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by Gail ( )

Part 1 of the Mentor series.

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

First version: Beta-read by Mareen, Katja, Tinnean, and Lexi, all of whom told me that I was writing a series and wanted more.

Thanks to Tinnean, who beta'd this version.


"It shouldn't be that hard a mission," my superior says casually and has another sip of whiskey. "I'd do it myself, but I thought you'd be better for the job."

I close the file he handed me when I came into his hotel room. "It sounds easy enough, Mr. Alexander."

I always call him that. It doesn't matter that it's been five years since I was his trainee. In the Intelligence and Details Division that's how we do things. He can call me whatever he wants, but I have to be respectful. It doesn't bother me like it bothers Jack. It's the way things should be, always have been. But then Jack's different from me. I know that. It's why I'm sitting here and he's not. I like Jack, but I'm glad that he's not quite as good as I am. Nice to know I'm still first with Mr. Alexander.

I have to be first with Mr. Alexander.

He gives me one of his intense smiles, and I know it's because I've shown him once again why he chose me out of the pack. "Just be careful keeping an eye on Carr. Don't try anything fancy. He's good, Tom. You don't want to mess with him."

I don't like how he says this guy is good. I'm very good, he's excellent, and most of my colleagues are decent. This CIA man can't be in our league.

I pick up my own glass and find that it's empty. He's leaning over to refill it before I can say anything.

"Go ahead, have another one, get drunk if you want to, Tom." He grins. "I'd like the company."

I smile back. I like when he asks me to stay. Another proof that I'm first. "Thank you, Mr. Alexander."

We just drink for a little while, then he starts talking, about Carr again. More personal things, his habits, his history. He's really interested in this man. I listen, try to figure out just what's going on here. He didn't give me a reason for keeping an eye on him, and he doesn't have to, but I'm smart enough to know that it must be a damned good reason if he flew to Berlin to give me this job. Mr. Alexander always has at least one reason for everything he does, and usually more than that. And there's a look in his eyes when he talks about this Carr, one that I could swear was... desire. Desire for a CIA agent, and a male one at that? I thought Mr. Alexander was into women. I have to find out more about this. I let my eyes flicker very quickly over his crotch when he's not paying attention.

God, I think he's hard. I know that I am. I'm not into guys, but I want him. Have wanted him for a long time, ever since I became one of his proteges all those years ago. He came in from the field, all cool and knowledgeable and interesting, full of stories, and he picked me and Jack to work with him, out of the whole class. We had all been told that Mr. Alexander only chose the best, and he chose me. After that, I was working with him just about all the time, and he was everything I wanted to be, right there in the flesh. It wasn't long before I started finding him in my dreams at night, the ones that got me waking up either hard or wet with come. I was really glad that the IDD didn't go for dormitory-style living. I had a room of my own, and I used it, jerking off to thoughts of Mr. Alexander's smile, his voice telling me I'd done well... god, I was obsessed with him then. I'm older now, experienced, and I know that I'll never have him, but I still want him. I don't think that will ever change, no matter how many women I get into my bed.

I think I've managed to hide it from him. I hope so. He's never said anything, but with Mr. Alexander that doesn't mean that much. I assume that either he knows and chooses to ignore it, or he doesn't know and I should make damned sure he doesn't find out from me.

Either way, I need to be cool here.

I take another sip and wonder about this Carr. What does he have that I don't? He's not good- looking from the pictures in the file. He's smart, granted, but I'm smart, probably even smarter than he is. And he's CIA, for god's sake. What the fuck could Mr. Alexander see in him?

Time to stop this. I don't want to give anything away, and he's just staring off into space. I decide that no matter what he said about company, he's through with me.

"If you'll excuse me, Mr. Alexander," I say politely and stand. "I'd like to get an early start." He knows that my flight to London leaves at an ungodly hour. The tickets were paperclipped to the file.

His eyes find mine. "Of course." He stands as well and smiles. "I'll look forward to your reports, Tom."

He holds out his hand to me, and I take it. Cool handshake, just something between two men who've known each other a good amount of time, but I have to make myself keep breathing. I've had practice with this, though, so I'm sure I look and act exactly the way I want to look and act, which is as calm and cool as he is.

"Good night, Mr. Alexander."

"If Carr gets into any kind of trouble, I expect you to take action," he says out of the blue, and I stop in the middle of turning the doorknob.

"As in what?" He wants me to take action? For a fucking CIA agent? This is insane. They are our enemies. He taught me that.

