable, so I don't mind him seeing where I live.

"Want some coffee?"

"No, it'll just keep me up." He yawns. "How about a drink?"

"All right. I'll join you." I get out of my coat, my jacket, and my vest, roll up my sleeves, then pour two drinks, making sure not to put too much into each, and bring them out.

He's sitting on the couch, his eyes closed. I watch him for a long minute. Yes. Harmon Rabb in my house, and obligated to me. I can get him to do what I want. He's not going to get away.

"Wake up, Harm." I make sure I take a casual tone of voice as I sit near him.

He opens his eyes. "Sorry, Clay." He gives me one of those Harmon Rabb smiles. Very nice. I can feel myself getting hard. This is insane, but I'm doing it. "Thanks." He takes a short sip. "Nice scotch."


It's not the scotch I keep for myself and discerning guests, but good enough for him. I sip mine, too. Twelve-year-old Glenlivet, some smoke, good bite, and a touch of peat. Better than anything Rabb keeps around, I'm sure.

The silence stretches out, so I break it before he can. "You know, Harm, you owe me for tonight." I keep my voice matter-of-fact.

"I always owe you, Clay." He grins this time. "It's just how it is."

"I know that. But I'm tired of you owing me. How about we make this a little more even?"

"How?" He's giving me a puzzled look.

"Think about it," I say and deliberately put my hand on his thigh. If he gets pissed, I can laugh it off and accuse him of having no sense of humor. That should work. But he's not getting pissed.

"You can't be serious." I say nothing. "Clay, you don't mean..." His voice dies away.

"What don't I mean?" I counter and keep my hand right where it is. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. I keep my voice calm, but put in a note of command. "Say it, Harm."

He's staring at me as though I've turned into someone else. Well, guess what, Harm, I've been here all along. You just never paid any attention.

"I could get kicked out of the Navy for this."

"For having a drink with me?" I deliberately misunderstand. "I don't think so. But for killing Konaplanik, yes, that could get you kicked out. Are you counting on me helping you prove that you didn't? Because I will, but this time I want to be paid for my help for a change. I'm tired of doing it for free."

His eyes are huge, then they narrow. "I'm not going to fuck you," he shoots at me.

I just smile. "I don't want you to fuck me, Harm. That would be a little inappropriate, considering you do that all the time." My voice is cold now, the one I use with difficult subjects during interrogation, the one that works. "Finish your drink and shut up. If I want something, I'll tell you."

For a moment I think he's going to get up and walk out, and I really couldn't stop him. I couldn't even blame him. I've gotten pretty demanding here, not that he doesn't deserve it.

But he doesn't. "If that's how you want it." He picks up his glass and takes a gulp. "As long as you don't expect too much from me."

"You'll find out what I expect." *He's* trying to set out conditions? Figures. Only Harmon Rabb would do this. I glance at him. Oh, very nice. He's got a bulge, too. So Rabb's interested? Good. This will make it a lot easier. I shift my hand up closer to that bulge and see him tense. "Come on, Harm, you can't think this is too much." I'm using the same voice I used at the FBI building, mocking and in control, and it just makes him swallow. Nice to know something works on Rabb. The ice cubes rattle in the glass as he holds it, and I reach across him and take it out of his hand. His eyes follow mine as I put it with mine. "Is it too much?" Not that I care, but it gives him something.

His eyes dart down to my hand. I start moving my fingers, just a little, feeling the denim against my fingertips. I want these off, but I'm not going to rush this. We have some time. No one's going to be looking for me, and no one's going to be looking for Harm, either. Who'd expect me to bring him here? Everyone would think I'd get rid of him as soon as I could.

"What do you care if it's not too much? You don't." His voice is harsh. "So you like guys, Webb? Does the Company know?"

"This isn't about the Company, Rabb." He just can't shut up. "This is about you owing me." I like men and women, at different times, different places. But I've wanted Rabb for a while, and I'm going to have him. But I'm not going to do everything for him. He'll have to work, too. "Just relax."

"What the hell do you want from me?"

"You'll find out." I smile again and see him lick his lips. I'm sure it's an unconscious reaction. I'm getting to him. Good. I move my hand up again, this time angling it so that the fingers brush against his bulge. He lets out a short, desperate, choked off sound and bucks up into the touch. "You'll enjoy it. You already are."

"Anyone could do this and I'd enjoy it," he grinds out.

