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by Gail ( )

Part 2 of the Mentor series

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

First version: I have amazing friends. This story was beta-read (in alphabetical order for a change) by Katja, Kita, Lexi, Mareen, Silk, and Tinnean. Whew. And I really did need all their support to get this one ready and out.

Thanks to Tinnean, Scarlet, Mandy, and Greg for their encouragement for the rewrite, and big thanks to Tinnean for her beta.


He's inside, waiting for me, although he doesn't know that yet.

I open the door and push my way into the bar. It's smoky, bright, and crowded, like any bar I'd go to on a Saturday night back in DC. But this bar's in London, and there isn't a woman in the place. The men could care less. They're talking, drinking together, holding hands, dancing, looking to find a partner for the night.

I don't care what they choose to do. Their business. I'm not into men; I'd never come here on my own. But Douglas Carr is into men as well as women, as I found out when I did some digging, and he decided to come here, so here I am, to have a talk with him, and maybe more.

He's at a table. Well, I expected that. He's not going to stand around showing off like some stud. And he's alone. No reason anyone would want him. I expect he's going to be surprised at me being interested, even flattered. That's all right. This isn't about him, but he's never going to know that.

I work my way through the crowd, getting more than a few touches and come-ons before I can make it to the bar. I order two scotches, specifying single malt. I'd rather have a beer, but that's what Carr drinks, so that's what I'll drink tonight too.

The bartender winks at me, and I smile back. I have to look as though I want to be here, have to fit in. "Here for a good time?"

Right. "Looking for a certain someone. He's over there." I point to Douglas Carr in his suit and tie. My god, he couldn't stand out more if he tried.

The bartender puts down the drinks in front of me with a "Good luck, gorgeous," that might even be sincere. I don't need his luck, but I pass him a twenty, which ought to cover the tab and give him a good tip, and head for Carr's table. He stands up before I get there, and I don't know if he's off to the restroom to see about a blow job or if he's giving up for the night, but I'm not going to let him run off before he and I have our talk.

"Hi." I smile at him. "I hope you're not leaving."

He's giving me a suspicious look. That's all right. I know how to get him to trust me. Even a CIA man isn't proof against what I learned in the IDD about sex and how to use it.

"Hello." His eyes flicker over me. "Do I know you?"

"No, but I'd like to know you." That's the truth. I want to know this man, inside and out, until I figure out what he's got that Mr. Alexander wants so that I can get it too or find a way to get it for Mr. Alexander. "Do you like scotch? I'll get something else if it's not your thing."

He's still staring at me with that suspicion. Well, points to him for intelligence. Then he takes a breath and sits again. He's interested. Good.

"Yes. Thank you," he says and reaches out his hand for one of the glasses. I decide that it's all the invitation I'm going to get and sit in the seat next to him. I want to be close enough to touch him and for him to smell and feel me.

"You're welcome." I have a sip of my scotch. Not bad.

He sips his scotch for a few minutes, looking at me from time to time. Isn't he going to say anything? Doesn't look like it. Fine, I'll start the conversational ball rolling.

"What's your name?" I don't expect him to tell me his real one.

"Does it matter?" His eyes are bright and challenging. "Pick any one you want. Or are you trying to tell me that you're actually interested in more than sex?"

Well, that's better. I smile back at him. "I'm not looking to jump into bed this minute. I don't even know if you have one to offer me." I press my right leg against his and feel him tense. "You mind a little talk?"

He smiles. "I don't mind some talk. I'm not in a hurry," he says with a look straight into my eyes that tells me that he's intending to go slow and make it good. Ah, I'm sure I'd be impressed if I went for this kind of thing.

"Neither am I. So give me whatever name you like to use when you're out. You can call me Jack." Jack's my best friend and a fellow IDD agent. I think that he'd understand me using his name, but if I'm lucky he'll never find out.

Something crosses his face but I don't know what it is. "Dan will do for me." He takes another sip before he continues. "I'm assuming this isn't about money. If I'm wrong, I'd like to know now."

"Just fun." I keep my voice easy and interested, but I want to laugh. Carr should worry about me wanting money to have sex with him. "All right, Dan," I wonder why he picked that name, but I'll find that out later, "do you have a room?"

