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On That Train Tonight

by Gail (


Clayton Webb/Clark Palmer

Rating: adult

Clay and Clark take a train trip. Stuff happens.

Eclipse Snapshot #37

Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine, and no profit made from this.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

The title is taken from a line of "The Train Song" from the Creatures of Habit CD, Knots & Crosses. The song is haunting and wonderful and lyrical and gripping and way cool. Track it down if you can.

This is for Tinnean for our sixth (sorry to post it so late, chere amie!) anniversary of friendship (8/8/06). She did her usual excellent beta of it too, and I thank her. Elizabeth aka fajrdrako beta'd as well, and excellently, for which I thank her. Celli helped me to the inspiration with her ficlet meme, and I thank her too.


"Palmer, we're not heading to the airport."

Clay sounded confused, not pissed. Confused was fine.

"Right." I smiled at him, then turned back to the road - had to drive safely with him there - and kept going. I thought he'd have gotten our destination earlier from our route, but he was thinking about CIA shit.

"We're driving to Boston?"

I'd have to get him some more coffee. "No. We're taking a train."


Because I liked trains and this way we could spend more time together away from the fucking CIA. But that might not wash with him. "I couldn't get a reservation on a decent flight." I hadn't looked too hard, but as long as he didn't ask that I'd be fine.

He tilted his head and smiled at me. Not fair, Webb. I scowled back, then when he kept smiling, gave in and smiled too.

"Well, Clark, I guess we're going to have a nice, long trip on a train."

Ah, he liked the idea. Good. I won that round, maybe because he liked it, maybe because he figured out I wanted this, maybe because of something I didn't know and couldn't figure out now. Well, fine. I could live with whatever reason. "Not that long." Not long enough together, away from the fucking CIA. "We'll be there in time for dinner."

He smiled again, but didn't say anything more until we'd parked the car and were in the station and had checked our bags and made sure the train was going to leave on time and checked out anyone around us - well, I'd done that. I didn't catch him, but I'd bet money he had too.

"Could you get me some coffee? I'm going to pick out a book or two. Do you need one?"

"No. thanks." I had something to read, another of those Gordianus books. His mother kept giving them to me. Good stuff. "Sure I'll get the coffee." I'd get him some lunch too. It was lunchtime, after all. "The train leaves pretty soon, though."

"I'll be there, never fear, Clark."

Yeah, he would. "Fine." I didn't need to ask him how he took his coffee - I'd gotten that way back when I first started working for him. With him, he'd say. What*ever*. Nobody else went on missions with him but me and that was how it should be.


"Clark, why do you have handcuffs?"

I shut my briefcase and stashed it, but kept the cuffs out. Shouldn't have opened it in the first place, but that was where my book was, and I was tired of looking at the scenery. Handcuffs should be standard issue, but of course the fucking CIA didn't go for them, so I'd brought my own. "Might need them."

"We're going to a conference, Clark, not a mission. We're not going to arrest anyone."

Yeah, and if someone looked at him wrong he'd want me to just sit there? But yeah, he would, and anyway he could take care of himself. "All right, I like handcuffs. Sue me already."

His shoulders shook for a moment, but when he lifted his head there was no sign of laughter. "No, I think I can manage without that. You'll keep your handcuffs out of sight?"

"Certainly." No good if people knew I had them.

"And you won't use them."

"Only if I have to, Webb."

"You mean on me?"

I tried not to shift in my seat, but I couldn't stop myself. My cock was hardening, and he was giving me that smile that always got me hot. He did not play fair. Couldn't he have waited until we were alone? There were people in the car, no one too near us and they all looked harmless, but still, they were there. Not that he cared.

"If I have to."

"Maybe you'll have to."

Why the hell did we have to be in a car with other people? They were keeping me from kissing Clay. None of them were looking at us, but still, I knew better than to take chances.

"If I have to, you won't enjoy it." If I wanted to, he would, but that went without saying.

He put his hand on my leg. No, he didn't give a damn about the other people. "That's too bad. I was beginning to look forward to it."

Damn him. "If you want me to, that's another matter."

"Just what I was hoping to hear."

How much longer did we have to be on this train? Too long. We'd just pulled away from Philly. I wanted him now.

He trailed a finger up my thigh, and I stopped myself from whimpering, but it was hard since I was hard and dammit, all I wanted was for him to take my cock and work it until I came, unless I got to fuck him or have him suck me off or suck him off... why the fuck were we on this train anyway? If I'd gotten us on a plane we'd be there by now, or we'd be stuck in some holding pattern. This was still better.

"Too bad those people are here, Clark. If they weren't, I'd find a way to convince you to cuff me now."