"Anyone?" I run one finger over him and hear that short, desperate sound from him again. Fine. He'll be making more noise in time. "But I'm doing it, Harm. You see that?"

"You've wanted this." He's staring at me, and those eyes are seeing everything. "You've wanted me."

"Who says it's you, Harm? Maybe I just like uniforms. Maybe I'd be just as happy to have, oh, Mac here."

He stiffens at that. "You and Mac? She'd never..."

"She might." I like playing with his head. I like Mac, but I don't intend to get involved with her. She's got her own life, her own problems, and while it would be fun, I'm too busy to give her the attention she deserves. But Rabb gives me trouble all the time. Let him worry for a moment about this. "Why wouldn't she? She thinks I'm human, unlike you. She sees who the hell am I, says thank you. You think you can just ask for what you want and never say a damned word, but that's not how it works."

And now his eyes are gleaming. "It matters that it's me, Webb." He takes my hand and presses it down over his crotch. "You want it to be me. What do you want, Clay? To get me off? Go ahead."

He is so wrong, it's pathetic. "No, Harm. I don't want to get you off." Not yet. "You're going to get me off." I get a grip on him and move his hand over to my leg. "Touch me. It matters to you that it's me, doesn't it, Harm? That way you can say it's all my fault."

"It is all your fault, Webb. You always get me in these situations." His hand rests on my thigh, and I let go. I want to put my hand back on his bulge, feel how hard he is, but I don't want to get into that mindset. This is about me, not him. Maybe I won't even let him come.

"Tell me how I got you into this one, Harm. Did I set it up so that Konaplanik got in touch with you? Did I tell you to go buy a dossier from him?" A dossier which is probably fake, but I don't tell him that. I don't want to deal with that now. He's got his hope; let him keep it for a while. He's never going to find his father. Someday he'll accept that. "Did I?"

"You brought me here. You got me out." His hand isn't moving, but that's fine. We'll get this out of the way first.

I wet my lips and see how he watches. Harm's hooked. He'll tell himself he's not, but he is. He wants me. "I got a call from Roberts with a request from Chegwidden to bail you out. You want to go back there? I'll drive you back. They'd be delighted to ask you some more questions. You can spend the night there, or maybe they'll find a cell for you. This has to be more comfortable than that."

"You're not bringing me back there, Webb. You want me here." He licks his own lips. Shit. Now he's trying to play me. That is not going to happen. "Come on, Clay, it's all right. You can admit it." Of course, Rabb the lawyer has to show up. Rabb and that damned persuasive voice. But I do know how to deal with it.

I lean over and take that mouth with mine. That'll shut him up. He makes a startled noise into my mouth, then I've got my tongue in there, and he's too busy to do anything. Harmon Rabb kisses pretty damned well. Nice to know. I suspected as much.

I let him go after I'm sure he can't tell himself anything but that he wants it too. "And you can admit that you want to be here, or you can admit nothing at all," I say in my softest voice. "Just admit that you're going to do this, Harm. Admit that you owe me, and that you're going to pay me back the way I want you to pay me back."

His eyes are unreadable. "I'm not going to admit anything, Webb. Do what you're going to do." He smiles. "I don't mind. Maybe you're even good at it."

Asshole. He never does anything the way I want him to. I glare at him, then remember that this *is* Rabb, who always has to try and have everything his way. Why fight him? When I get him the way I want him, it won't matter what he's saying now. All that will matter is what he does. And he will do it.

"All right, Harm, come here."

He doesn't move. "I said, you do what you're going to do. I didn't agree to cooperate."

"You were cooperating," I say coolly. "But if it's easier for you to lie to yourself, go ahead." He won't be able to later. I get my mouth on his again, and this time it opens right up. Yes, Harm wants this. Good. He's pressing up against me and kissing me back, and his arms even go around me. Very good.

I let myself enjoy this. It's not all I want, but it's good, and Harmon Rabb moaning because *I'm* kissing him is certainly something desirable. I'm going to remember this the next time I end up having to help him, and he will, too.

I break the kiss, but I don't let him talk. I pull out his t-shirt and get my hands on his warm skin. God, he feels good, and I want all of him. I'll get it, too.

He's panting. I give him a long look. He doesn't look so stubborn now. His face is flushed, his lips are wet and full, his eyes are glazed. I did all this to him.

I take my hands away after a last brush over his chest, and while he's still reacting, get my shirt undone and off, then pull off the undershirt and put it on top of the shirt by me. There's a fair amount of couch we're not using at this point. I'm right up against Harm, and he's against the end of the couch.