He laughs. "You're getting ahead of yourself." And then the hand that's not holding his drink is down at my thigh, slipping down between my legs and moving up toward my crotch. "I thought you wanted to take it slow."

"That's taking it slow?" Damn, I didn't expect him to do that. I have to get control back. I shift away, but he just laughs and puts his hand back on the table.

"Just wanted to know how interested you were," he says lightly, and his eyes find mine. Maybe there is a reason Mr. Alexander's interested in him. He's not what I expected from his file.

I decide that it's time to make a few moves of my own. "I really hope you have a place. I can't take you to mine, since I'm staying with friends."

"Don't they know what you like?" He plays games, but I'd expect a CIA guy to do that.

"Sure, but I'm not into being walked in on. I'm sleeping on my friends' living room couch."

"I understand. I have somewhere to take you." He lifts his glass and finishes it. "I'll buy the next round if you go get it." His eyes are smiling at me. "I like the idea of watching you walk through that crowd."

He thinks he's playing me, I can tell. I deliberately dressed in an outfit that makes me looks about ten years younger than I am, and he's buying it.

"Sure. Whatever you want."

I regret saying that as soon as the words leave my mouth, but he just smiles again.

"I know what you meant. Don't worry. We'll talk about that later." He hands me a twenty. "I'd like a double this time."

He is watching me as I head to the bar, but then so are half the guys there, and a few more get in some touches. I ignore them. It's not worth the bother, and they can all see, or will see, that I'm with someone. Let them have their fun. It's all they'll get from me.

The bartender gives me a big smile. "Good work, baby." He winks. "Another round?"

"Doubles this time."

I turn around to look at Carr. He looks startled when I do, as though that confidence was only put on for me. Yeah, he isn't that good. I pose, thrust out my crotch just enough, then trace my lips with my tongue. He keeps his eyes on me, and I see how intent they are. Enjoy the show, Mr. Carr. It'll be the best one you ever get.

I turn around when the bartender tells me the drinks are ready, hand him Carr's twenty, and head back to the table. Carr's smiling when I get there.

"You're interesting." He takes one of the glasses from me and waits for me to sit. "One minute you're wanting to talk, then you're performing for the whole bar. I thought for a minute you'd changed your mind." His voice is back to polite. He must be distancing in case I have.

I trace my lips again and lean forward. Time to give him something to keep him hooked. "Don't worry about that," I murmur and take his mouth with my own. His lips open under mine, and I kiss him the way I'd kiss a girl I wanted to take to bed.

He breaks the kiss. "I don't think interesting is the right word for you." He leans back against his chair as though he needs the support.

I'm smiling as I take a long sip of the scotch. "I like it."

"I see that you do," he says dryly and picks up his glass. His hand is shaking slightly. I did that to him. It's a good feeling.

It's not long before he puts down his glass and stares at me. "You're not talking any more," he says quietly.

"Was there anything more we needed to talk about?"

His eyes are piercing, but I know that he can't see into me. The only person who can do that is Mr. Alexander.

"What don't you do?"

Good question. "I'm not into taking it." I want to get that straight before we go anywhere. I know that I could, but I'm not going to.

"Giving it?"

Oh, yes. I get hard thinking about him on his hands and knees or flat on his back and helpless under me, hard and needing what I have to give him, crying out either for more or for me to stop and not getting anything but what I decide he's going to have.

"Definitely." I smile.

He doesn't say anything for a moment, just frowns and thinks. That's all right; he can beg when we get there. I'll listen. I am supposed to be his guardian angel. And I will be.

"All right. Anything else you don't do?"

I shake my head. I learned all about sex with guys in IDD training, and I can handle anything he'll want to do to or with me.

He gives me a long look and I know he's trying to decide if I mean it, if this is safe for him, but I know that he's not going to let me go now.

"Then I'd say we could go."

Direct. But that's not a bad thing. "All right." I stand.

Time for Douglas Carr to find out how good I really am.


He gets a cab, and we ride to his hotel in the back seat, not even touching. I catch him looking at me once or twice but nothing more.

Soon, Mr. Carr. I'm ready.