His mouth turns up in a half-smile. "Oh, if someone tries to kill him, kidnap him, get in his way. Make sure he gets back home, Stone. Think of yourself as his guardian angel."

This is serious, but I can't do anything now. "Of course, Mr. Alexander," I say and nod gravely. "I'll make sure Mr. Carr gets home."

He didn't say that Carr had to be alive when he gets back to DC, but I know that's what he means. Pity. Of course, something might happen to him that would leave him alive, but not much more. Accidents happen all the time. And I think that I could enjoy one with Mr. Carr's name on it.

"It'll be my pleasure," I add, even though I know that lying to Mr. Alexander is never a smart idea.

His eyes narrow a little, and I wonder if I went too far, but all he does is smile.

"I know it's not usual for us to watch out for Company boys, but I think there's a chance Carr could be useful," he says casually and smiles. "Even CIA agents fuck up, Tom."

He looks very pleased with himself. I know that look. He has something on this Carr, and that's why he wants him babysat. Good.

"And this one did?" He's left me the opening, and Mr. Alexander doesn't respect anyone who misses opportunity.

He nods. "Not the right time to use it against him yet, but soon, Tom. Soon."

His eyes grow dreamy, and I smile. Of course. Mr. Alexander's not turned on by this Carr, he's just turned on at the idea of using him. That's much more plausible.

"Good night, Mr. Alexander." I get the door open this time before he flashes another of those smiles that make me want to get on my knees in front of him. I don't give into that feeling this time, any more than I have in the past. I do wonder what he'd do, though. Would he like that? I'm sure he'd know what it meant.

"Keep a good eye on him, Tom," he says softly. "Mr. Carr could be very useful indeed."

"Of course, Mr. Alexander."

He closes the door behind me, and I head for my room, which is two floors below his. I take the stairs. I need to burn off some of this energy that I always have after spending time with him.

In my room, I flip open the file on Douglas Carr and read through it more closely while I stand over the desk. I don't see anything that would leave him open to pressure, but then I'm also certain that Mr. Alexander's keeping something back. Maybe he's expecting me to find this weak point of Carr's myself. All right, that I can do. Still, I don't know about Mr. Alexander this time. He was sounding as though he had the right view of this Carr, but that last comment had a tone in it that's making me suspicious again.

I look at Douglas Carr's picture again, trying to see if there's anything that I can see to want there. No, not a goddamned thing. But he must have something, if Mr. Alexander wants him. I wonder if I could find out what it was if I talked to him, spent a little time with him.

I shut the file and get undressed, then decide against a shower and get into bed, stretch out on my back, and keep thinking. I get to follow around this idiot CIA agent that Mr. Alexander wants me to protect, for god's sake, and I might even have to get between him and bullets? I will, of course, since it's important to Mr. Alexander and he's given me the assignment, but I hope that Carr's smart enough to take care of himself. He's got a decent record for a CIA man, but that doesn't mean that much. I'm going to have to stay close.

Ah, it would be interesting to talk with this CIA agent who's got himself into Mr. Alexander's head. I'll have to see about that. There's always a way if you want it and plan well enough. He taught me that himself.

I'm going to have to find a way to deal with this Carr. And I've got a very good idea of what I'd like to do to the man who's taking up space in my mentor's mind. I wonder how Mr. Alexander would feel about me fucking the man I'm supposed to be following. Carr's CIA. I'm sure he knows about the risks of being taken, made to perform, raped. Yes, I would like to make this Carr suffer.

But Mr. Alexander wouldn't like that, I'm sure. But then, how would he know if I didn't tell him?

But it's never smart to underestimate him, either. No, I can get close to Carr, close enough to talk and touch, but anything else and I'd better have a damned good reason. And I have no reason to rape him; in fact, I'm supposed to stop anything like that. Shit.

Of course, I might be able to find a reason to get him into bed with me. Just to find out more about him. You can learn a lot about a person in bed, and I'm good in bed, the best. Maybe this Carr likes guys. Funny that there was nothing at all about his preferences in the file, but maybe Mr. Alexander's throwing me a little test to see how good I still am. Well, I am still good, and if there's something else to find, I'll find it. If he is gay, then I'd have a perfectly good reason to come on to him. One that even Mr. Alexander couldn't argue with.

Then Douglas Carr would have to deal with me.

And on that thought, I close my eyes and smile.

I will be first. Nothing else is acceptable.


Posted 10/24/03

To part 2 of the Mentor series, Interfering

Original Fiction