"If I do this," he says suddenly, "then we're even. And it never happens again."

Well, this is a good sign. He's acknowledging what's going to happen. "We're not going to be even for everything, Harm. Just for this favor."

"But I'm not paying you back this way again."

"Maybe I won't want you to pay me this way again," I counter. "Maybe I will. You'll find out."

"Webb, you can't hold this over me." His eyes are angry.

"I'm not holding anything over you," I point out. "If you don't want to pay, don't ask for favors."

He thinks it over. "Just this time," he says finally. "That's it."

I'll take it. Maybe I won't want him once I've had him. Maybe I'll never need to work with him again. Maybe he'll want more. Whatever. "Fine," I say finally. "If it happens again, we'll talk again."

I stop him from arguing by getting my fingers on his nipples. His eyes close right away, and he's shuddering. They're pretty sensitive. Nice to know. Not that it would help when he's arguing with me in public, but I will be able to remember and let that show in my smile. Who knows? This time may help more than I think. I'll always have this on Rabb, and what does he have on me? He agreed. He can't avoid that. Although, being Rabb, I'm sure he'll try to.

"Clay," he murmurs. "What now?"

Well, this is a change. Harm looking to me for guidance. "In a hurry, Harm?" I murmur back. "There's time."

He laughs, and it's low and breathless. "All right. I've never done this before."

What a surprise. "Nothing to worry about." Why the hell am I being so nice to Rabb? Because I like him, even when I'm pissed at him, and I'm not pissed any longer. He's Rabb. He does this to me all the time. "Have you ever wanted to do this?" I want to know, and this could be my chance to find out.

"I've thought about it." He laughs again. "Guess it was going to take something like this to get me to do anything about it, though."

Does he mean he's thought about me? I'll be damned if I'll ask. "Then I'll do my best to show you everything you need to know." I put my hand back on his leg, but this time slide it up all the way to his crotch. He spreads his legs for me, and I feel a fierce joy. I'm going to have Harmon Rabb, and he's never going to be able to get away from the fact that he agreed to it.

"What do I need to know, Clay?" His fingers are coming closer to my bulge, and dammit, he's teasing. Should have known Harmon Rabb would be a tease. "Let me guess, I need to know how to undo a zipper."

He pulls mine down and reaches in. Harm's a little more adventurous than I thought he'd be. Or he's trying to run this. That's not going to happen. Maybe he thinks if he gets me off, it's over.

His warm fingers close around my cock, and damn, it doesn't matter that I had a good time last weekend with an old friend, I'm too close. I put my hand over his. "Don't," I say, but my voice comes out as a croak.

"Why not?" His hand is still now, but just the thought that it's his hand is overwhelming. I don't want this to be over.

"Because I said so, and this is for me," I remind him, and to my amazement, he does what I say. I don't show my amazement, of course. "That's better."

"Do I get anything, Clay?" And damn, he sounds so willing that I want to... I don't even know what I want to do, because I want to do so many things. Suck him off, strip him naked, fuck him, just look at him or touch him or something I haven't thought of yet.

"Maybe." I sound cooler than I feel. "I'll think about it."

"I hope so." He sounds shy now. I wonder if all of Harm's arrogance and annoying habits are a cover for this shy person. Hmm. This is something to think about, but not now.

"We're going to the bedroom now," I tell him, and he takes his hand off my cock and stands, waits for me to stand, too. Harmon Rabb, doing what I say. Mine.

He follows behind me as we climb the stairs to my bedroom, then goes over to the bed when I gesture toward it and just stands there. He must be in shock or something. Maybe it would be smart of me to stop this right now. But when I glance down at his crotch, he's still hard. Fuck that. I may never get this kind of chance again.

"Take your clothes off."

I keep my voice cool and watch him reach for the buckle of his belt. Oh, yes. I get to watch this. He gets out of his clothes and folds them before putting them on the chair that I nod to, then tries to stand still. He can't. He keeps moving, not very much, but some. Harm wants this. I wonder how long he's had this side of him, how I could have used this, and then I put that out of my mind. This stays here. Oh, I'll let it show in my eyes to him, but that's it. This is mine. No one else gets to know that I got Harmon Rabb nervous and anxious and stripped in my bedroom, taking my orders. This is my payment.

"Clay," he whispers. "Come on."