I keep thinking of Mr. Alexander, wondering how he'd handle it. I know that he's had to sleep with people to get information, both male and female. It was part of our training as well, and also how to detach, how to perform regardless of desire, how to trick our bodies into doing what was necessary but not interesting. And I'm excellent at that. This is the first man I've considered sleeping with for any reason since training, but I know that I'd be able to perform.

The problem is that I think I'm not going to have to perform. I don't want to want Douglas Carr. It'll make things easier, of course, if I can get aroused without the tricks, the way I do with women, but I'm not into men. I know that. It's part of who I am. I'm aroused by Mr. Alexander, but I've accepted that about myself and I'm fine with it, but this man? No.

I think it through as the cab driver swears at the lights. The only reason I'm feeling this way is because I know that Mr. Alexander wants him. Otherwise, he'd be just another guy to me. It's a way of being with Mr. Alexander. That's all. A strange way, and I'm going to have to think about it more when I have time, but that does make sense.

I let myself relax now that I figured it out and look over at Carr. He's staring out the window, too. Time to play.

"Hey." I reach out to touch his leg, then let my fingers trail down until they're on the seat again. A game. It's just another game.

He turns his head. "So you're back? I was wondering what thoughts were going through your head." His voice tells me nothing more than the words.

"Just thinking about what I'm going to do to you," I say in a low voice.

He gives me a cool look. "Funny. I was thinking the same thing about you."

As if I'm going to let him do anything but what I decide I want. But he'll find that out later.

"I hope we can find some common ground."

His laugh is low. "I hope so, too."

He holds my eyes another moment, then turns away again. Douglas Carr is a strange one, but I did know that.

We don't say any more through the rest of the ride, and even in the elevator we're quiet. He barely even looks at me. Hmm. I'm going to have to do something to get to him when we get to his room.

But he's the one who acts. He closes the door and pulls my head down to his in just about the same motion and my god, he is good at kissing. I end up moaning into his mouth.

"You want this, then," he whispers. "Good." He's pulling me over to the bed.

"What?" I manage before he pushes me down on it, then drapes himself over me.

He doesn't answer, kissing my lips, then moving down to my skin, and I stop caring after a while. God, it was never like this in training. Never. Did he drug my drink? No, no chance of that. It must be him. Goddamn him.

His lips cover mine again, more roughly this time, and I... dammit, I want this. Want him. No. Not him.

But he's what Mr. Alexander wants, and I want to find out why. So I let him keep kissing me, kiss him back, and in a while he's kissing bare skin, and I'm stroking his, trying to turn this back into something under my control and not doing that well.

He starts licking at my nipples, and I cry out. He makes a pleased sound and keeps licking them, making them hard, and I can't even keep my eyes open because I'm feeling so damned good and hot. This man knows what he's doing. I've only been with one other man who knew this much, and that was to reward me in training.

I underestimated Douglas Carr. I shouldn't have. And it's too late now.

"Either it's your first time with a man or the first time in a while," he murmurs into my ear after a while, and I make some kind of noise. "Which is it, Jack?"

It takes me a minute to remember that's me. "A while. Yeah." It doesn't matter if he knows that or not, and somehow it's really hard to remember to lie, to want to lie.

His tongue goes back to my nipples, and his hands are stroking my sides, fingers sliding over my skin, making me shiver. Then he's rubbing my cock through my pants.

"Want to tell me your real name?"

"Tom." It just comes out, and I don't even care. I want him to keep going, keep making me feel so good.

"Just relax, Tom. I'm not going to hurt you. You'll like this."

And his hands are down at my waist, undoing my pants, and I do like this, I want this. He's stroking me with the knowledge that only men have, with the roughness of knowing that a cock can take it, and soon I'm thrusting up into his grasp.

He takes my hand, molds it around his erection, and I find myself stroking it as he strokes mine. God, it is insane to be doing this with him, and incredible. I get close, and he speeds up, and I hear him panting and making some deep groans. I feel him shoot just as I do.

He gets up after a while, brings back a washcloth to clean me off, then gets back on the bed.

"If you want more, give me a little while to sleep." His eyes are tired but interested. He yawns then. "Long day."

I know about his long day, but I'm not going to stay. I've done enough to keep to my cover and told him more than he needs to know. I want this over, even though I don't want it over. It has to be. I don't like men. I do know that about myself. Mr. Alexander, I think. This was about Mr. Alexander. And I feel better.

