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Angel to retire from League??
April 23, 2004
BOSTON- The Crazy 98 and the entire Lowell Football league were shocked today to hear the news that consensus pre-season MVP favorite, Angeluis Nales, may never play a single game in the new league. Angel had been suffering from a sore knee for over a month now and while he has been able to play softball, the physically grueling sport that is Lowell Football is a totally different story.

Angel said in an email this morning to teammate James Ostis, "We will see how my knee holds up after this weekend if it hurts too bad im gonna have to cut my sickeningly short football career."

Everyone hopes that Angel will be in fine playing shape, but even the slightest hint that the league's most dominating player may not play is shocking.

The immediate question becomes what will this do to the Crazy 98 roster?  For one thing the team would likely be unable to play any games until at least Patrick and Jon Casserly get back from UMass Amherst.  It would also likely change the team's entire game plan.

However, team captain Jim isn't going to panic. "Certainly we hope Angel is in there and if he isn't it would be a tremendous blow to our team, however, the Crazy 98 is a team and the loss of one player, even a player the caliber of Angel, won't be too much for the rest of us to overcome.  We will still have the best game plan in the league, Wilson and I are working to guarantee that fact."

When the league front office first learned of Angel's injury, there was talk that he would become the league's #1 referee instead of being an active player.  It is likely that will still be the case.  Angel was supposed to be the referee at the league's first game on April 18, but was unable due to his softball commitments.

More on this shocking news story as it develops.