"All right, Harm. Sit down on the bed." I watch while he does that. I thought about having him undress me, but I want to last, and I might not. And I can get out of the rest of my clothes quicker than he can probably figure out how to get them off.

I watch him as I undress. He's hard, something I like seeing about as much as his nervousness. I smile at him and walk over to the bed. He watches me, his hands on either side of him.

"This isn't so bad, is it?" My voice is calm as I stand in front of him, even though I'm hard and leaking precome. I sit down next to him. "Nothing to worry about."

He smiles suddenly. "Nothing yet."

"Good," I breathe and pull him against me. God, he feels even better without clothes on, and he's reaching out to touch me. Beautiful. He wants me.

I can do anything with him... but what should I do? Damn. Don't tell me I'm going to get a conscience *now*. Not with Harmon Rabb naked and willing on my bed. I angle my head and kiss him again. That should get me back in the right kind of mood. I won't hurt him, I argue to myself and get my tongue into Harm's mouth, feel his. Just show him what it's like to be with a man. With me. Get something for myself.

I break the kiss. "Ever sucked cock, Harm?"

He's panting. "No."

"Nice to know I'll be your first," I say simply.

He looks at me with that uncertainty again in his eyes, but I smile at him, and that seems to do it. He swallows, then gets down on his knees on the carpet and opens his mouth.

"Let me do this at my own pace, please."

He's asking me. "That will be fine." I can feel his hot breath against the head of my cock, and it's making me even harder. I want him to take it in his mouth, and he will. I check Harm's face, what I can see of it. He wants this. He really does.

Then he licks his lips, and his mouth is so close that when he does, the tip of his tongue brushes against the head. I moan and wish I hadn't. I don't want Harm to think that he's taking over here. But all he does is moan himself and take me into that mouth of his, which is damned hot. He doesn't know what he's doing, but I don't care. He's doing well enough.

I feel myself getting too close and manage to get some words out. "Stop, Harm. Stop now."

He pulls back and looks up at me. "Now what?" His eyes are huge. I could get lost in them.

"Now you get up on the bed." I can't fight it any more. I want to find out what Harm tastes like. I've wanted to know for a long time.

He doesn't move. "Are you going to..." He swallows, then just looks at me.

He has to want to know if I'm going to fuck him. "I'd like to." I really want to, and it seems fair. But the look in his eyes makes me think again. He's scared. I don't want him scared. "But not now. Come on, Harm. Get on the bed."

I smile at him, and again, that seems to do it. He smiles back and gets up beside me, and I slip down to the floor and swallow his cock in one long motion. I don't have the patience to tease.

He gasps and bucks into my mouth, then, before I can do anything to make him know that's not acceptable, he stops, puts his hand on my cheek, and just trembles. I'm impressed. Didn't know Rabb had that kind of self-control, and the hand is damned close to an apology. Warm, gentle, there. I like that.

I suck on him for a little longer, then pull off my mouth. He lifts his hand and stares at me as I get back on the bed.

"Want to come, Harm?" I know I do. Sucking him got me harder, got me closer.

"Yeah." He wraps his arms around me. "I - " he stops and barely gets it out, "I want you."

Just hearing that makes it all worth it, but I can get more, and I will. I lick his neck and feel him shudder. "Lie down. You'll like it, Harm," I say impatiently when he doesn't let go of me. "No penetration."

He moves, then, and I get on top of him, making sure our cocks are aligned. He groans and thrusts up.

"You've got it," I whisper and thrust back. Back and forth and back and forth and Harm's cock against mine and maybe this is better than fucking him, because he's not afraid, he's not fighting it, he's here on my bed and he's doing this with me and yes, oh yes, it's what I want.

I come with a cry I can't hold in, then he comes, and it's over. I roll off him and think about cleaning off, but I can't even keep my eyes open.


The next morning, it's awkward. He won't even look at me. Not a surprise. He calls a cab so that he can go home. Nothing to say to him, even if I wanted to. I got what I wanted, and he'll live.

He finally meets my eyes when the cab honks outside. "You took advantage of me."

"Just like you always take advantage of me."

He blinks at that.

"That's right, Harm. Next time you want a favor, think about this. Because I will want payment from now on." I'm impressed with the coolness of my voice.

"I won't need any more favors from you." He opens the door. "So you won't get that chance."

The door slams behind him, and I let out a long breath. Well, it's not like Harm and I were best friends. He'll get over this snit. He'll have to. Because he will need more favors. He always does. And I'm not going anywhere.

The End

Posted 10/27/01