I sit up. "You sleep. I'm going back to my friends." I catch myself just in time before saying that I'm going back to my room. This went too damned far.

He's watching me get off the bed. "Well, thank you. Did you get what you wanted?"

I keep collecting my clothes from where he's thrown them. "Some of it."

"Decided against any more experimentation?"

"Yeah." I get into my jeans and feel even better. "I'm not that into guys." I don't want him to get any ideas about a repeat performance.

"I'm flattered then. Since it looked to me like you were heading for me before you even stepped into that bar."

He's awake now.

I force a smile. "I saw you when I came in. That made up my mind."

"I don't think so. But it's your business. I'm assuming this is personal, not business."

"Personal," I say shortly. "What the hell business would I have with you?"

"I don't know, Mr. Stone. What might that be?"

He knows who I am.

"Thomas Stone, Special Agent, Intelligence and Details Division." He isn't even gloating. He just knows. "Listen, Tom, if you want to walk on the wild side again, find someone who isn't in the business."

"You knew."

"I also know that you've been following me. Go ahead; I'm not that concerned about it, but one hint that you're interfering and I'll take you out. Understood?"

He's as good as Mr. Alexander. I have never met anyone like this.

"I won't interfere." I clear my throat and try to think of a convincing lie. I can't.

"I don't want to know what you're doing. Just stay out of my way. And Tom," his voice changes, "you decide you want to find out more, come back. But only if you do."

I'm dressed now. I can get out of here. "I won't be back, Carr," I fling at him, and he doesn't say anything, just looks at me, and I know we're both remembering that I told him my real first name, that I let him do what he wanted, that I... liked it.

"Goodbye," I add for good measure, and get out of there.

I'll be more careful, I tell myself. I'll make sure he doesn't see me again. I'll let him think my mission is over, that I'm gone, that it's over. No problem.

I won't be back.


When I get back to my hotel and room, I've got a message to call Mr. Alexander. He wants another verbal report on Douglas Carr, and he wants it now.

"Taking the night off, Tom?" is how he greets me.

I sit down, feeling the satisfaction through my body from the sex Douglas Carr and I had. "No, sir. I was following Mr. Carr."


"He went to a gay bar, picked up a guy, and took him back to his room," I tell him. The truth. It doesn't help to lie to Mr. Alexander.

He laughs. "Ah, Douglas, you will never learn," he murmurs, and I'm not sure he meant me to hear that. But then perhaps he did. "You are keeping an eye on this," he adds in a different voice, and I'm not sure what he means.

"The man has left, Mr. Alexander. That's why I'm back."

"Of course, Tom. So Carr got laid. I wonder if it was an interesting show?"

I can't say anything.

"Probably," he answers himself. "But it would have been insane to interfere with him."

"I'm being very careful, Mr. Alexander." I was. It didn't matter. "Wait," I say suddenly as I see something pop up on the screen from the program I'm using to monitor his credit card use. "He's just booked a flight back to DC for tomorrow night."

"He wasn't scheduled to go back yet." I can hear the frown in Mr. Alexander's voice. "Book a flight yourself."

"The same one?"

"If you can. But stay away from him."

"I will stay away from Douglas Carr, sir."

I will. I have to, now. He knows too much about me, and I don't have the option of killing him. Mr. Alexander wouldn't approve.

We end it there, and I lie down on the bed, still dressed and smelling like cigarette smoke and scotch and sex underneath it all.

I'll go home, I'll find some women, and I'll forget all about this. It will never happen again.

There's no way in hell I'm going to go to a CIA man for sex.

I could go back there right now.


He opens as soon as I knock. "Tom," he says quietly, and there's no trace of gloating at all in his face or voice, still.

I walk in that room and look at him. I never thought I could feel like this. "Show me everything," I say, my voice unfamiliar to me. "Every goddamned thing you know."

This isn't like training. I want this too much. I want him.

Now I want two men, but there's only one I can have. And I'm going to have him.

He nods, and I drop my bags before I go over to let him kiss me again.

"Glad you came back," he murmurs after a long moment, and I just nod and let him pull me down on the bed.


Posted 12/5/03

To the interlude that follows part 2, Everything

Original Fiction