I could flash my CIA card and get them to leave, but there was still the matter of making sure no one else came in. Wasn't there a place that locked... ah ha.

Yeah, I had my answer, and now all I had to do was play Clay as well as he was playing me until I was ready to take him elsewhere and fuck him.

I ran my tongue over my lips. "Want me to throw them out?"

His finger was at the top of my thigh. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?

"Yeah, I'd like that." And then I'd lock the fucking door and rip off your pants and lube you up and fuck you until the whole train could hear you, but that wouldn't be smart and thus I wouldn't do it.

"I could give the conductor a few hundred to clear the car. Would that convince you I wanted you to cuff me?"

I was convinced now. "I don't need privacy to get you cuffed, Webb."

"Promises, promises, Clark."

I swallowed a moan. He knew that cuffing him there wasn't the best idea, and he didn't seem to care that he was giving off signals that would let anyone know he wanted to get fucked. Hell, the guy nearest us in the car had turned around and was fucking looking at us. I gave him a hard, cool look and he whipped his head around and went back to charming his companion. Yeah, that was better.

I couldn't wait much longer to fuck Clay.


"Yes?" His fingers were tracing the length of my cock, and I couldn't help it, I whimpered. "Why, Clark, you sound like something's wrong. Shall I do something about that?"

"You're fucking teasing me."

"Why yes, you're just getting that now? I'm surprised."

I managed to swallow. "Get up."

"Why should I, Clark? I like it here."

Fine. If he was going to be like that, I was going to cuff him. But I'd give him one more chance first.

"Do what you're told or I'll put these on you and make you do it." I showed him the cuffs again.

"In front of them? Clark, Clark, then they'd know something was going on and you don't want that, I know you don't."

Every damned time he said my name it made me want to grab him and kiss him because he made my name sound so damned sexy.

"I'm serious."

"Of course you are, Clark." He sounded amused, damn him, and his finger was back to stroking my thigh, not that that helped. "You're always serious. Lighten up, have some fun."

I leaned over so that I could whisper into his ear. "Fine. Let's have some fun." I grabbed his wrist and snapped on the cuffs, then grabbed and cuffed the other wrist in front of him. "Having fun yet, Clay?"

His eyes were bright. "Actually, I am, although I hope for more."

"You'll have to wait for that." Not too long, but long enough so that I could be sure when we did exit that we wouldn't get any weird looks. I couldn't think as well as I liked now; I needed a little time. It wouldn't hurt Clay to wait and learn he couldn't always get me to do what he wanted when he wanted it.

"Really? I think that, even with these cuffs, I can get you to fuck me."

Worst thing was that he was probably right.

"Webb, keep that mouth of yours shut for a few minutes, O.K.?"

He licked his lips. " You cuffed me, Clark. You didn't gag me - not that I'd want that - " I smiled to myself - no, he wouldn't - "so I'll talk if I want to."

Definitely not in a submissive mood, but then again I wouldn't want that while we were out in public.

A woman at the other end stood and headed toward us. Fuck. Was she going to try and chat up Clay? I flipped my coat over his wrists before she got close enough to see anything she shouldn't.

"Nice of you to care about my image, Clark," he whispered, and gave the woman a smile when she passed, which, thank god, she did.

"My image, Webb."

"Does it help your control to call me by my last name? Or does it make you feel more... powerful?"

I swallowed a groan. How was it that he was cuffed and I was the one feeling helpless? I had to do something about that.

I stood, glanced around the car - good, that man who'd been looking at us earlier was reading some magazine and not paying any attention to us and neither was anyone else - then yanked Clay to his feet.

"If you had another pair of cuffs, you could cuff him too, and make sure he wouldn't interfere," he whispered, leaning against me.

I checked - yeah, the coat was still over his wrists. "He's not worth my time." And I had a better plan, which Clay ought to know by now and probably did, considering how much he was teasing me. We'd been involved for years now; he knew me.

"And I am?"

"Hell yeah. Come on."

"Good to know." Like he didn't already. "So where are we going?"

I didn't answer. He'd find out soon enough, and I'd be willing to bet he had a good idea already.

I propelled him to the door to the restroom, which was, thank god, unoccupied, and he laughed. "The restroom? This will be interesting."

"I hope you'll find it so," I answered as dryly as I could, which I was pretty damned sure wasn't too much considering that I was hard as all hell and ready to fuck him in the corridor, and opened the door. "In, Webb."

"Yes, Clark."

I gritted my teeth as his ass brushed against my crotch. Soon I'd have him right where I wanted him.

I crowded in behind him and shut and locked the door. Bigger than I'd thought. Good. And ah! A nice bar to cuff him to. Considerate of the railroad people. We'd have to take trains more often.

