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by Gail (

Interlude in the Mentor series, after Part 2

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

(First version: This story is for Alex, who begged for it and loved it even when she found out how I do tend to twist things. She betaed it, even though I sent it to her without any warning while she was on a business trip. She is (now was) a most wonderful friend.)

Tinnean, Scarlet, and Mandy - much thanks to you all.


"Wake up," he says quietly, and I open my eyes. His hair is tousled and his eyes red-rimmed, and I can tell that he hasn't slept very much. He should sleep.

"Doug," is all I can say. He smiles. I can't believe that I've gone this long without seeing that kind of smile directed at me. It accepts everything about me.

"You wanted to know everything. Have you changed your mind?"

"No." Monosyllabic, that's me. I stretch and glance at the clock. Three AM. Already he's sucked me off, rimmed me, fucked me, and let me fuck him, and I've loved all of it. I don't even know if I can get it up again, but if he wants me to, I'll try.

He's watching me, still smiling, and I wonder what he's thinking. Is he still attracted to me? Is this pity because he so easily figured out I was following him? Or is this something else that I can't understand?

I think it's the last. There are so many things about him that I don't understand, and I know that one night with him isn't going to change that.

It will be just one night. I'm IDD, he's CIA, and this can't have happened. If it got out that I'd slept with a CIA agent, I'd be brought up in front of my superiors and put through a very intensive interrogation, and I'd be in big trouble if I couldn't prove that I'd done it to get information or a contact. One night I can explain as the assignment and the opportunity to explore his weaknesses. Any more and I'm suspect. The Intelligence and Details Division has nothing against sex in any form, except when it's a weakness, and sleeping with the enemy qualifies as that.

"You're worrying again. It will be all right, Tom. You're keeping to your cover. No one's going to question you." He sees right into me. It's fine now, but I'm going to have to stay away from him in the real world.

"I came back." I try to push away what I've really done, which is to defy Mr. Alexander. Thank god he'll never find that out. I'll make sure of that.

"All part of your plan to get to me, and you have. Any one watching would think that." He leans over and fastens his mouth on my nipple, sucking until I moan. He raises his head at that. "You are so good, Tom." His eyes are huge and dark. "Thank you for this."

I can't believe he's saying that.

"Stop it." His voice is sharp, then softens. "Think about now. Think about getting everything." He smiles. "It's what you deserve."

I want everything. I want tonight to keep going. I can't say that.

"What else is there?" I roll over toward him, looking at his body. I haven't been passive. He's scratched and reddened and sore, too, and I like seeing him that way. He'll remember me until he heals.

"This," he says gently and puts his arms around me. When my lips touch his skin, I start kissing. His arms tighten. "Lie here with me, Tom. Just lie here."

And I do what he asks, and it's the best thing of all.


Posted 12/5/03

To part 3 of the Mentor series, Propriety

Original Fiction