Clay was looking around. "Very nice, Clark."

I yanked the coat off his wrists and tossed it away. "Glad you like it." I undid one cuff and pulled him over to the bar, then recuffed him with the chain wrapped around it.

He laughed. "So you're going to hold me captive here? No chance of a bed?"

"We don't need a bed, smartass." I undid his pants and pulled them and his boxers down. "Dammit, your shoes need to come off."

"No, they don't. I can manage."

"So now you want this?"

"I always wanted it, Clark. I didn't make that clear?"

"You fine being cuffed?" Yeah, he'd made that clear. He knew that, and I knew that, so no need to say it.

He laughed again. "As long as you're the one cuffing me. Anyone else, I'd hope that you'd intervene."

"Count on that."

"I do."

Yeah, he knew I had his back. Now to have his ass.

"You may be able to manage, but I want you spread wide." I knelt and worked off one of his shoes, then the other, and pulled off his pants, taking advantage of my position to stroke and kiss his ass. "Better."

He was panting now. "Clark, please."

I folded his pants and stacked them on his shoes. "Pushy, aren't you? Don't worry. You'll get what you want." And I'd get what I wanted - him.

He shifted his feet and spread his legs wider, pushing his ass toward me. "I want you."


I pulled out my cock and got myself ready: condom and lube. "You're getting me." I spread lube on his asshole, then pushed in. He made a harsh sound - not a bad harsh sound, a good one - and pushed back against me.

I knew we needed to get this done and get back out before some officious jerk started pounding, or worse, got the conductor to unlock the door on the grounds that maybe the occupant was ill or hurt because he'd been in more than a couple of minutes, so I fucked him hard and reached around to take his cock and work it so that he'd come when I came, if I came. I didn't need to come. I needed to fuck him and I was doing that. The hotel would be fine for coming.

"Come on, Clark." His voice was as ragged and needy as I'd ever heard it, and if I'd have been able to smile, I would have. "Don't hold back."

"Not holding back," I got out and squeezed him. "You come. I'm fine."

He groaned and I felt him come. "Dammit. Pull out."

What? But I did, then took off the condom and tossed it in the trash.

"Now uncuff me. I'm going to suck you off."

"We'd better get out of here."

"Clark, I'm in no mood. Do as you're told."

I leaned against the wall and willed my cock to soften. Coming sounded good, but we needed to get out of there. "Yeah, you might want to remember who's wearing the hardware."

"You take stubbornness to a new level."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"I wouldn't if I were you."

"Clay, I appreciate you wanting to get me off, and I promise I'll take you up on that in spades when we're in the hotel room, but dammit, it's too risky here."

"Fine." He looked away. "Get these off me, will you? I want to wash up before I put my clothes back on."

He wasn't really agreeing with me. I knew him - he'd jump me if I was careless enough to give him the chance. Too bad for him I had no intention of taking off the cuffs until we were back in our seats.

"I'll clean you off, Clay. It's no problem."

"I'd rather do it myself."

"I'm sure you would, but that's life." I wet a paper towel in the small sink and wiped off his ass, got another and cleaned off his front. When I caught a look at his face, he was frowning. "What, did I forget something?"

"I trust you're going to take these off before we exit."

"Wasn't planning on that, Clay." I picked up his pants.

He was silent as I got him into his pants and shoes, and I wondered if he was going to demand that this stop now. Then he nodded. "Yes, you would do that. Very well, Clark. Whatever you want."

Now I'd really have to watch him when I took off the cuffs, and I'd have to at some point. Maybe it would be safer to take them off now and let him do whatever the hell he wanted with me.

Safer, hell. I was rationalizing. I just wanted him to get me off. And why not? No one had knocked yet or made any trouble, and if they did, we could talk our way out of this if we had to.

But I didn't want to go back on my word.

All right, I'd let him think he'd outsmarted me. He'd like that.

I reached for one wrist. "Time to get out of here." I undid the cuff and made myself fumble with it, and in that second, Clay got the key away from me and hip-checked me away. By the time I had my balance again, he was free.

And, hadn't expected this, was aiming a small gun at me. Where the fuck had he hidden that? Was it a real gun? Didn't matter - I couldn't take the chance. Even Clay, given the right incentive, would shoot me.

I'd have to make sure he didn't get that incentive.

Damned if the little smile on his face didn't get me harder.

"Now, Clark, I know you deliberately let me get out of those cuffs," damn, he'd caught that, "and I do appreciate it, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is that I want you, and I'm going to have you."

He'd just come. He couldn't be hard again yet.

"Hold out your hands."

He was going to cuff me with my own cuffs. Shit. But he had that gun, so I did what he said, and couldn't help wincing as the metal closed around my wrists. At least he hadn't cuffed me to the bar.

"Do you have a problem with me cuffing you, Clark?"

I shook my head. He was playing his game now, and I'd go along with it. "Going to keep that gun you pulled out of thin air pointed at me?" How had I missed it when I was taking off his pants? I'd have to find out where he'd stashed it.

"You don't have to worry. I won't shoot you." He pocketed the gun. "I've got you where I want you, so no point in that. Plus, I'd hate to have to explain it."

"Like you'd have a problem."

He laughed. "I'm sure someone would question me, but since it won't come to that, let's not worry about it, shall we?" He locked his eyes on mine and sank to his knees. "Too bad I can't fuck you, but we will be in a hotel room together later, and, Clark," his voice got darker, "I intend to spend as much time as possible there with you, and I do mean with you begging me to fuck you harder." He undid my belt and my zipper and stroked my cock. "Now, though, I'm going to suck you off."

"We've been in here too long. Someone will raise hell."

"That's my problem now, Clark. Not yours."

When he got dominant, he *got* dominant. Not that I was surprised, really. I nodded and braced myself against the wall. He laughed.

"That's right, Clark," he was still saying my name in that way that gave me shivers every damned time, "you'll need that wall to keep you standing before I'm done."

I didn't even try to answer that. He was breathing carefully on my cock, and I didn't care that I was cuffed, I didn't care that Clay'd come up with a gun I hadn't known he'd had, I didn't care that Clay'd gotten the jump on me, I didn't care that we were in a damned train bathroom, and I didn't care that in a few hours we could be in a nice comfortable hotel room with a bed and our own bathroom if Clay liked bathrooms this much. I wanted his mouth on my cock and I wanted it now. But I was cuffed, and all I could do was moan and hope he'd take pity on me soon.

"I love seeing you this hot, Clark," he whispered. "Too bad we can't risk staying here the rest of the trip. It could be fun to make you wait. But I love making you come, and so that's what I'm going to do."

And he leaned forward and took my cock in his mouth and sucked, and I lost track of every fucking thing else but his sucking.


After I came, Clay pulled up my pants and did them up, then just stood there. "I should take you back to our seat cuffed. After all, it would be fair."

"And someone might catch on."

"True. But then again, no one would if you'd behave."

Hell, I was still leaning against the damned wall. I didn't have energy to misbehave.

"Your call. You've got the key and the gun."

"True." He draped the coat I'd used to cover his cuffs over my hands. "Come on, Clark." He unlocked the door, and thank god, no one was waiting or in sight.

We walked back to our seats without incident, and sat.

"You going to take these off me?"

He ran his finger down my thigh. "I like you in them."

"Not going to be easy to keep people from seeing them when we get off this train, Clay." I'd just come, but he was getting me hard again.

"Good point. Let me think about it."

Damn him. "Clay, come on. Don't do this."

He gave me a surprised look. "Clark, don't worry. It'll be fine."

He turned his head to look out the window, and I gritted my teeth. Sure, he could say that - he wasn't wearing the damned cuffs.

But then he turned back and undid them and, yeah, should have known it, pocketed them, along with the key. "I trust you'll behave yourself?"

"If you'll do the same. And keep that gun out of my face."

"You mean this?" And he pulled the fucker out again, and a spare. "Here, have one. You might like a snack."

"Chocolate? You got me to stand still for a fucking chocolate gun?"

He was laughing. "I'm not telling." He unwrapped his. "Just eat it."

"So you have a real gun."

"As I said, I'm not telling."

"I will find out."

He peeled the foil off my 'gun'. "Clark, you really do worry too much. Now eat your chocolate, please."

"Chocolate," I muttered, and took a bite.

"Mother got them for me."

Yeah, that didn't surprise me at all. "I'm gonna ask her to get me some too." Maybe she'd even tell me where she got them so I could get all I wanted without bothering her.

"She'd be delighted."

I took another bite. It was that almost-too-bitter chocolate, the really good stuff. "Can I have my cuffs back?"


I'd have to use logic and whatever else it took to get my cuffs back later, when we were alone. And maybe I wouldn't need to.



"Thank you for arranging for the train trip." He was smiling into my eyes. "I don't know when I've had such an enjoyable journey."

I smiled back. "Yeah, me too."

He settled back in his seat and closed his eyes, and I checked my watch. A while yet until Boston, but what the hell. I could wait.

I finished my chocolate and pulled out the schedule for the conference. Hm, looked like there was a lot of stuff we could skip. Good.



Posted 7/8/07

